Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

All of the women marching hate you.

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!
10:58 AM - 20 Jan 2018

Pete Dominick‏Verified account @PeteDominic

Pete Dominick Retweeted Donald J. Trump

All of the women marching hate you.
only 4 countries allow elective late-term abortions. China, North Korea, Vietnam, and the United States of America. are we ok with that? ARE WE OK WITH THAT?!

the democrat socialists in this country want to emulate those countries in every way. they are dangerously ignorant.
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.

clayton thinks this is funny. So I ask you clayton, if abortion before birth is OK, why not allow kids to be killed up to 2 years old if they become a problem for their mother? Same logic applies, right? What difference does it make if they are in or out of the womb?
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.
This post exhibits the ignorance common to most conservatives, or their propensity for lying and demagoguery.

Either way, this is as idiotic as it is wrong.

Murder concerns criminal law, the right to privacy concerns civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.
only 4 countries allow elective late-term abortions. China, North Korea, Vietnam, and the United States of America. are we ok with that? ARE WE OK WITH THAT?!

the democrat socialists in this country want to emulate those countries in every way. they are dangerously ignorant.
And yet another conservative lie.

Most on the right are in no position to refer to others as ‘ignorant.’
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.
This post exhibits the ignorance common to most conservatives, or their propensity for lying and demagoguery.

Either way, this is as idiotic as it is wrong.

Murder concerns criminal law, the right to privacy concerns civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

do the rights of life and privacy apply to unborn human beings? of course you say no. but the majority of human beings disagree with you.
only 4 countries allow elective late-term abortions. China, North Korea, Vietnam, and the United States of America. are we ok with that? ARE WE OK WITH THAT?!

the democrat socialists in this country want to emulate those countries in every way. they are dangerously ignorant.
And yet another conservative lie.

Most on the right are in no position to refer to others as ‘ignorant.’

you keep begging for more socialism, those countries have it. why not immigrate to one of them rather than destroy this one?
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.

clayton thinks this is funny. So I ask you clayton, if abortion before birth is OK, why not allow kids to be killed up to 2 years old if they become a problem for their mother? Same logic applies, right? What difference does it make if they are in or out of the womb?

so rather than answer a simple valid question, clayton posts a smiley face. Typical libtardian response.
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.

clayton thinks this is funny. So I ask you clayton, if abortion before birth is OK, why not allow kids to be killed up to 2 years old if they become a problem for their mother? Same logic applies, right? What difference does it make if they are in or out of the womb?
No, ignorance and stupidity are worthy of ridicule, your post is consequently a joke and devoid of merit.

What is not funny, however, is conservative authoritarianism, the right’s contempt for privacy rights, their desire to compel conformity through force of law, and conservatives’ advocacy of more government interfering in citizens’ private lives.
It shows he doesn't care about childrens lives, only about controlling women and being partisan.

^^^^ Guns killing including children vs abortion killing ONLY children = end of your anti-gun argument:

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How are you comparing the two? Children who die have life and experiences. They no doubt feel horrible pain and sadness in their end when shot. A fetus has no memories of anything....

Huh? It's you who are comparing the two, you were the one who brought the gun issue into an abortion thread.

The two types of death. Clearly a living child who ends up shot dies a horrible death. A fetus comes and goes without a thought or memory.
Irrelevant, and there are no different *types* of death. Death is still dead.

And the death of the babies killed by abortion is horrific indeed. Regardless of whether or not they've composed music yet.
In your subjective opinion.

As a fact of law, however, an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

This thread’s premise concerns the right to privacy as a matter of law, as a restriction on government authority, prohibiting the states from compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, addressing solely the relationship between government and those governed – in this case a woman seeking an abortion.

The thread’s premise does not address abortion in the context of religion, morality, or ethics.

Claiming that an embryo/fetus is a ‘baby’ is an emotional, not legal, argument.

The right to privacy protects your right to believe that an embryo/fetus is a ‘baby,’ to speak out against abortion, to counsel others to not have an abortion, and to not have an abortion yourself.

Again: one can believe abortion is wrong from a moral, ethical, or religious standpoint, while at the same time respecting the right to privacy and opposing government efforts to violate that right to privacy.
In your subjective opinion.

As a fact of law, however, an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’


This is not entirely true. A person can be charged with two murders if they kill a woman and her fetus.

Also, a mother can be charged with a crime for harming her fetus by using drugs.

So, really the only difference is who is doing the killing.

Here is the reality of the situation in our country. A woman who is driving to get an abortion stops at a red light and someone carjacks her and in the process kills the fetus. That person will be charged with murder even though they did nothing different than what the abortion doctor was going to do.

Does that make any sense to you?
No god blesses a person who commits adultery.

Then pays Stormy Daniels 130K in hush money.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?

I imagine with all his extra marital affairs that we KNOW about, the Ass Clown President has probably paid for a few abortions himself.

"Washington (CNN) Just weeks before the 2016 presidential election, President Donald Trump's lawyer formed a private LLC to pay a former porn star in exchange for not speaking publicly about an alleged sexual encounter with the then-candidate, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the alleged encounter with Trump took place in July 2006 after a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe.

The company, Essential Consultants LLC, was reportedly created in Delaware -- which offers a higher standard of privacy to business owners -- by attorney Michael Cohen, according to the Journal's report, which cited corporate records and people familiar with the matter.

The Wall Street Journal first reported last week that Cohen had paid the former porn star, Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, $130,000 in exchange for her silence about the alleged encounter. Following that report, Cohen said in a statement that Trump "vehemently denies" any encounter between the two."
WSJ: Cohen paid porn star through private LLC created just weeks before election - CNNPolitics


Stormy Daniels a porn star paid $130K in hush money. This one happened while he was married to Melania--and Barron, his son was about 4 months old.

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In your subjective opinion.

As a fact of law, however, an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’


This is not entirely true. A person can be charged with two murders if they kill a woman and her fetus.

Also, a mother can be charged with a crime for harming her fetus by using drugs.

So, really the only difference is who is doing the killing.

Here is the reality of the situation in our country. A woman who is driving to get an abortion stops at a red light and someone carjacks her and in the process kills the fetus. That person will be charged with murder even though they did nothing different than what the abortion doctor was going to do.

Does that make any sense to you?

We had an incident in Colorado where a woman removed the fetus, and ended up killing the fetus--the mother lived through it, but they could not charge her with 1st degree murder of the fetus. They determined that the fetus once removed, never took a single breath.
Colorado woman not charged with murder of unborn baby

Your incident of the car jacking the killing of the mother would be considered murder, but not the fetus. So they would consider that a single homicide.

The U.S. Supreme court has ruled that a fetus is a fetus until it is out of the womb, and only then does it have the rights of any other citizen in this country.
In your subjective opinion.

As a fact of law, however, an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’


This is not entirely true. A person can be charged with two murders if they kill a woman and her fetus.

Also, a mother can be charged with a crime for harming her fetus by using drugs.

So, really the only difference is who is doing the killing.

Here is the reality of the situation in our country. A woman who is driving to get an abortion stops at a red light and someone carjacks her and in the process kills the fetus. That person will be charged with murder even though they did nothing different than what the abortion doctor was going to do.

Does that make any sense to you?

Not every state carries a murder charge for killing fetuses of certain ages.
Did the Democrats invite back their 'honored guest speaker' they had last time - ya know, the woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, and killing an 80+yo man before trying to ransom him?

Who are you talking about? I wish people would make their posts more clear. So many posts are like a puzzle.
Do some research on the last Women's March...

So you don't know the answer? You put up a mysterious post with lurid words in it and then can't back it up or say what you are talking about? Darn.

Do you people really believe that women use abortion as a birth control measure--when they're having to pay out $1200.00 to $1700.00 for an abortion?

There is no such thing as a 9 month abortion. Doctors & nurses will make every effort to save the babies life. All states have their own late term abortion laws written, and some are less than 20 weeks.

Furthermore, out of all the abortions you claim that happen every year, you have yet to produce one single woman that will state that taxpayer dollars paid for hers.

You have hyped this one up enough-& there is nothing that is going to change. Roe v Wade is here to stay. The blowback for the Republican party who has continually insulted the intelligence & integrity of women in this country is very real.


Womans march 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state. They were in the millions. For more pictures you can scroll through the pages at this link.
Woman's march pictures

Womans march January 20, 2018.

Since Election Day in the U.S., story after story has profiled women who—motivated by President Donald Trump’s victory or the broader political climate—have voiced interest in running for office.
More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Trump's nominee--Niel Gorsuch stated that Roe v Wade is precedent in the U.S. Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

You have awoken a sleeping giant.
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Do you people really believe that women use abortion as a birth control measure--when they're having to pay out $1200.00 to $1700.00 for an abortion?

There is no such thing as a 9 month abortion. Doctors & nurses will make every effort to save the babies life. All states have their own late term abortion laws written, and some are less than 20 weeks.

Furthermore, out of all the abortions you claim that happen every year, you have yet to produce one single woman that will state that taxpayer dollars paid for hers.

You have hyped this one up enough-& there is nothing that is going to change. Roe v Wade is here to stay. The blowback for the Republicans insulting the intelligence & integrity of women in this country is very real.


Womans march 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state. They were in the millions. For more pictures you can scroll through the pages at this link.
Woman's march pictures

Womans march January 20, 2018.

Since Election Day in the U.S., story after story has profiled women who—motivated by President Donald Trump’s victory or the broader political climate—have voiced interest in running for office.
More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Trump's nominee--Niel Gorsuch stated that Roe v Wade is precedent in the U.S. Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?

What's the over/under on how many abortions Donald J. Trump has paid for and/or otherwise known about and approved of?

Social circles... (his friends' wives, girlfriends, mistresses)
Top male Employees.
His own girlfriends and porn stars.
Business associates.
His wife and former wives.

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