Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically intended to safeguard the American people from the likes of social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists, both the bane of the American Nation.

Socialists and atheists are the bane of the they showed in the mass graves of hundreds of million of innocent men, women and children going forward from 1917....a modern time, not the middle ages, the modern era......and allowing he murder of humans simply because they are small is murder.....

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.

You have such an imagination.
I a person murders a woman that is 20 weeks pregnant they will be charged with 2 murders.

Is that supposed to be an answer to my question?

If you believe

1. Life begins at conception, then,

2. a twenty week old fetus is no different that a 2 year old child, therefore,

3. the penalty for killing one should be no different than the penalty for killing the other.


Yep.......the only reason to end the life of a baby is if giving birth will end the mother's life.....that is the only reason. That isn't murder, that is triage....trying to save a life...and then, even that should be up to the mother as there are many women who will give up their lives to allow their babies to be born.....

I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger. I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

I do not support Abortion on Demand, which is Killing For Convenience. What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is okay....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

You don't get to kill a baby because it's going to be inconvenient and get in the way of your lifestyle. If a woman doesn't want a baby it's simple use contraception.

There is science demonstrating that the fetus does not achieve cognizance until roughly 20 weeks. Therefore one can easily argue that it's not actually human until that point.

Besides, you forgot about birth defects that would subject the newborn to an excruciating death shortly after delivery.

I think ding in several posts has already answered this, it's a living human form and from conception we know that the Pro Abortion crowd like to trash this most innocent of human form by insisting it is not human and is effectively no different to a lettuce or whatever.

The topic of birth defects and/or chronic physical abnormality is a different topic, but for eg. Zika babies should be aborted In Utero, to me its very cruel allowing them to be born if you read about the entire situation and also they will need 24/7 care from the moment they are born to the moment they die.

Unlike some who are anti-Abortion I'm not a total fanatic where I think women should be executed and/or ALL abortion should be illegal, I am a woman and because of that I understand that sometimes a woman has to have an abortion but as I comment I do not agree with basic sluts going out and getting drunk and opening their legs and then all of a sudden they're pregnant and that's inconvenient and so it's abortion as a means of contraception, it's like USE the contraception while you are fucking you slut.

If you don't believe that women who have abortions are murdering babies then you don't believe that that fetuse is a human person,

therefore you have conceded that, arguably, the right to an abortion is a legitimate point of view.
There is no easy answer to your question. Not many people want to execute mothers and abortion doctors for homicide. .

To the people running around saying abortion is murder it should be the easiest answer in the world.

Answers are always easy for the zealots on both sides that see everything in black and white. Just as there are those on the right that want to call it murder there are those on the left that want zero restrictions. Sadly it is the zealots that keep anything from getting accomplished.

I am curious....if a baby is a baby at coneption...and is a human being... Where is the grey area in killing a baby?

The 'gray' area is that 99% of Americans do not equate a fetus and a born person.

And at one point the entire world believed slavery was okay too....

Good luck getting slavery legal again.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Why are Women marching against Wimen's Reproductive Right?

No one wants to stop women from reproducing...Many Americans ARE against women using abortion, especially late term abortion, as a 'post-intercourse contraceptive'.

Did the Democrats invite back their 'honored guest speaker' they had last time - ya know, the woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, and killing an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him?
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

Lucky he isn't waving a Koran people die from that.

Many Muslim countries prohibit abortion. You should move.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Why are Women marching against Wimen's Reproductive Right?

No one wants to stop women from reproducing...Many Americans ARE against women using abortion, especially late term abortion, as a 'post-intercourse contraceptive'.

Did the Democrats invite back their 'honored guest speaker' they had last time - ya know, the woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, and killing an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him?

Would you sign a death warrant for a woman caught getting an abortion, if you had that power? If not why not?
What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

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How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.
Irrelevant, and there are no different *types* of death. Death is still dead.

And the death of the babies killed by abortion is horrific indeed. Regardless of whether or not they've composed music yet.
To the people running around saying abortion is murder it should be the easiest answer in the world.

Answers are always easy for the zealots on both sides that see everything in black and white. Just as there are those on the right that want to call it murder there are those on the left that want zero restrictions. Sadly it is the zealots that keep anything from getting accomplished.

I am curious....if a baby is a baby at coneption...and is a human being... Where is the grey area in killing a baby?

The 'gray' area is that 99% of Americans do not equate a fetus and a born person.

And at one point the entire world believed slavery was okay too....

Good luck getting slavery legal again.

Me? No, I am opposed to slavery, the democrats changed their goal...they first wanted blacks as their slaves, now they want every American to be their slaves.......

If you don't believe that women who have abortions are murdering babies then you don't believe that that fetuse is a human person,

No, that's mistaken. Of course a human fetus is a human: what else can it be? It's not a horse or a cat. The question is not whether it is human, that's obvious. The question is whether we can ethically kill it.

We kill -- and call it ethically -- many people. Enemy soldiers, men on Death Row, quiet killings of hopelessly brain-damaged accident or birth defect victims, street criminals caught by police in the act, and lots of people in self-defense against robbery, rape, and home invasions.

I'm for it, myself. Women need to be free to do this at need.
Did the Democrats invite back their 'honored guest speaker' they had last time - ya know, the woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, and killing an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him?

Who are you talking about? I wish people would make their posts more clear. So many posts are like a puzzle.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
Easiest votes he’ll ever get

You just wave your magic Bible wand at the fundies, and abracadabra, you own them.

Lucky he isn't waving a Koran people die from that.

Many Muslim countries prohibit abortion. You should move.
Islam prohibits abortion. I want nothing to do with Islam, no one should.
Did the Democrats invite back their 'honored guest speaker' they had last time - ya know, the woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, and killing an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him?

Who are you talking about? I wish people would make their posts more clear. So many posts are like a puzzle.
Do some research on the last Women's March...
End the life of a human baby is not a reproductive right.

A reproductive right would be the right not to get pregnant

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The Constitution says otherwise.

please quote from the constitution where is says that its ok to kill an unborn human being.

as long as you do it privately, it is all cool! ;)

so the constitution permits murder as long as you don't get caught? You sound like a Clinton.
What do guns have to do with abortion?
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

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How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.

no pain either, right? you are an idiot.

Tell us why a person who kills a pregnant woman is charged with two counts of murder. Doesn't matter how far along she is---------two counts, two lives. two murders.
only 4 countries allow elective late-term abortions. China, North Korea, Vietnam, and the United States of America. are we ok with that? ARE WE OK WITH THAT?!

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