Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

You don't know, huh? Exactly

The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else
So where is hill here??
socialist - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialist
A socialist is someone who supports the political philosophy of socialism, which is a governmental system that advocates community ownership and control of all lands and businesses rather than individual ownership. The Latin word socius meant "companion," and led to the Old French ...

Name any time Hillary has passed on giving government more control over our economy.

Socialism is central economic planning. Sure, she hasn't proposed it in one step, but every step she proposes us moves us exactly that direction. Just like everyone in the Democrat party.

Name a plank of the Communist Manifesto that Hillary opposes

So you want him to prove a list of negatives for you.

These are killer questions to you, huh?

What do you DISAGREE with Democrats on.

What position does Hillary have that is NOT socialist.

I mean a non-Democrat disagreeing with Democrats? A non-socialist having non-socialist positions? Incredibly difficult questions, huh?
Looking for a New Years night date, huh?

So Eddie? Did he make a connection?
Date ?? lol married for 38 years 2 kids Will be going to a party here on LI

Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

Pssssssssssssssst, he invents things, his onw reality, in his head.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

And we have a connection, Fenton. Despite his protests, he is sticking his hand back in your pants. Get a room, guys. Sex, love, you can figure that one out later
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
BS e-mail chatter isn't evidence of rigging, dupe. As Bernie said. All in lib media my arse- They reported the "rigging" bs and all the other e-mail "BREAKING NEWS" too etc etc grubbing swine.

This entire system floats on the belief that you have two different sides with different visions. You do not.

Correct again! Brings to mind one of the all time best lyrics ever penned to paper... "here comes the new boss, same as the old boss"... which brings us to the trumpster. Here, for the first time since Teddy, we had a candidate that BOTH political classes hated. That sounds like a positive to me. How about you?

Let him get our taxes reduced stop the death tax ,get tax reform in place give our businesses a better chance against foreign competition and I'll vote to give him 4 more years Lets just see what's lip service and whats not

Dupe's refrain. "" lol
Wall Street is socialist.

Looking for a New Years night date, huh?

So Eddie? Did he make a connection?
Date ?? lol married for 38 years 2 kids Will be going to a party here on LI

Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?
Date ?? lol married for 38 years 2 kids Will be going to a party here on LI

Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

Pssssssssssssssst, he invents things, his onw reality, in his head.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

He just needs to assign you a lefty ideology so he can work out all the rants he's practiced in the mirror. Whatever he comes up with? You've heard it on tv before.

Um ... room? Go to it, get your nasty on. Just do it in private
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly

The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else

Bullshit son, you use it to hide from objective reality. Your economic system went tits up and the staunchest free marketeers pleaded for and got the socialism they needed to keep the entire global financial system from imploding; spanning “both” “conservative” and “liberal” administrations. And the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore, since nothing was really done to prevent this from crashing again, you may well provide socialism to the aristocracy again in the future.

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?
Doesn't exist, relatively. Example?
No propaganda or bullshit from the Left.

Only the Right.

Those guys, over there.

Give me an example then, hyena. I promise you it's at least HIGHLY debatable. Unllike: Obama had control for 2 years, GOP gave him all he wanted LOL, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, Hillary or Bill the murderer pedophile, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
"I promise you it's at least HIGHLY debatable".

And that's precisely why I don't bother trying to prove ANYTHING to hardcore partisan ideologues on either end of the spectrum. NOTHING will be "good enough", no matter how clear or obvious or voluminous.

Besides, I believe it's actually possible that you truly believe the Left doesn't bullshit or toss out propaganda or lie. That's what's so fascinating about the behaviors of hardcore partisan ideologues - you can convince yourselves of damn near anything.
And you have no examples of a Dem lie, dumbass dupe. Ay caramba. I gave you a pile of GOP BS, and I can give you hundreds more. IDIOT. Just one?
Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

Pssssssssssssssst, he invents things, his onw reality, in his head.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

He just needs to assign you a lefty ideology so he can work out all the rants he's practiced in the mirror. Whatever he comes up with? You've heard it on tv before.

Um ... room? Go to it, get your nasty on. Just do it in private

Your urges are not necessarily universal.
Looking for a New Years night date, huh?

So Eddie? Did he make a connection?
Date ?? lol married for 38 years 2 kids Will be going to a party here on LI

Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk
Date ?? lol married for 38 years 2 kids Will be going to a party here on LI

Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk

Homosexual thoughts running around up there again.
You don't know, huh? Exactly

The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else

Bullshit son, you use it to hide from objective reality. Your economic system went tits up and the staunchest free marketeers pleaded for and got the socialism they needed to keep the entire global financial system from imploding; spanning “both” “conservative” and “liberal” administrations. And the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore, since nothing was really done to prevent this from crashing again, you may well provide socialism to the aristocracy again in the future.

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else

Bullshit son, you use it to hide from objective reality. Your economic system went tits up and the staunchest free marketeers pleaded for and got the socialism they needed to keep the entire global financial system from imploding; spanning “both” “conservative” and “liberal” administrations. And the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore, since nothing was really done to prevent this from crashing again, you may well provide socialism to the aristocracy again in the future.

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

Pssssssssssssssst, he invents things, his onw reality, in his head.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

He just needs to assign you a lefty ideology so he can work out all the rants he's practiced in the mirror. Whatever he comes up with? You've heard it on tv before.

Um ... room? Go to it, get your nasty on. Just do it in private

Your urges are not necessarily universal.

Playground, bam! First you repeat my own line to me, then you go playground! Wow, you suck at this

What you can't do is answer either of two simple questions:

1) How are you not a Democrat?

2) How is Hillary not a socialist?

Rhetoric means dick, show the positions
Pssssssssssssssst, he invents things, his onw reality, in his head.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

He just needs to assign you a lefty ideology so he can work out all the rants he's practiced in the mirror. Whatever he comes up with? You've heard it on tv before.

Um ... room? Go to it, get your nasty on. Just do it in private

Your urges are not necessarily universal.

Playground, bam! First you repeat my line to me, then you go playground! Wow, you suck at this

Yup, playground I think you do quite well.
Then why are you playing footsie with guys on the Internet?
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk

Homosexual thoughts running around up there again.

Still on the playground, ey?

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else

Bullshit son, you use it to hide from objective reality. Your economic system went tits up and the staunchest free marketeers pleaded for and got the socialism they needed to keep the entire global financial system from imploding; spanning “both” “conservative” and “liberal” administrations. And the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore, since nothing was really done to prevent this from crashing again, you may well provide socialism to the aristocracy again in the future.

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric
What footsie?? I don't get it You mean the guy I know from posting with on a private board for 15 or so years?? A good guy who I've never met? A guy whose politics I never agreed with?

If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk

Homosexual thoughts running around up there again.

Still on the playground, ey?

Awaiting a collected thought from you, take your time.
Thanks Was here in 2013 for a year or so and forgot all the players

He just needs to assign you a lefty ideology so he can work out all the rants he's practiced in the mirror. Whatever he comes up with? You've heard it on tv before.

Um ... room? Go to it, get your nasty on. Just do it in private

Your urges are not necessarily universal.

Playground, bam! First you repeat my line to me, then you go playground! Wow, you suck at this

Yup, playground I think you do quite well.

Bullshit son, you use it to hide from objective reality. Your economic system went tits up and the staunchest free marketeers pleaded for and got the socialism they needed to keep the entire global financial system from imploding; spanning “both” “conservative” and “liberal” administrations. And the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore, since nothing was really done to prevent this from crashing again, you may well provide socialism to the aristocracy again in the future.

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.
If you re-read the quotes, I asked Fenton if he was looking for a New Years date as he was trying to reach down your pants. If you're not interested, let him know, not me
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk

Homosexual thoughts running around up there again.

Still on the playground, ey?

Awaiting a collected thought from you, take your time.

You wanted a thoughtful response to your playground argument? Seriously?

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