Trump is being pressured from both sides to pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden

I hope that’s correct. Both deserve a pardon. I suspect he’s also getting pressure from the deep state to not pardon them.
Julian's health is in grave danger at this point I suspect. As for Edward, would he be safe travelling anywhere ? Even as a 'free man', it's doubtful.

In 2016 Jill Stein was saying she'd pardon Snowden and make him DNI or something.
The video only showed one Republican and one Democrat endorsing these pardons ... one form each side of the aisle ... there may be more, but the video doesn't substantiate the OP's claims ...

The video is also misleading ... Assange isn't being charged with publishing classified documents ... that's actually lawful IF the documents were obtained innocently ... c.f. New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 ... Assange is being charged with materially participating in the stealing of the documents ... a grave felon indeed ... apparently, Sweden has dropped the child molestation charges against him, that was the reason he had to hide in the Ecuadorian Embassy all those years ...

Snowden betrayed his oath to his nation ... military vets know which oath he took ... he ran to the Commie Chinese first ... I'm against the death penalty, just barely in this case ...

No love for Chelsea Manning ... oh right, it's not lady-like to sell out your oath and country ... those who hate America hate women ...
Our own agencies are doing that is the point.

Our own agencies were directed to do so under the Patriot Act ... my congressman, the Honorable Peter DeFazio (OR-4) voted against it, how about yours? ...
No, suppressing the truth about McConnell, trump, and Graham.
Snowden is in Russia writing books and doing podcasts.
And Assange has been locked up since Obama's first term, so how have either affected Trump one way or the other ?

If Trump gives Assange a pardon, it’s not actually clear it will end his legal jeopardy. The existing Espionage Act charges, particularly the ones for publishing names of coalition informants (which would include the UK) are actually more obviously illegal in the UK than the US. Two UK defendants have already pled guilty to a CFAA conspiracy that makes up part of the CFAA charge against Assange. And because the Vault 7 damage assessment presented at the Joshua Schulte trial explicitly included damage to foreign partners, that publication may expose Assange to Official Secrets Act charges in the UK as well. Plus, there are other aspects of the Vault 7 publication, including Assange’s efforts — with the help of a lawyer he shared with Oleg Deripaska — to coerce immunity from the US with them, that may pose legal jeopardy in the UK if he is pardoned in the US.


Assange’s boosters appear to think a pardon would cover just the existing Espionage charges pertaining to the Chelsea Manning leaks (plus the CFAA charge, which is no longer limited to the password crack attempt, though virtually all his boosters ignore the substance of that charge).

That, of course, wouldn’t work. Unless Assange were immediately whisked away to a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US, he could quickly be charged in a virtually identical indictment covering Vault 7 (and the US could charge it in any case as a way to pressure whatever country he was in). Only, on every charge, the claims now being made to defend Assange — about newsworthiness, about intentionality of revealing protected identities, about the push to leak entire databases — would be far weaker arguments with respect to Vault 7 than with respect to the Manning leaks. Just as one example, WikiLeaks left the identities of the people Joshua Schulte was angry at unredacted in the Vault 7 release, which would make it easier for prosecutors to show forethought and malice for revealing those identities than is the case in (especially) the Cable leaks. And that, again, ignores how Assange repeatedly used the files in an attempt to coerce immunity from the US.

Several close WikiLeaks associates have told me after the initial indictment they were glad it didn’t include Vault 7, because that’s a lot harder to defend against. The US might prefer it for that reason.

So an Assange pardon would have to include some language like, “all offenses against the United States prior to the pardon” — a pardon akin to what Gerald Ford gave Richard Nixon.


If a Trump pardon for Assange were written broadly enough to stick, it would almost certainly include a conspiracy involving Trump himself, possibly including Russia’s GRU, granting a pardon for Assange in exchange for the optimization of the Podesta files. The pardon itself would likely be a crime for Trump. And that raises the stakes on it.

When WikiLeaks supporters hear “Assange pardon,” they seem to immediately think, “Dana Rohrbacher.” That’s significantly because Assange’s lawyers, in a deliberate use of Assange’s extradition hearing to sow propaganda (of which this is by no means the only example), had Jen Robinson submit testimony describing how Rohrabacher attempted to broker a pardon for Assange in August 2017, a pardon that was contingent on claiming Russia was not behind the 2016 theft of DNC documents. The testimony was meant to support Assange’s claim that his prosecution is political, a claim that involved misrepresenting the public record in many ways.

When Assange’s team brought this up in his extradition hearing, the lawyer for the US emphasized that Trump didn’t sanction this offer. That’s credible (and backed by contemporaneous reporting), mostly because at the time John Kelly was assiduously gate-keeping offers like this. So WikiLeaks’ focus on the Rohrabacher pardon dangle, while accurate (Robinson is far too ethical to misrepresent things), also falsely suggests that that pardon dangle was the only, or even the most important, pardon discussion between Trump and Assange. It wasn’t. And WikiLeaks knows that, because key WikiLeaks supporters — Randy Credico and Margaret Kunstler — were involved with the one still under criminal investigation.

It is a fact that the Mueller Report stated that they had referred ongoing investigations into whether Roger Stone took part in Russia’s hacking conspiracy to the DC US Attorney’s Office for further investigation. It is a fact that, when the court unsealed warrants against Stone in April, they revealed an ongoing investigation into Stone for the hacking, for conspiracy, and for serving as a foreign agent of Russia, one that Mueller had hidden from Stone. It is a fact that Randy Credico testified under oath he had put Stone in touch with Margaret Kunstler to discuss a pardon for Assange. Credico is evasive about when this discussion began, including whether the discussion started before the election. Texts submitted at trial show Stone and Credico discussed asylum and Credico’s tie to Kunstler on October 3, 2016, in a period when Stone had multiple phone calls with Credico as well as some presumed to be with Trump. Stone appears to have had lunch with Trump on October 8, the day after the Podesta emails dropped. Mike Flynn testified that after the Podesta files dropped, Trump’s closest advisors discussed reaching out to WikiLeaks. Shortly after that, Stone did reach out to WikiLeaks, and WikiLeaks reached out to Don Jr. WikiLeaks reached out to both after Trump won. And according to affidavits obtained against Stone, he and Kunstler started communicating over Signal starting on November 15, seven days after the election. As of October 1 of this year, significant swaths of Kunstler’s two interview reports with Mueller prosecutors remained sealed with redactions protecting an ongoing investigation.

If Stone is to be believed, he pursued this effort to get Assange a pardon at least through 2018. Two things are clear, however. Days after Stone told Assange he was working with the “highest level of Government” to resolve Assange’s issues, Trump directed Corey Lewandowski to direct Jeff Sessions to shut down the entire retroactive Russian investigation. Trump already took an overt act to respond to Stone’s entreaties to help Assange, one documented in Twitter DMs and notes Trump demanded Lewandowski take down. And after Mueller asked Trump about an Assange pardon, Don Jr’s best buddy Arthur Schwartz told Cassanda Fairbanks, “a pardon isn’t going to fucking happen” (she ultimately flew to London to tell Assange what Schwartz told her in person). Nevertheless, Stone’s buddy Tucker Carlson had Glenn Greenwald on pitching one to Trump — as a great way to get back at The [American] Deep State — in September.
No, suppressing the truth about McConnell, trump, and Graham.
Snowden is in Russia writing books and doing podcasts.
And Assange has been locked up since Obama's first term, so how have either affected Trump one way or the other ?
Because the RNC was also hacked but none of that material has seen the light of day. Because Julian works for Putin.
Because the RNC was also hacked but none of that material has seen the light of day. Because Julian works for Putin.

More likely that the RNC allowed the voters to decide the nominee ... the documents found on the DNC computers were damning ... party leadership decided the nominee, and did all they could to insure their will was imposed on rank-and-file Democrats ...

"If you don't like it, don't vote" ... and Sanders supporters didn't vote ... Hillary lost ...
Because the RNC was also hacked but none of that material has seen the light of day. Because Julian works for Putin.
Nobody committed crimes in the RNC or Trump campaign was the DNC who screwed Bernie Sanders, manipulated Trump as the nominee- then lost to him unexpectedly, and you all still haven't gotten over that. And you'll be in complete denial about election fraud until Rachel Maddow's last gasp of speechlessness ripples through your brains. Hillary's emails alone broke several laws, but they covered for her and went fishing for dirt on Trump.
Because the RNC was also hacked but none of that material has seen the light of day. Because Julian works for Putin.
Nobody committed crimes in the RNC or Trump campaign was the DNC who screwed Bernie Sanders, manipulated Trump as the nominee- then lost to him unexpectedly, and you all still haven't gotten over that. And you'll be in complete denial about election fraud until Rachel Maddow's last gasp of speechlessness ripples through your brains.

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