Trump is boorish and reminds me of Mussolini

No not necessarily Harry but those who bashed Obama for 8 years and now praise the trump garbage need brain transplants Are you one of them?
you have read my posts regarding trump....those who bashed Obama for 8 years were just getting back at those who bashed Bush for his term and now we have people getting back at those people who bashed Obama during his term....and whats sad about this foolish tit for tat bullshit,the next president is going to experience the same bullshit.....aint those 2 parties wonderful?....
Bush started a BS war deserved all the bashing and more
every president does something stupid Edward....when the "bashing" becomes hate bashing then we have a problem like it was with Obama and now with Trump....and if the next president is a democrat do you think the right is going to say"ok enough of this shit"?.....they will get on this person just like those hate bashers are getting on Trump....tit for tat....meanwhile the country i asked before...aint those 2 parties just wonderful?...
Mr Dresden Is there any cure or do both parties go on hating each other?
Things will change/improve when democrats realize they’ve been pushing failed policies that cost us jobs and prosperity.
and lots of times republicans cost jobs and prosperity....when i was delivering mail during Bushes time i was delivering lots of unemployment checks.....
Nope. Mussolini volunteered and fought in WWI. Politically similar in that "Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority in 1922 as prime minister. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions. By 1925, he had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader")." The Constitution is an anti Fascist document. The Republic doesn't need a Mussolini, Franco, Tojo or Hitler.
No offense intended, but it appears you have definitely NOT been paying attention to the agenda conservatives have been pushing for the last few decades.

They wanted Reagan for a dictator, then Bush Sr., then Bush Jr. (with the evil dick cheney as his adviser), and now they are enamored with the Hitler wannabe, the idiot trump.

Conservatives have begun practicing the Bellamy Salute in eager anticipation.


None taken. Benito had the guts to volunteer to fight for his country. Donnie didn't. Rhetorically speaking he follows the same logic as all the Fascist of that era.

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