Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

They came after the request was made numbnuts well after the riots started
After repeated phone calls from Pelosi, the DC Mayor, the Gov of Maryland, and Pence! Pence finally convinced the Pentagon to send in the guard at about 5 PM. Trump had already called off his "troops" by then!The COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES never called for the Guard!
Now that your 2 brain cells acknowledge the truth, will you still blame Pelosi? Yep! Because you have been groomed to only believe the lies QANUT HQ sends you!🤣🤣🤣🤣
After repeated phone calls from Pelosi, the DC Mayor, the Gov of Maryland, and Pence! Pence finally convinced the Pentagon to send in the guard at about 5 PM. Trump had already called off his "troops" by then!The COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES never called for the Guard!
Now that your 2 brain cells acknowledge the truth, will you still blame Pelosi? Yep! Because you have been groomed to only believe the lies QANUT HQ sends you!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Moron I've covered this countless times. The speaker of the house is the chain of command for the house Sargent of arms. The speakers tells the house Sargent of arms what to do.
HERE THE ACCOUNTS DIVERGE: By Trump’s account, “They took that number. From what I understand, they gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi. And I heard they rejected it because they didn't think it would look good. So, you know, that was a big mistake.”

Miller, on the other hand, says he dismissed Trump’s crowd estimate out-of-hand as over-the-top exaggeration. “The president’s sometimes hyperbolic, as you’ve noticed,” he told Vanity Fair. “There were gonna be a million people in the street, I think was his expectation.” And Miller said he explained to Trump he could dispatch the National Guard only if there was a specific request for them.
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I'll come late to this party among posters, but.......

But it seems not irrelevant that once the damn attack on our legislators was clearly evident, and the potential for a violent catastrophe oh-so obvious, .... well, why didn't our CIC immediately start raising holy hell to every friggin' body in the Pentagon, to the police forces, the Secret Service, his typing pool, the janitorial staff, anybody?
Who da hell cares about 'chain-of-command' once the catastrophe is underway.
Throw bodies at the friggin' problem.
Solve the friggin' problem right now, immediately.
Make the friggin' phone calls and scream.

Why sit for 3hrs simply watching the telly? You are the g-d Commander in Chief, makes things happen!!
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Yes, the statement made by Trump said she was part of the team.....But, you can deny all you want it's a free country.
He can say it all He wants.......the difference is Powell's attorney says she never signed an agreement to represent Him......
Again jackass.. for the tenth time… why do you find this distinction important?
See above post, Ace.
After repeated phone calls from Pelosi, the DC Mayor, the Gov of Maryland, and Pence! Pence finally convinced the Pentagon to send in the guard at about 5 PM. Trump had already called off his "troops" by then!The COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES never called for the Guard!
Now that your 2 brain cells acknowledge the truth, will you still blame Pelosi? Yep! Because you have been groomed to only believe the lies QANUT HQ sends you!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pence wasn't in the chain of command as revealed in testimony by Miller.
Pence wasn't in the chain of command as revealed in testimony by Miller.
Thanks.But neither were Pelosi, the Sgt at Arms that BigRebIdiot keeps screeching about, the Gov of Maryland( who had his NG at the DC city limits for over 3 hours!), or anyone else you MAGATS claimed should have called in the NG. Although it was Pence that finally got them into DC. Not THE COMMANDER In Chief POS45!
He can say it all He wants.......the difference is Powell's attorney says she never signed an agreement to represent Him......

See above post, Ace.
What fucking difference does it make whether Powell is or isn't Trump's official attorney ?
Exactly. We all saw the election being stolen. When we went to bed, Trump was winning. Then after midnight ballots for Biden appeared out of nowhere.


By "out of nowhere," you mean from a precinct where they were being stowed until election day.

Although it was Pence that finally got them into DC. Not THE COMMANDER In Chief POS45!
You are wrong on all fronts. The only person who had the authority to deploy NG troops in DC, when requested through proper channels was SECDEF Miller. Trump's only actions were to activate NG troops for assistance to DC law enforcement, if requested. Trump had no authority to deploy NG troops. Pence nor anyone else had any authority to do with the deployment in DC.
What fucking difference does it make whether Powell is or isn't Trump's official attorney ?
All your stooges here are attempting to make that connection.
You guys keep foaming at the mouth over Powell taking a deal. There is no indication she 'has the goods on Trump'.
You clowns ever stop and think her testimony could be against the others who supposedly illegally accessed vote machines?

All these plea deals seem to indicate the RICO case is coming apart.

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