Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

Yep.......the only reason to end the life of a baby is if giving birth will end the mother's life.....that is the only reason. That isn't murder, that is triage....trying to save a life...and then, even that should be up to the mother as there are many women who will give up their lives to allow their babies to be born.....

I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger. I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

I do not support Abortion on Demand, which is Killing For Convenience. What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is not murder....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

You don't get to kill a baby because it's going to be inconvenient and get in the way of your lifestyle. If a woman doesn't want a baby it's simple use contraception.

you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say
I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger. I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

I do not support Abortion on Demand, which is Killing For Convenience. What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is not murder....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

You don't get to kill a baby because it's going to be inconvenient and get in the way of your lifestyle. If a woman doesn't want a baby it's simple use contraception.

you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?
It's a worn out talking point. Here's a thought maybe the left should stop running their pie holes and step up and start adopting? Instead they want the government to take care of them. Put your goddamn money where your mouths are...better yet learn some damn responsibility

I agree the left is just as bad as the right in this area. Why are you whining to me about it?

Look fool, you think yourself clever, I think you're a loon.

Fuck you are touchy one. I agree with you on abortion and you still bitch at me. Take a chill pill

Unfortunately for you I don''t take direction from you. Now scram, boy

must be the wrong time of the month for you. Hope you are not this big of a bitch normally.

Yeah, best not get those hopes up.
you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

How about this; it's none of your fucking business what happens to some other person's "baby". Mind your goddamn business and stay out of other peoples' private affairs.

Isn't that supposedly what republicans are all about? What happened to that philosophy when it comes to abortion? Suddenly they're all about government intrusion on your private life.
you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

I think you'd have a much different opinion if you were the one who had to carry the baby. So her whole life should be turned upside down because some guy decided not to use birth control? Yeah that seems fair. More unwed mothers is what this country needs.
I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger. I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

I do not support Abortion on Demand, which is Killing For Convenience. What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is not murder....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

You don't get to kill a baby because it's going to be inconvenient and get in the way of your lifestyle. If a woman doesn't want a baby it's simple use contraception.

you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

And when the woman says she is using birth control but isn't.....
you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.
There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

How about this; it's none of your fucking business what happens to some other person's "baby". Mind your goddamn business and stay out of other peoples' private affairs.

Isn't that supposedly what republicans are all about? What happened to that philosophy when it comes to abortion? Suddenly they're all about government intrusion on your private life. didn't think about this at all....dumb shit.......according to you, if someone decides to murder the neighbor lady, I should mind my own business....right? Dumb ass.

A baby is a human being. Ending that life for no other reason than it is inconvenient is murder, just like any other taking of a human life.....dumb shit.
you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

And when the woman says she is using birth control but isn't.....
Then she is probably better off with an abortion rather than trying to be a single, unwed mother.
I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger. I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

I do not support Abortion on Demand, which is Killing For Convenience. What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is not murder....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

You don't get to kill a baby because it's going to be inconvenient and get in the way of your lifestyle. If a woman doesn't want a baby it's simple use contraception.

you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

IMHO that is a form of sexual assault, but I'll have to read more about it as I'm not 100% in the knowledge about this Stealthing but it's obviously wrong and women should be protected against it.
you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

How about this; it's none of your fucking business what happens to some other person's "baby". Mind your goddamn business and stay out of other peoples' private affairs.

Isn't that supposedly what republicans are all about? What happened to that philosophy when it comes to abortion? Suddenly they're all about government intrusion on your private life. didn't think about this at all....dumb shit.......according to you, if someone decides to murder the neighbor lady, I should mind my own business....right? Dumb ass.

A baby is a human being. Ending that life for no other reason than it is inconvenient is murder, just like any other taking of a human life.....dumb shit.
The neighbor is living quite well on her own. A little different than a fetus...
you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

IMHO that is a form of sexual assault, but I'll have to read more about it as I'm not 100% in the knowledge about this Stealthing but it's obviously wrong and women should be protected against it.

So you would put it in your rape category?
There was no march against reproductive rights. The thread title is deliberately misleading, and thus a violation of the rules of the forum.

It illustrates how demented and perverted Leftists are, they use this term Reproductive Rights which to them Reproductive Rights mean that women have a right to have their baby killed In Utero because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. We also cannot have any rational discussion with this crowd because it's them who are the fanatics and not us, they fanatically DEMAND that women be allowed to use abortion as a means of contraception ie. Killing for Convenience.

I would support Retrograde Abortion on Demand and round up all the Leftist Maniacs and have them all aborted.
What’s demented and perverted is the authoritarianism of the right, and conservatives' desire to compel conformity through force of law.

This illustrates the fact that most on the right are liars, resorting to fear and demagoguery when the facts prove that conservative doctrine and dogma are failed and wrongheaded.

It is perfectly appropriate and consistent to acknowledge and safeguard a woman’s right to privacy while at the same time opposing the practice of abortion.

Indeed, everyone is pro-life, most want to see abortion ended, provided the solution to the problem of abortion comports with the Constitution and its case law.
There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

And you know that most of those deaths are due to criminals with illegal guns allowing children in their lives to access them.....dumb shit.....

Here are the latest totals from the CDC for accidental deaths.....each number includes children...notice how small the number for gun accidental death is...dumb shit...actual numbers from the CDC....vs. other methods of accidental death.....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







you have never interviewed women with a history of abortion. I have-----HUNDREDS (if not thousands)
Your "killing for convenience" statement is DISGUSTING -----why not accuse the women of

There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

And when the woman says she is using birth control but isn't.....

This is another situation that many women trap men and/or attempt to trap men by telling them they are using contraception when they are not.

Like with Stealing it's wrong and there should be a way to protect people from this, how you would protect them I'm not sure unless you make a law to criminalise it so that would be something that takes affect after the damage has already been done, it's impossible to protect people pre-damage being done as nobody can literally be in the room with them.
There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

Cars kill more children every single year....moron......ban cars...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Death by car and gun by age, 2015...

<1.... Car 64, .....Gun 1

1-4.... Car 332, ...Gun 25

5-9.... Car 351, .....Gun 7

10-14.... Car 412, .....Gun 15

15-19.... Car 2,535, .....Gun 52

Total Car.... 3,694

Total Gun.... 100
There is no moral difference between Killing for Convenience and Recreational Abortion, they are the same thing, they are having an abortion because to have the baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle and it would get in the way.

Many of your statements are disgusting you Pottymouth, but that's for another thread.

you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

How about this; it's none of your fucking business what happens to some other person's "baby". Mind your goddamn business and stay out of other peoples' private affairs.

Isn't that supposedly what republicans are all about? What happened to that philosophy when it comes to abortion? Suddenly they're all about government intrusion on your private life. didn't think about this at all....dumb shit.......according to you, if someone decides to murder the neighbor lady, I should mind my own business....right? Dumb ass.

A baby is a human being. Ending that life for no other reason than it is inconvenient is murder, just like any other taking of a human life.....dumb shit.

It's not the same at all, and you know it. First of all, an unborn baby is part of a woman's body. The neighbor lady, presumably, is not. Second, the neighbor lady getting murdered is an act of violence perpetrated against the will of a fully cognizant being. An abortion is a medical procedure conducted on a non-cognizant part of a woman's body. The comparison is alarmingly simplistic and tells me a lot about the sorry state of your mental faculties.

I'm not a big fan of late-term abortions BECAUSE I believe they are unethical, except in certain extreme cases. But early on in the pregnancy, the fetus is no different than any other part of the woman's body. It doesn't have a fucking mind! How you can compare that to a fully-fledged human being is beyond me.
There was no march against reproductive rights. The thread title is deliberately misleading, and thus a violation of the rules of the forum.

It illustrates how demented and perverted Leftists are, they use this term Reproductive Rights which to them Reproductive Rights mean that women have a right to have their baby killed In Utero because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. We also cannot have any rational discussion with this crowd because it's them who are the fanatics and not us, they fanatically DEMAND that women be allowed to use abortion as a means of contraception ie. Killing for Convenience.

I would support Retrograde Abortion on Demand and round up all the Leftist Maniacs and have them all aborted.
What’s demented and perverted is the authoritarianism of the right, and conservatives' desire to compel conformity through force of law.

This illustrates the fact that most on the right are liars, resorting to fear and demagoguery when the facts prove that conservative doctrine and dogma are failed and wrongheaded.

It is perfectly appropriate and consistent to acknowledge and safeguard a woman’s right to privacy while at the same time opposing the practice of abortion.

Indeed, everyone is pro-life, most want to see abortion ended, provided the solution to the problem of abortion comports with the Constitution and its case law.

You moron......every law is an attempt to produce conformity of law abiding people you fucking mope.......
you are disgusting-----and very out of touch with the lives of social victims

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

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