Trump is DOJ target

I think little Chief Shitting Bull had an orgasm as he posted this thread’s OP.

The Bragg indictment is sloppy and absurd.

Special Counsel Smith’s Florida indictment is festooned with stupidity.

But the idiotic effort to indict Trump for the 1/6 non-insurrection is contemptible.

Smith obviously doesn’t give a rat’s ass for the law or for justice. He doesn’t care about his own obvious disregard of his prosecutorial duties. He is clearly engaged in a politically partisan driven attack against a former President who is also the leading candidate in the Republican Party for the nomination for the Presidency.

If we had a real Attorney General (we don’t), he would shut down this Smith canard but quick. Sadly, our Attorney General is part of the problem. When we speak of the politicization of our DOJ, we could use Garland’s face as the symbol.

Brandon and his handlers couldn’t do this on their own. They need craven fellow conspirators like Garland.
It's unfortunate that we are here.

Soon Hunter will be facing something retaliatory and it will continue to swirl as it heads for the drain.
Funny that Dems / Marxists will lecture others on the rule of law when members of the Biden Crime Family can commit a felony by lying on a firearms application and there's no arrest.

Where the hell did you stagger in from? As soon as you wrote "Dems/ Marxists " you lost all credibility if ever you had any. Please tell the class when Democrats advocated for the confiscation of private property, the dismantling of Capitalism and mandated ownership of the means of production by the state. You should read the Communist Manifesto before you continue to senslessly blather about Marxism

As for crime, Hunter Bided made some mistakes but his case is being litigated in accordance with established protocol for such matter. You people can do nothing more than to deflect to Hunter Biden , of Clinton, or Obama when confronted with the reality the the real crime family is the Trumps .

You want to talk about Hunters gun permit. I want to talk about Jared Kushner got $2B from the Saudi’s after Donald stole classified documents that may have been shared with the Saudis and others

As far as the Orange Ogre himself is concerned, there is a lot of verified shit on him concerning the documents, Jan.6 and other attempts to subvert democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. Any who still supports him is brain washed or so currupt themselves that none of it matters
He is not a hero. He is a flunkie.
Suddenly you don't respect cops.

She should have obeyed his lawful commands. Stop or I'll shoot.

I just watched the video again. They were smashing the class with helmets. The cop drew his gun and she wanted to be the first to jump through the broken window. The cop shot her and she fell back. The cop saved lives.

Not to mention Independents are split on your antics in all polls, and these additional indictments won't make them more popular with the Independent naysayers. Given that you're already losing Black and youth voters....bad news.

Yep, we're losing every possible voter in the States. Until election time, which is 16.5 months away.

I read where some congresscritter proposed legislation that would shorten campaign time to well under a year. I'm all for that.
She was standing near a stairwell talking to capitol police when that coward shot her in the throat.
No, she wasn't just standing there. She was climbing through a window to get to a barricaded part of the building.

Just like OP, Kemosabe Trump appears to be reading the smoke signals and divining the future. Pale face warrior who goes by name "Smith" to summon young braves of DOJ to make apache war with orange man, who now is busy circling wagons in anticipation of attack. Trump-o-sabe fears white man, for he have no soul. The spirit of the eagle, the deer, and wind lives in heart of Trump.
Trump has no heart. Nor any decency.
She did not break the glass. That makes your post total bullshit.
Someone else broke the glass. They're lucky they didn't get shot. But the cop had his gun and warned them don't or I'll shoot. She didn't think they were serious so she tried to jump through the window and she got blown backward. Guess what? No one else went through that window. House members were saved from the mob. If you don't think so, it's because you're a brainwashed Trumpbot. We know. Unredeemable and deplorable.
What attack on the Capitol Building? The capitol police opened the doors and let them enter. I don't consider it a lawful election just like millions of other folks.
Nobody cares what you consider happened on J6 or the 2020 election. Trump gets charged for his part and Biden is sitting in the White House.

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