Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

What you stupid fuck?

This is not your country, what your doing is using the freedom we gave you to use it against us.


Dude. Freedom is Freedom but when a traitor and fucked up like you and others that support other countries against my country ...... You are NOT an American YOU ARE A TRAITOR.
What freedom you gave me? You didn't give me a diddly shit but I am telling you to move to Russia you piece shit.

Blind patriotism to a corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body has gotten millions of innocent people killed. You avoid the truth like a Hollywood movie vampire avoids sunlight. You are an unmitigated joke that pathetically believes everything your Operation Mockingbird media tells you. This isn't YOUR country, you are simply a servant of the state, a debt slave made surety and collateral on the debt via the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and you have no allodial rights to STFU and read a book for a change and spare me your whine and angst. You don't have the foggiest clue as to what is going on or what has gone on. I have gone to a lot of time and trouble trying to share my THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of hours of reading and researching. I did the heavy lifting in an attempt to wake people up to the want to stay "stupid"...I "get it" but every time you lamely attempt to come at me I will always slap you down because fools like you deserve nothing less....this is what I do.


Do you expect me to read your Conspiracy bullshit?

But you want people to believe that there was a conspiracy between Russia and Trump to team up with Wikileaks to reveal the chicanery of the leftard clown posse's plan to usurp the election process of the alleged democracy that you claim to hold so near and dear to your heart????/ Do you have ANY idea of how fucking stupid and hypocritical that you come across??????

Really traitor racist piece of shit?
Dude I know you very well that you are a racist. Combination of racist and a traitor is a good example of garbage American.

You when someone calls you out the only thing you know what to do is use the race card


That doesn't change a thing dude. You are still a traitor.

I am not the one trying to destroy this country it is you. And you can't even see that.

Again show and tell me where and why I'm destroying my country?
I am against foreign country like Russia that is hostile to America.
YOU YOU YOU........ What do you stand for? But a traitor. You are not an American. Move.

What are you a bot? Already told you I did move like a million times from Chicago to South Carolina.

. I highly doubt you make more then minimum wage and probably are using a Obama phone as we post.


Wrong kid. Try harder.
Do you expect me to read your Conspiracy bullshit?

Just about as much as you expect to get by with the complete stupidity of the entire idea you are promoting. NO and HELL NO!!

As far as Trumps legitimacy, Tomorrow he will Legitimately be THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, and there is nothing you or any stupid liberal can say or do that can change that. Opinions are like assholes and many more will accept him than are rejecting him. Liberal shit are a small minority of the people in this country for good reason their vile disgusting behavior alienates everyone but those like them. when you see a group of liberals rioting they have to bus them in from all of their Blue states to get enough to show up to keep from being embarrassed. Eat shit and die liberal scum, YOU ARE SO over, if you try to take it by force you will ALSO be eradicated like the vermin you are by the cops, the secret service the NEW FBI, the MILITARY and even the good ole boys who want some target practice.

What is Trump, FBI and shit has to do with your lousy crap promoting Russia? Trump is the president loud and clear. Go get more experience and wash your mouth with toilet water then come back to me. Okay comrade.

Hey you don't even have a clue what Russia did for us do you?

I have been trying to tell you they know what a destructive path we have been on..


You are such a mother fucker bullshiter. Go back and read what this asshole was posting and pay attention.
No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.

Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361

What you post pictures of cars you pretend to own and I post real life pictures.

View attachment 107363

My F150

My Dodge Ram

No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.

Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
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View attachment 107361

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, that is some funny shit!!! Photo-shopped to the max!!!

Dude it has my name in it.
What you stupid fuck?

This is not your country, what your doing is using the freedom we gave you to use it against us.


Dude. Freedom is Freedom but when a traitor and fucked up like you and others that support other countries against my country ...... You are NOT an American YOU ARE A TRAITOR.
What freedom you gave me? You didn't give me a diddly shit but I am telling you to move to Russia you piece shit.

Blind patriotism to a corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body has gotten millions of innocent people killed. You avoid the truth like a Hollywood movie vampire avoids sunlight. You are an unmitigated joke that pathetically believes everything your Operation Mockingbird media tells you. This isn't YOUR country, you are simply a servant of the state, a debt slave made surety and collateral on the debt via the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and you have no allodial rights to STFU and read a book for a change and spare me your whine and angst. You don't have the foggiest clue as to what is going on or what has gone on. I have gone to a lot of time and trouble trying to share my THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of hours of reading and researching. I did the heavy lifting in an attempt to wake people up to the want to stay "stupid"...I "get it" but every time you lamely attempt to come at me I will always slap you down because fools like you deserve nothing less....this is what I do.


Do you expect me to read your Conspiracy bullshit?

But you want people to believe that there was a conspiracy between Russia and Trump to team up with Wikileaks to reveal the chicanery of the leftard clown posse's plan to usurp the election process of the alleged democracy that you claim to hold so near and dear to your heart????/ Do you have ANY idea of how fucking stupid and hypocritical that you come across??????

Really traitor racist piece of shit?

Dude, do you even have a fucking clue as to where a comma goes????? Your punctuation is "hit and miss" at best but yet you expect people to believe the bullshit that you are independently wealthy????

That aside, why do you avoid the points that I make? Are you so fucking stupid and sans the ability to defend your position that you have to keep posting the same lame flames?????
Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361

What you post pictures of cars you pretend to own and I post real life pictures.

View attachment 107363

My F150

My Dodge Ram

View attachment 107364

I had to search for those pictures on my cloud.

Now let me find my back yard
Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361

What you post pictures of cars you pretend to own and I post real life pictures.

View attachment 107363

My F150

My Dodge Ram

View attachment 107364

Dude it has my name in it. You will not caught driving those piece shit trucks.
You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.

Wearing you out? Met your match in me did I?

Again what did they do?

Just expose the truth about Hillary nothing more then a newspaper does.


No Dude you are not wearing me out but I enjoy kicking traitors ass. With your traitorism garbage behavior .............. you don't come close to my match......... I already told you several times what I stand for..... but you are having a hard time accepting it. That is your problem.

The election is over done Trump won get over it

No you stupid shit I caught you on this thread And you thought no one would fuck with you moron.

You didn't caught me anything stupid fuck. I can go on and on laughing at you just to prove you are a traitor and a disgrace American.

I could have just easily ignored you.

You need to spend more time studying English as a second language, and less time insulting real Americans.
You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361

What you post pictures of cars you pretend to own and I post real life pictures.

View attachment 107363

My F150

My Dodge Ram

View attachment 107364

I had to search for those pictures on my cloud.

Now let me find my back yard
ImageResizeServlet (2)-1.jpg
Dude. Freedom is Freedom but when a traitor and fucked up like you and others that support other countries against my country ...... You are NOT an American YOU ARE A TRAITOR.
What freedom you gave me? You didn't give me a diddly shit but I am telling you to move to Russia you piece shit.

Blind patriotism to a corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body has gotten millions of innocent people killed. You avoid the truth like a Hollywood movie vampire avoids sunlight. You are an unmitigated joke that pathetically believes everything your Operation Mockingbird media tells you. This isn't YOUR country, you are simply a servant of the state, a debt slave made surety and collateral on the debt via the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and you have no allodial rights to STFU and read a book for a change and spare me your whine and angst. You don't have the foggiest clue as to what is going on or what has gone on. I have gone to a lot of time and trouble trying to share my THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of hours of reading and researching. I did the heavy lifting in an attempt to wake people up to the want to stay "stupid"...I "get it" but every time you lamely attempt to come at me I will always slap you down because fools like you deserve nothing less....this is what I do.


Do you expect me to read your Conspiracy bullshit?

But you want people to believe that there was a conspiracy between Russia and Trump to team up with Wikileaks to reveal the chicanery of the leftard clown posse's plan to usurp the election process of the alleged democracy that you claim to hold so near and dear to your heart????/ Do you have ANY idea of how fucking stupid and hypocritical that you come across??????

Really traitor racist piece of shit?

Dude, do you even have a fucking clue as to where a comma goes????? Your punctuation is "hit and miss" at best but yet you expect people to believe the bullshit that you are independently wealthy????

That aside, why do you avoid the points that I make? Are you so fucking stupid and sans the ability to defend your position that you have to keep posting the same lame flames?????

I've been calling him out as a foreigner for quite a while also.
You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361

What you post pictures of cars you pretend to own and I post real life pictures.

View attachment 107363

My F150

My Dodge Ram

View attachment 107364

Dude it has my name in it. You will not caught driving those piece shit trucks.

I produce what I own.. Fuck head and don't produce what I dont

So know you are retired and own a business?

Do you know how stupid you sound?



No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.

Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361 pulled down some photos off of BMW's website and photoshopped one of them. Whoooo.... :eusa_doh:
Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.

View attachment 107357
View attachment 107358
View attachment 107359
View attachment 107361[/QUOTE

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, that is some funny shit!!! Photo-shopped to the max!!!

Dude it has my name in it.

You photoshopped an over sized version of a "Post-It" note and pasted it to the steering wheel

Now, I will give you the benefit of a doubt and give you another chance to save face.....go out to that "Beamer" and have your pic taken standing by it with your left hand doing the "Hook "em Horns" sign.
That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.
View attachment 107358
I just Googled BMWi8 and this exact image popped up second on the list Dale Smith bear513 :lmao:


Apparently...I own it as well!!!
That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.
View attachment 107358
I just Googled BMWi8 and this exact image popped up second on the list Dale Smith bear513 :lmao:

View attachment 107370

Apparently...I own it as well!!!

No!!!! No!!!! That's MY car!!!!!!!!!!! I can paste a "post-it" note on it and claim it!!!!
That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.
View attachment 107358
I just Googled BMWi8 and this exact image popped up second on the list Dale Smith bear513 :lmao:

View attachment 107370

Apparently...I own it as well!!!

Oh yes I forgot my 6th car

I just go to the store with it..

That's all? Both of my house was paid off when I was born. Three pick up trucks? Fuck me.
I bought myself BMWi8 $170k as Xmas gift to myself just for the heck of it. That is just one of my 6 cars between east and west coast wife cars not included.
View attachment 107358
I just Googled BMWi8 and this exact image popped up second on the list Dale Smith bear513 :lmao:

View attachment 107370

Apparently...I own it as well!!!

No!!!! No!!!! That's MY car!!!!!!!!!!! I can paste a "post-it" note on it and claim it!!!!
What a complete tool! How much you want to bet that he lives off of welfare? Anyone this stupid cannot have a career. That post it is SO fake - I can't stop laughing about it.

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