Trump is doomed!

Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?
Actually if any blame is to be pointed, your man Fauci is to blame. He did state Trump is doing as he says.
Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.
Over 10,000 of those are in a liberal controlled shithole.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?
Actually if any blame is to be pointed, your man Fauci is to blame. He did state Trump is doing as he says.
An "inconvenient truth "
Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.
Over 10,000 of those are in a liberal controlled shithole.
It doesn't have anything to do with who "controls" it. You should take off the partisan goggles. They're warping your vision.
Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.
Over 10,000 of those are in a liberal controlled shithole.
It doesn't have anything to do with who "controls" it. You should take off the partisan goggles. They're warping your vision.
And yet you side with those who blame Trump
Death Angel. Quit changing the content/context of quotes. It's dishonest.

He asked:

Did you think back on January 30th when Trump declared the Coronavirus a health emergency that the virus was that bad? Did you you think we would be facing these numbers on January 30th?

I said:


Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.
Over 10,000 of those are in a liberal controlled shithole.
It doesn't have anything to do with who "controls" it. You should take off the partisan goggles. They're warping your vision.
And yet you side with those who blame Trump
I side with the facts as I see them, as do you.
Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.

The point is, where do you draw a line? When do you stop an economy for a virus? How do you know how bad it will be? It’s all guess work. They were wanting to shut things down for H1N1, that virus was suppose to millions, SARS, another scare. We have been lucky in the past. I’m not saying open the economy, I’m saying Trump did what he had to do and all the armchair quarterbacks are no deciding if it was too early or late. Real easy to do when we look back. Back at the beginning of March there were health officials that weren’t that worried.
So before we play QB, it’s best to remember history and context, instead of partisan BS.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?

liberals are mentally ill. They can’t help themselves.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
6 wasted weeks. Because he didn't want to admit it was a problem.

You blaming Obama for the 12,000 people that died from H1N1? You hold Obama responsible for the 12 that died in Benghazi?

Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?

Car accidents amount to 35,000 deaths a year, why haven’t we banned cars?

Now, in the next few months you will bash Trump for the economy that was shutdown for the virus that you thought Trump should have shutdown earlier.
Did Obama tell us for months that any of those things was a hoax?


I rest my case.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
6 wasted weeks. Because he didn't want to admit it was a problem.

You blaming Obama for the 12,000 people that died from H1N1? You hold Obama responsible for the 12 that died in Benghazi?

Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?

Car accidents amount to 35,000 deaths a year, why haven’t we banned cars?

Now, in the next few months you will bash Trump for the economy that was shutdown for the virus that you thought Trump should have shutdown earlier.
Did Obama tell us for months that any of those things was a hoax?
I rest my case.

I am sure you do, too late you lost, sorry you can’t follow conversations.

The man just can't tell the truth, not in his genes. And, that, with a mired of other failures, will cost him re-election.

So, let's look ahead to his actions as he moves his suitcases out of the White House. Without doubt, he will pardon Manafort and Flynn, among others. He will award Medals of Freedom to Hannity, Ingraham, Pence, Franklin Graham and Faux News.

But, while those actions are especially repulsive, he can't stop the many executive orders that President Biden will sign on day one undoing the many orders that Impeached President Trump signed to the great detriment of our nation.
A CNN ‘Fact-check’ on Trump belongs in the satire section.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
6 wasted weeks. Because he didn't want to admit it was a problem.

You blaming Obama for the 12,000 people that died from H1N1? You hold Obama responsible for the 12 that died in Benghazi?

Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?

Car accidents amount to 35,000 deaths a year, why haven’t we banned cars?

Now, in the next few months you will bash Trump for the economy that was shutdown for the virus that you thought Trump should have shutdown earlier.
Did Obama tell us for months that any of those things was a hoax?


I rest my case.
Hilarious you always need to lie. Next time add in Putin for some seasoning of your turd sandwich.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
6 wasted weeks. Because he didn't want to admit it was a problem.

You blaming Obama for the 12,000 people that died from H1N1? You hold Obama responsible for the 12 that died in Benghazi?

Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?

Car accidents amount to 35,000 deaths a year, why haven’t we banned cars?

Now, in the next few months you will bash Trump for the economy that was shutdown for the virus that you thought Trump should have shutdown earlier.
Did Obama tell us for months that any of those things was a hoax?


I rest my case.
Hilarious you always need to lie. Next time add in Putin for some seasoning of your turd sandwich.
What did I lie about?
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
The open borders Left attacked Trump as a racist when he put travel restrictions on China.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?
6 wasted weeks. Because he didn't want to admit it was a problem.

You blaming Obama for the 12,000 people that died from H1N1? You hold Obama responsible for the 12 that died in Benghazi?

Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?

Car accidents amount to 35,000 deaths a year, why haven’t we banned cars?

Now, in the next few months you will bash Trump for the economy that was shutdown for the virus that you thought Trump should have shutdown earlier.
Did Obama tell us for months that any of those things was a hoax?


I rest my case.
Hilarious you always need to lie. Next time add in Putin for some seasoning of your turd sandwich.
What did I lie about?
The Left and reality shall never meet.
Papageorgio said:
Why haven’t we isolated for the flu that kills 40000-60000 a year?
40,000-60,000 in a YEAR
26,000+ in 46 DAYS

Papageorgio ignores this, immediately starts spinning off into subjects I didn't attempt to respond to.

All in a day's work around here.
Over 10,000 of those are in a liberal controlled shithole.
Most CV19 deaths are in Dem cesspools. God is doing some spring cleaning before the election.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?

Let's draw a distinction between stopping the virus from reaching our shores (which he couldn't have done) and responding to the virus as soon as it made it to our shores (which he could have done). Even the travel restrictions from China and Europe weren't 100% effective because they ended up triggering a panic wave of travel home of people who were all ready infected with the virus...and then allowed in. Instead of tighter restrictions right then and making sure everybody was tested before they were released into the wild. While he gets credit for those travel restrictions, he essentially does nothing to enable or direct agencies to meaningfully combat the spread of the virus between January 22nd and March 13th.
Another nut setting up for the future.

In 30 years Democrats will still be crying about Trump, long after his passing.
Which we can only hope is soon.

I hope he lives a healthy live as I do with most people including you. I don’t get politics and hating and wishing death, seems childish and petty.
So far his ego has killed 22000 people. Why does he deserve a long happy life?

So far his ego has killed 22000 people.


You actually think he could have stopped this pandemic before it reached our shores?

Let's draw a distinction between stopping the virus from reaching our shores (which he couldn't have done) and responding to the virus as soon as it made it to our shores (which he could have done). Even the travel restrictions from China and Europe weren't 100% effective because they ended up triggering a panic wave of travel home of people who were all ready infected with the virus...and then allowed in. Instead of tighter restrictions right then and making sure everybody was tested before they were released into the wild. While he gets credit for those travel restrictions, he essentially does nothing to enable or direct agencies to meaningfully combat the spread of the virus between January 22nd and March 13th.

What did we do before H1N1 hit our shores and after, what did we do about SARS, what about Ebola. Every year this is the one that is gonna get us all. We have cried wolf so many times when do you decide which is real or which is fake? This is finally the one. So in the past should we have halted the economy. Where is the line drawn. The first death was the end of February. So, do we shut down the economy at the first death?

It’s easy to Monday morning QBing, but there is a lot that has to be considered. There were doctors on MSNBC, CNN and Fox that said it wasn’t a concern. Do you think if China had been up front we would have looked at it differently?

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