Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

It's not the same at all, and you know it. First of all, an unborn baby is part of a woman's body. The neighbor lady, presumably, is not. Second, the neighbor lady getting murdered is an act of violence perpetrated against the will of a fully cognizant being. An abortion is a medical procedure conducted on a non-cognizant part of a woman's body. The comparison is alarmingly simplistic and tells me a lot about the sorry state of your mental faculties.

I'm not a big fan of late-term abortions BECAUSE I believe they are unethical, except in certain extreme cases. But early on in the pregnancy, the fetus is no different than any other part of the woman's body. It doesn't have a fucking mind! How you can compare that to a fully-fledged human being is beyond me.

The baby is not a part of the woman's body, they have distinct DNA......the murder is a murder regardless of the age of the human....

The nazis and Japanese conducted "medical procedures" too, and their patients were not expected to live......

Sure and the fetus can live on its own...

And infant can't live on it's own till about teenage years...left to it's own devices they will starve without an adult providing we can now murder children up to what age? Until they can provide for their own food?


The difference being, an infant has a functioning mind. A fetus, up to 20 weeks, does not. Once again, your comparison makes no sense if you just take real life into account.

I think I'm good on this debate. You can't really have a serious discussion with someone who makes up or ignores reality. you are saying we can just kill anyone now in a coma......or really need to think before you post.

No, you do. Because now you're comparing a person in a coma, who already has a history and many interactions with others, who has developed relationships and can potentially wake up and retain their conscious mind ... to cells in a woman's body that have no mind and that have no relationship to anyone except the woman and possibly her lover, in the barest sense of the word.

I think I can say with relative certainty that you're not very bright. I suppose that's what one should expect from a zealous, dogmatic "pro-life" advocate bearing only the most 2-dimensional view of the subject possible.
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

Well you know the below is just in America's Black Community the number one killer is not guns or HIV or cancer or heart disease it's abortion:


You have to live before you can die. Tell me, what do you remember from before you were born?

What do you remember from when you were 2........? So now children are allowed to be murdered up to the point where they actually have memories of the past....? You are a monster.

2 year olds have memories. Tell me what is it you remember from before you were born?

Dodging the truth.....tell us what you remember from when you were 2...........if you can't remember anything, you better be careful, you are now a prime candidate for an extremely late term abortion...
So you have no memories of your before birth life? Are you sure you were alive before birth?
The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do not support the extreme of outlawing ALL abortion.

The majority of people who are anti-Abortion do have the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

The pro-Abortion crowd are the Extremists, they want Abortion on demand, Abortion to be allowed as a contraception option.

I'll repeat it once again then.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the Mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception that is murdering a child because it's an inconvenience.

Abortion on demand, getting pregnant and then saying you want an abortion because a baby isn't convenient and will mess up your career or lifestyle, that's using abortion as contraception.

If a woman doesn't want to become pregnant it's simple, use contraception, there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, either use the contraception or keep her legs closed.

In the cases of rape, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the womans life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.

In the cases of incest, many of the same reasons as with rape, but also with the added complications of Inbreeding and the problems, specifically health issues with regard to the immune system that Interbred children suffer from.

In the cases where the life of the Mother is concerned, I fail to see how it's moral to allow a woman to die in order to save the foetus, sometimes the decision has to be to save the life of the Mother and most women can go on to have healthy pregnancies and thus more children, allowing the woman to die also doesn't allow that possibility of course.

To me this is being rational and reasonable re. abortion, it's illustrating compassion for social victims but at the same time it's condemning women who choose to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their lifestyle. Those women are no different than a woman who drowns her baby at birth or stabs it to death when it's aged two years in age.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:



Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically intended to safeguard the American people from the likes of social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists, both the bane of the American Nation. didn't think about this at all....dumb shit.......according to you, if someone decides to murder the neighbor lady, I should mind my own business....right? Dumb ass.

A baby is a human being. Ending that life for no other reason than it is inconvenient is murder, just like any other taking of a human life.....dumb shit.

It's not the same at all, and you know it. First of all, an unborn baby is part of a woman's body. The neighbor lady, presumably, is not. Second, the neighbor lady getting murdered is an act of violence perpetrated against the will of a fully cognizant being. An abortion is a medical procedure conducted on a non-cognizant part of a woman's body. The comparison is alarmingly simplistic and tells me a lot about the sorry state of your mental faculties.

I'm not a big fan of late-term abortions BECAUSE I believe they are unethical, except in certain extreme cases. But early on in the pregnancy, the fetus is no different than any other part of the woman's body. It doesn't have a fucking mind! How you can compare that to a fully-fledged human being is beyond me.

The baby is not a part of the woman's body, they have distinct DNA......the murder is a murder regardless of the age of the human....

The nazis and Japanese conducted "medical procedures" too, and their patients were not expected to live......

Sure and the fetus can live on its own...

And infant can't live on it's own till about teenage years...left to it's own devices they will starve without an adult providing we can now murder children up to what age? Until they can provide for their own food?


The difference being, an infant has a functioning mind. A fetus, up to 20 weeks, does not. Once again, your comparison makes no sense if you just take real life into account.

I think I'm good on this debate. You can't really have a serious discussion with someone who makes up or ignores reality.

"The difference being, an infant has a functioning mind. A fetus, up to 20 weeks, does not."

But we support allowing it to live beyond 20 weeks, you pro Abortion people want to kill it before 20 weeks you want to deny it's Human Right to be allowed to live and to develop.
What about when the girl thinks they are using birth control and the guy decides not to?
'Stealthing' is sexual assault and Congress should address it, lawmakers say

Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

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How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....



^^^^ See below:

View attachment 172380

This gif you post is from the film "Freaks" a Pre-Code film directed in 1932 by Tod Browning, I post still picture from scene in the film it is from and highlight.

A very creepy film I have only ever watched it one time I cannot handle watching it a second time. The original film ran at 90 minutes but was decided by MGM to be too shocking so they edit it down to a running time of approx 64 minutes, the original footage shot was destroyed so WTF was happening in that nobody will ever know but it had too be pretty grotesque. When shown in 1932 in cinemas the audiences were very upset and the film was a massive flop and was pulled, it is the only MGM film in their history that was pulled from release before completing it's run, totally bizarro also that MGM would have made a film like "Freaks", it would have been expected in the early 1930s if say Universal would have produced a film like that it would have fitted in with all their Pre-Code Horror films.

View attachment 172381

^^^^ This is Schlitzie who they think was born Simon Metz and born with the Zika Virus as you can see shape of head and skull, he was in a few films other than "Freaks" but mainly he was part of the Barnum & Bailey Freakshow Circus, pretty horrendous IMHO that unfortunates like him were once paraded around as entertainment for people, how sick and tragic.

Schlitzie - Wikipedia

That was a very creepy film. They simply used real circus freaks: it was very straightforward.

And they were glad to be there doing that paid work, you can see that they put a lot of zest into the performance. You are wrong, I feel, that it was bad about these people being "paraded around." I have a pretty big collection of freak show/freak issue books, and they agree generally that the "freaks" viewed themselves as performers, show people. They were proud of their entertainment value and they worked hard. They had a relatively high status and a very protected environment (as the film showed --- they hung out with each other and protected each other) and had a much more normal and social life then than now where they are hidden away inside with no friends.

You can see that the microceph above is having a good time, laughing and relaxed. The retarded ones like Schlitze had handlers, care-givers, of course.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically intended to safeguard the American people from the likes of social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists, both the bane of the American Nation.
Actually, it was established to protect REAL Americans from leftists traitors as yourself. Try again.
It's not the same at all, and you know it. First of all, an unborn baby is part of a woman's body. The neighbor lady, presumably, is not. Second, the neighbor lady getting murdered is an act of violence perpetrated against the will of a fully cognizant being. An abortion is a medical procedure conducted on a non-cognizant part of a woman's body. The comparison is alarmingly simplistic and tells me a lot about the sorry state of your mental faculties.

I'm not a big fan of late-term abortions BECAUSE I believe they are unethical, except in certain extreme cases. But early on in the pregnancy, the fetus is no different than any other part of the woman's body. It doesn't have a fucking mind! How you can compare that to a fully-fledged human being is beyond me.

The baby is not a part of the woman's body, they have distinct DNA......the murder is a murder regardless of the age of the human....

The nazis and Japanese conducted "medical procedures" too, and their patients were not expected to live......

Sure and the fetus can live on its own...

And infant can't live on it's own till about teenage years...left to it's own devices they will starve without an adult providing we can now murder children up to what age? Until they can provide for their own food?


The difference being, an infant has a functioning mind. A fetus, up to 20 weeks, does not. Once again, your comparison makes no sense if you just take real life into account.

I think I'm good on this debate. You can't really have a serious discussion with someone who makes up or ignores reality.

"The difference being, an infant has a functioning mind. A fetus, up to 20 weeks, does not."

But we support allowing it to live beyond 20 weeks, you pro Abortion people want to kill it before 20 weeks you want to deny it's Human Right to be allowed to live and to develop.

I favor the decision of mom over the pre-cognizant cluster of cells in her body. Sorry. Post 20 weeks, it's a different story. But prior to that, I'm going to leave it up to Mom.
Does this somehow make the baby not human? Put the guy in jail, and take money for the rest of his life to help pay for the cost of the child....... and the woman, if she decides not to keep the baby can put the baby up for adoption......

What part of that act means the baby gets the death penalty.....?

If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

View attachment 172620
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View attachment 172623

How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.
End the life of a human baby is not a reproductive right.

A reproductive right would be the right not to get pregnant

Sent from my iPhone using

The Constitution says otherwise.

No, the SCOTUS said otherwise. The right to private should not give one the right to kill another human being

Sent from my iPhone using

The Supreme Court and its decisions are part of the Constitution you idiot.

Not actually. They are snapshots in time of INTERPRETATIONS of the Constitution.. Do not amend or change the actual words written therein.. And OFTEN -- if you wait long enough, the interpretations change..
please quote from the constitution where is says that its ok to kill an unborn human being.

Please quote from the Constitution where it says that it is not okay to kill an unborn human being. Can't do it, can you? It's not there.
If you care so much about life you better do something about guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

You don't really care about lives, your just a partisan hack.

What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

View attachment 172620
View attachment 172622
View attachment 172623

How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically intended to safeguard the American people from the likes of social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists, both the bane of the American Nation.

Socialists and atheists are the bane of the they showed in the mass graves of hundreds of million of innocent men, women and children going forward from 1917....a modern time, not the middle ages, the modern era......and allowing he murder of humans simply because they are small is murder.....

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

View attachment 172620
View attachment 172622
View attachment 172623

How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.

You clearly have never lost a child to miscarriage. I hope you never do, but I can tell you there is much thought and memory and grief that last.
What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

View attachment 172620
View attachment 172622
View attachment 172623

How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.

As do those murdered in thoughts or memories of them either...with enough support monstrous things...

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