Trump is boorish and reminds me of Mussolini

Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.

Trump is repub traitors II Duce
so if someone doesnt agree with you they are traitors edward?...
After 8 years of obama, I’m glad we finally have a president working for Americans.
We couldn’t have elected a better man to fix the mistakes made over the years.
Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.

Trump is repub traitors II Duce
so if someone doesnt agree with you they are traitors edward?...
No not necessarily Harry but those who bashed Obama for 8 years and now praise the trump garbage need brain transplants Are you one of them?
Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.

Trump is repub traitors II Duce
so if someone doesnt agree with you they are traitors edward?...
No not necessarily Harry but those who bashed Obama for 8 years and now praise the trump garbage need brain transplants Are you one of them?
you have read my posts regarding trump....those who bashed Obama for 8 years were just getting back at those who bashed Bush for his term and now we have people getting back at those people who bashed Obama during his term....and whats sad about this foolish tit for tat bullshit,the next president is going to experience the same bullshit.....aint those 2 parties wonderful?....
Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.

Trump is repub traitors II Duce
so if someone doesnt agree with you they are traitors edward?...
No not necessarily Harry but those who bashed Obama for 8 years and now praise the trump garbage need brain transplants Are you one of them?
When Americans learn the details of how obama tried to rig a presidential election, he’ll be seen as the worst president in history.
Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.
No offense intended, but it appears you have definitely NOT been paying attention to the agenda conservatives have been pushing for the last few decades.

They wanted Reagan for a dictator, then Bush Sr., then Bush Jr. (with the evil dick cheney as his adviser), and now they are enamored with the Hitler wannabe, the idiot trump.

Conservatives have begun practicing the Bellamy Salute in eager anticipation.

But he is EXACTLY what our country needs at this point in our history. Does anyone seriously dispute that we need to secure our borders, improve the economy, renegotiate detrimental trade agreements and protect us from foreign adversaries?

Among other disastrous policies, Jimmy Carter led us to the brink of Soviet hegemony over Europe, only to be rescued by Ronald Reagan. Similarly, Barack Obama led us to the brink of Iranian hegemony over the Middle East, not to mention a host of other growing problems.

Is it too much to ask for Donald Trump's detractors to take a step back from their raw emotions from losing the last election and reconsider whether any of his policies are beneficial to our country? (And, if there are none, to specifically describe more beneficial policies?)
He is exactly what our country didn’t need. But no doubt Mussolini and hitler’s scum thought just like you

History won’t be any kinder to you lowlife enablers than it does the Vichy.
But he is EXACTLY what our country needs at this point in our history. Does anyone seriously dispute that we need to secure our borders, improve the economy, renegotiate detrimental trade agreements and protect us from foreign adversaries?

Among other disastrous policies, Jimmy Carter led us to the brink of Soviet hegemony over Europe, only to be rescued by Ronald Reagan. Similarly, Barack Obama led us to the brink of Iranian hegemony over the Middle East, not to mention a host of other growing problems.

Is it too much to ask for Donald Trump's detractors to take a step back from their raw emotions from losing the last election and reconsider whether any of his policies are beneficial to our country? (And, if there are none, to specifically describe more beneficial policies?)
He is exactly what our country didn’t need. But no doubt Mussolini and hitler’s scum thought just like you

History won’t be any kinder to you lowlife enablers than it does the Vichy.
What do you hate most about Trump?
But he is EXACTLY what our country needs at this point in our history. Does anyone seriously dispute that we need to secure our borders, improve the economy, renegotiate detrimental trade agreements and protect us from foreign adversaries?

Among other disastrous policies, Jimmy Carter led us to the brink of Soviet hegemony over Europe, only to be rescued by Ronald Reagan. Similarly, Barack Obama led us to the brink of Iranian hegemony over the Middle East, not to mention a host of other growing problems.

Is it too much to ask for Donald Trump's detractors to take a step back from their raw emotions from losing the last election and reconsider whether any of his policies are beneficial to our country? (And, if there are none, to specifically describe more beneficial policies?)
Such is the reprehensible, authoritarian right’s propensity for dictators, strongmen, and despotic autocrats.
Trumpy needs a uniform.

One with epaulets and lots of medals for all His accomplishments.

And don’t forget the hat.
But he is EXACTLY what our country needs at this point in our history. Does anyone seriously dispute that we need to secure our borders, improve the economy, renegotiate detrimental trade agreements and protect us from foreign adversaries?

Among other disastrous policies, Jimmy Carter led us to the brink of Soviet hegemony over Europe, only to be rescued by Ronald Reagan. Similarly, Barack Obama led us to the brink of Iranian hegemony over the Middle East, not to mention a host of other growing problems.

Is it too much to ask for Donald Trump's detractors to take a step back from their raw emotions from losing the last election and reconsider whether any of his policies are beneficial to our country? (And, if there are none, to specifically describe more beneficial policies?)
He is exactly what our country didn’t need. But no doubt Mussolini and hitler’s scum thought just like you

History won’t be any kinder to you lowlife enablers than it does the Vichy.

Ann frankly I don’t care what you think.
But he is EXACTLY what our country needs at this point in our history. Does anyone seriously dispute that we need to secure our borders, improve the economy, renegotiate detrimental trade agreements and protect us from foreign adversaries?
Holly shit!! Seriously??!! We need Mousseline? Are you out of your fucking mind? I d. not dispute that borders need to be secured and no Democrats do. Of course I believe that the economy should be improved, and in fact it has been greatly improved. Yes we need favorable trad agreements and protection from foreign adversaries- like Russia who Trump kisses up to . What the fuck!
It depends on your point of view. Barry couldn't get five hundred people together so he spent most of his time campaigning in a more comfortable environment in Africa. President trump gets SRO and thousands for his rallies. Ever hear them chant USA-USA at a democrat rally? There are photos of Old Glory thrown into a corner with the trash after hypocrites held it up at a Hillary rally. Barry Hussein reminds me of his father who was ...surprise...surprise a communist nationalist anti-American bigamist alcoholic. As a matter of fact Barry's biography (pick one up at the dollar store) was called "Dreams of My Father".

"Barry couldn't get five hundred people together"
Say what? The selective memory of the Trumpanzees is staggering.

Obama in Portland, Oregon
That's no high school gym, putz.
That was 75,000
Is it the Pope? 75,000 turn out to hear Obama speak at biggest political rally in presidential primary history

Is it too much to ask for Donald Trump's detractors to take a step back from their raw emotions from losing the last election and reconsider whether any of his policies are beneficial to our country? (And, if there are none, to specifically describe more beneficial policies?)
What beneficial policies ?

Policies that alienate our closest allies and play into the hands of our adversaries.?

Starting trade wars that will hurt the economy and US businesses?

Human rights violations that denigrating immigrants and minorities?

Appointing Judges that will surely strip a woman of the right to choose and undermining all reproductive rights?

Rolling back LGBT rights?

Taking medical insurance away from millions?

How the fuck is any of that beneficial to America
Mussolini was a bellicose ass that led his his country to ruin in WW2 and was executed by his own people and strung up by his ankles in the town square.

Yes perhaps you are on to something there with Trump.

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