Trump Is Hitler, Trump’s Destroying America, Yada Yada

Good for him, it appears he is not totally insane after all...

He's America's best closet liberal, but you forget liberalism is a mental disorder. Sorry, but he is insane.
I would like to see any liberal policy from him then beside the bump stock thing which surprised me I must admit. I wish he would act like a New York City smart businessman instead of a doofus creating chaos.

Try reading the thread. I spent an inordinate amount of bandwidth documenting his disdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas. How many examples, exactly, do you require in order to admit the facts?
I guess they're isn't a cow and Texas then, super duper. Liberal is following the law and the Constitution every time. Did you notice it there are no Democrats in prison and many Republicans went there from Reagan W bush and Trump administrations and every time they get in they cause a corrupt bust recession and World depression? Always a disaster at least since Nixon. The GOP is the swamp --Rich assholes or oblivious elites, bought off Liars, and silly dupes like you.

I guess you haven't realized that Trump has been defeated in courts at a ratio of about 5 to 1. A lot of his stuff has been ruled unconstitutional.

I don't care about Democrats. Never supported them.
Trump is a wild and crazy guy, too bad he is misinformed.

isdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas.

you too are misinformed about the Democratic party if you believe any of that GOP propaganda.
Unlike yourself, I don't do drugs and alcohol. I'm more afraid of dumb asses like you committing a violent act when people don't agree with you than I am some pissant from a foreign country trying to get a job and feed his family.

So you’re afraid of me? LOL

Noted. We may disagree but your posts are long, boring and just not accurate. Maybe you should start drinking.

If you find a dozen or fewer paragraphs long, you're not very well educated. If you find something boring, there's something wrong with you if you keep reading it.

You have failed to show how even a single sentence I've posted is wrong from a factual point of view.

If you're advocating attacking unalienable Rights, I'd be very much afraid of you.

There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
He's America's best closet liberal, but you forget liberalism is a mental disorder. Sorry, but he is insane.
I would like to see any liberal policy from him then beside the bump stock thing which surprised me I must admit. I wish he would act like a New York City smart businessman instead of a doofus creating chaos.

Try reading the thread. I spent an inordinate amount of bandwidth documenting his disdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas. How many examples, exactly, do you require in order to admit the facts?
I guess they're isn't a cow and Texas then, super duper. Liberal is following the law and the Constitution every time. Did you notice it there are no Democrats in prison and many Republicans went there from Reagan W bush and Trump administrations and every time they get in they cause a corrupt bust recession and World depression? Always a disaster at least since Nixon. The GOP is the swamp --Rich assholes or oblivious elites, bought off Liars, and silly dupes like you.

I guess you haven't realized that Trump has been defeated in courts at a ratio of about 5 to 1. A lot of his stuff has been ruled unconstitutional.

I don't care about Democrats. Never supported them.
Trump is a wild and crazy guy, too bad he is misinformed.

isdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas.

you too are misinformed about the Democratic party if you believe any of that GOP propaganda.

I believe that which I see and hear. Trump DID ban bump stocks all on his own. Within that Executive Order are THREE unconstitutional acts. If you don't understand that, you should sue your brains for non-support.

You keep addressing me with strawman arguments? Are you really that stupid or do you just want a pen pal because you're frustrated that you have to follow a rich boy that never worked and earned a damn thing in his life?
So you’re afraid of me? LOL

Noted. We may disagree but your posts are long, boring and just not accurate. Maybe you should start drinking.

If you find a dozen or fewer paragraphs long, you're not very well educated. If you find something boring, there's something wrong with you if you keep reading it.

You have failed to show how even a single sentence I've posted is wrong from a factual point of view.

If you're advocating attacking unalienable Rights, I'd be very much afraid of you.

There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.
Whereas Trump is doing all he can do disarm Americans, you should get the answer to that question shortly.
Like what is Trump doing?

Trump is a gun control advocate. Let's look at what he said in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve:

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."

The bump stock ban violated the Constitution on THREE grounds:

1) It was a direct assault on the Second Amendment

2) Since people were ordered to destroy or turn in their bump stocks, that violated the prohibition against ex post facto laws

3) When the government takes your personal property, they are required to give you just compensation for it. ALL of this is in the Constitution

In addition, Trump does not believe in Due Process:

"President Trump said Wednesday he favors taking guns away from people who might commit violence before going through legal due process in the courts..."

Trump says take guns first and worry about 'due process second' in White House gun meeting

Trump's support for Red Flag Laws and his support for insane gun control laws is startling:

Trump Calls Heller a ‘Champion,’ Slams Opponent ‘Wacky Jacky’ Rosen

The fact is, the Heller decision reversed at least the first 100 years of pro- gun rulings in local, state, federal and United States Supreme Court rulings starting at the time of the ratification of the Constitution. Checks out the exact ruling in Heller:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited."

WTH??? Now courts go after features of firearms starting with bump stocks and high capacity magazines. Then it will be flash suppressors, pistol grips, bayonet lugs, etc., etc.

Trump is not pro - gun. The fact that he has not repealed a single, solitary Executive Order that infringes on your Second Amendment Right ought to to tell you something.
This angle of attack won't work, so back to the idiot board for some more acme plans for you Wile E. Coyote.

Your attack won't work Pee Wee Herman. I merely pointed out the pure, simple truth. If you found something inaccurate, point it out. Trump is for gun control on the installment plan and he favors an elitist society. You're either one of his disciples or you are to be treated with disrespect, disdain, with an indifference to your Rights... EVEN IF YOU AGREE WITH HIM THAT SOME PROBLEMS DO EXIST AND SHOULD BE ADDRESSED.
Actually The bump stock was a ridiculous way around federal law. People should not have automatic weapons no matter how ignorant and brainwashed gun nuts become. Your propaganda machine and the NRA propaganda machine and their evil presence are a disgrace

In my world, the NRA is far left. You should apprise yourself of the facts.

You cannot insure the security of a free state if only the military and police have "automatic weapons" (and the bump stock did not achieve that.)

You missed the entire argument. I am not talking about just gun control. I'm also talking about the fact that Trump doesn't understand Due Process and the fact that you can't take peoples belongings without compensating them for it.
If you find a dozen or fewer paragraphs long, you're not very well educated. If you find something boring, there's something wrong with you if you keep reading it.

You have failed to show how even a single sentence I've posted is wrong from a factual point of view.

If you're advocating attacking unalienable Rights, I'd be very much afraid of you.

There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

You continue to call me a dumbass??? You do have a problem, don't you? Didn't your mommy give you any attention when you were a child? You're still acting like you're 10.

Democrats are socialists and they are proud of it. I don't vote for socialists. So, kiss my ass.

We do not have a flat tax. We have a graduated income tax that was inspired by the Communist Manifesto and made possible by the Republicans.

Do you have anything other than name calling and strawman arguments? If you need to be educated about how the system is rigged and BOTH parties are part and parcel of destroying the Republic, I'm sure we can look into it. But, really. Your name calling is a sign of weakness. It shows fear and ignorance. You cannot make an argument against me so you use strawman arguments and back it up with name calling. You are doing that other desperate guy a disservice. A man is known by the company he keeps and I wouldn't associate with you even if you were the one buying lunch. You don't make any sense and need to create things to argue over.
I would like to see any liberal policy from him then beside the bump stock thing which surprised me I must admit. I wish he would act like a New York City smart businessman instead of a doofus creating chaos.

Try reading the thread. I spent an inordinate amount of bandwidth documenting his disdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas. How many examples, exactly, do you require in order to admit the facts?
I guess they're isn't a cow and Texas then, super duper. Liberal is following the law and the Constitution every time. Did you notice it there are no Democrats in prison and many Republicans went there from Reagan W bush and Trump administrations and every time they get in they cause a corrupt bust recession and World depression? Always a disaster at least since Nixon. The GOP is the swamp --Rich assholes or oblivious elites, bought off Liars, and silly dupes like you.

I guess you haven't realized that Trump has been defeated in courts at a ratio of about 5 to 1. A lot of his stuff has been ruled unconstitutional.

I don't care about Democrats. Never supported them.
Trump is a wild and crazy guy, too bad he is misinformed.

isdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas.

you too are misinformed about the Democratic party if you believe any of that GOP propaganda.

I believe that which I see and hear. Trump DID ban bump stocks all on his own. Within that Executive Order are THREE unconstitutional acts. If you don't understand that, you should sue your brains for non-support.

You keep addressing me with strawman arguments? Are you really that stupid or do you just want a pen pal because you're frustrated that you have to follow a rich boy that never worked and earned a damn thing in his life?
I don't care much about guns now anyway. There are way too many of them already LOL. What I worry about is the way the GOP has been wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only propaganda makes it possible.
Try reading the thread. I spent an inordinate amount of bandwidth documenting his disdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas. How many examples, exactly, do you require in order to admit the facts?
I guess they're isn't a cow and Texas then, super duper. Liberal is following the law and the Constitution every time. Did you notice it there are no Democrats in prison and many Republicans went there from Reagan W bush and Trump administrations and every time they get in they cause a corrupt bust recession and World depression? Always a disaster at least since Nixon. The GOP is the swamp --Rich assholes or oblivious elites, bought off Liars, and silly dupes like you.

I guess you haven't realized that Trump has been defeated in courts at a ratio of about 5 to 1. A lot of his stuff has been ruled unconstitutional.

I don't care about Democrats. Never supported them.
Trump is a wild and crazy guy, too bad he is misinformed.

isdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas.

you too are misinformed about the Democratic party if you believe any of that GOP propaganda.

I believe that which I see and hear. Trump DID ban bump stocks all on his own. Within that Executive Order are THREE unconstitutional acts. If you don't understand that, you should sue your brains for non-support.

You keep addressing me with strawman arguments? Are you really that stupid or do you just want a pen pal because you're frustrated that you have to follow a rich boy that never worked and earned a damn thing in his life?
I don't care much about guns now anyway. There are way too many of them already LOL. What I worry about is the way the GOP has been wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only propaganda makes it possible.

One minute you're supporting Trump; the next you're condemning the Republicans. Dude, BOTH sides were in on the destruction of America.

Just so we're clear, you're saying Trump is getting rid of the Republicans. Right?
If you find a dozen or fewer paragraphs long, you're not very well educated. If you find something boring, there's something wrong with you if you keep reading it.

You have failed to show how even a single sentence I've posted is wrong from a factual point of view.

If you're advocating attacking unalienable Rights, I'd be very much afraid of you.

There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

Min wage jobs were never designed to be living wage jobs. They are for part timers and students. Franco strikes again.
The reason for this crisis is people in Central America thought he was going to close the border for immigrants and asylum-seekers, they actually believed him....

There is a crisis at the border. Want me to explain why?
There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

You continue to call me a dumbass??? You do have a problem, don't you? Didn't your mommy give you any attention when you were a child? You're still acting like you're 10.

Democrats are socialists and they are proud of it. I don't vote for socialists. So, kiss my ass.

We do not have a flat tax. We have a graduated income tax that was inspired by the Communist Manifesto and made possible by the Republicans.

Do you have anything other than name calling and strawman arguments? If you need to be educated about how the system is rigged and BOTH parties are part and parcel of destroying the Republic, I'm sure we can look into it. But, really. Your name calling is a sign of weakness. It shows fear and ignorance. You cannot make an argument against me so you use strawman arguments and back it up with name calling. You are doing that other desperate guy a disservice. A man is known by the company he keeps and I wouldn't associate with you even if you were the one buying lunch. You don't make any sense and need to create things to argue over.
You seem to get your news and information from the GOP propaganda machine, and that takes an ignorant person. And at this point it also takes a conspiracy nut. Everything you say is garbage propaganda.this has nothing to do with your worth as a person just your politics are stupid. if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich.and we are the only modern country that doesn't have all those benefits of citizenship. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and ignoramuses.
I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

You continue to call me a dumbass??? You do have a problem, don't you? Didn't your mommy give you any attention when you were a child? You're still acting like you're 10.

Democrats are socialists and they are proud of it. I don't vote for socialists. So, kiss my ass.

We do not have a flat tax. We have a graduated income tax that was inspired by the Communist Manifesto and made possible by the Republicans.

Do you have anything other than name calling and strawman arguments? If you need to be educated about how the system is rigged and BOTH parties are part and parcel of destroying the Republic, I'm sure we can look into it. But, really. Your name calling is a sign of weakness. It shows fear and ignorance. You cannot make an argument against me so you use strawman arguments and back it up with name calling. You are doing that other desperate guy a disservice. A man is known by the company he keeps and I wouldn't associate with you even if you were the one buying lunch. You don't make any sense and need to create things to argue over.
You seem to get your news and information from the GOP propaganda machine, and that takes an ignorant person. And at this point it also takes a conspiracy nut. Everything you say is garbage propaganda.this has nothing to do with your worth as a person just your politics are stupid. if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich.and we are the only modern country that doesn't have all those benefits of citizenship. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and ignoramuses.

Franco, I dont care if you’re a communist we have a crisis due to Visa overstays. Not sure why you keep dodging that fact. All you can do is add smileys and never address an issue.
I guess they're isn't a cow and Texas then, super duper. Liberal is following the law and the Constitution every time. Did you notice it there are no Democrats in prison and many Republicans went there from Reagan W bush and Trump administrations and every time they get in they cause a corrupt bust recession and World depression? Always a disaster at least since Nixon. The GOP is the swamp --Rich assholes or oblivious elites, bought off Liars, and silly dupes like you.

I guess you haven't realized that Trump has been defeated in courts at a ratio of about 5 to 1. A lot of his stuff has been ruled unconstitutional.

I don't care about Democrats. Never supported them.
Trump is a wild and crazy guy, too bad he is misinformed.

isdain for Due Process, not compensating Americans when private property is seized, and admitting that he does not think Americans should have certain kinds of semi-automatic firearms. If that isn't liberal, there isn't a cow in Texas.

you too are misinformed about the Democratic party if you believe any of that GOP propaganda.

I believe that which I see and hear. Trump DID ban bump stocks all on his own. Within that Executive Order are THREE unconstitutional acts. If you don't understand that, you should sue your brains for non-support.

You keep addressing me with strawman arguments? Are you really that stupid or do you just want a pen pal because you're frustrated that you have to follow a rich boy that never worked and earned a damn thing in his life?
I don't care much about guns now anyway. There are way too many of them already LOL. What I worry about is the way the GOP has been wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only propaganda makes it possible.

One minute you're supporting Trump; the next you're condemning the Republicans. Dude, BOTH sides were in on the destruction of America.

Just so we're clear, you're saying Trump is getting rid of the Republicans. Right?
I'm saying Fox and Rush Limbaugh etc etc and Trump have taken over the Republican Party thrown out the old guard yes the last 35 years.

The only thing I'm supporting Trump on is bump stocks.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

You continue to call me a dumbass??? You do have a problem, don't you? Didn't your mommy give you any attention when you were a child? You're still acting like you're 10.

Democrats are socialists and they are proud of it. I don't vote for socialists. So, kiss my ass.

We do not have a flat tax. We have a graduated income tax that was inspired by the Communist Manifesto and made possible by the Republicans.

Do you have anything other than name calling and strawman arguments? If you need to be educated about how the system is rigged and BOTH parties are part and parcel of destroying the Republic, I'm sure we can look into it. But, really. Your name calling is a sign of weakness. It shows fear and ignorance. You cannot make an argument against me so you use strawman arguments and back it up with name calling. You are doing that other desperate guy a disservice. A man is known by the company he keeps and I wouldn't associate with you even if you were the one buying lunch. You don't make any sense and need to create things to argue over.
You seem to get your news and information from the GOP propaganda machine, and that takes an ignorant person. And at this point it also takes a conspiracy nut. Everything you say is garbage propaganda.this has nothing to do with your worth as a person just your politics are stupid. if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich.and we are the only modern country that doesn't have all those benefits of citizenship. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and ignoramuses.

Franco, I dont care if you’re a communist we have a crisis due to Visa overstays. Not sure why you keep dodging that fact. All you can do is add smileys and never address an issue.
Yes and the wall is stupid and will do nothing and I seem to be the only person anywhere to be for a national ID card that would end this like in other countries, though the Democrats tried in 2010 and earlier but got sick of being called communist for no reason like you morons do...
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There Border is a foreign policy matter and the President has almost an unlimited set of rights to protect it. Look it up.

I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

Min wage jobs were never designed to be living wage jobs. They are for part timers and students. Franco strikes again.
Then you do like Australia and have a teenager minimum wage. Their minimum wage over 19 is $19, in New Zealand it's 15 dollars. The rest of the world thinks you are an idiot.
I've probably forgotten more about the Constitution than you're capable of learning. If I were to tell you to look it up, I'd tell you where.

The one thing that you cannot show me is WHERE the Constitution gives any branch of government a superior power over the other two branches of government. All this shit may be going the way you like it, but you will be singing a different tune when the liberals get into power and tell you their president has all these unlimited powers. That makes you more dangerous than the liberals. You're creating the precedents that will be used to bury you.
Bury him with what? Poor defenseless GOP LOL. Bury him with intelligent policies that help the non-rich for a change? you may say you are not a republican but do you believe all their crap phony scandals and ridiculous garbage about Democrats.... Dupe.

I can't process that you call me a dupe. WTF? Are you like 10 maybe?

I don't vote for Democrats and really hate voting for Republicans as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is evil. Your buddy, like you, is too fucking stupid to realize that when you let certain things happen in law - and / or if you participate in them, it creates a precedent (a principle in law) that may affect you.

At this stage, I don't think you possess the ability to understand how the left conned the right into doing their dirty work and can now bury you using YOUR stupidity against you.

Dude, you can leave me out of the right versus left, Republicans v. Democrats, conservative v. liberal fight. BOTH sides are going to the same destination by separate routes.
Maybe you should check the policies that Democrats want to pass. Just become more like every other country in the modern world who think they are socialists. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training for great opportunity oh, and you vote for republicans-- why dumbass? It is because you are brainwashed with garbage. we have a flat tax system in this country now and it is killing the non-rich, along with cuts and services by the rich assholes GOP and silly doops like you. Hillary is honest there is no conspiracy the GOP is the swamp. Thanks for the world depressions And recessions and busts with your corruption, the stupidest Wars ever and wrecking the middle class and the country.

Min wage jobs were never designed to be living wage jobs. They are for part timers and students. Franco strikes again.
Then you do like Australia and have a teenager minimum wage. Their minimum wage over 19 is $19, in New Zealand it's 15 dollars. The rest of the world thinks you are an idiot.
Only garbage BS propaganda makes this mess possible....
So what’s the big deal about keeping people from illegally immigrating here? Who’d want people to immigrate to 1938 Germany? Only a sick evil SOB would want that.

Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and ridiculous.
You’re the genius calling Trump Hitler and screaming he needs to take your guns away.

The people who revere the wall as if it were a religious cult keep chanting the mantra "illegal" immigration. The reality is, there is NO such thing. Immigration is when people come here for the purpose of PERMANENT residence. Generally speaking, that means citizenship.

We are a free market country. People ought to be able to engage in the free market without becoming citizens. Wallists do not acknowledge the fact that we are a free market country.
You’re pretty sick to want anyone to move here and suffer under Trump.

I don't care whether they come here or not. It's not my call. Neither is it Donald Trump's UNLESS the foreigner is looking for permanent residence. It is a state issue.

So they can come kill and go home? You need to quit drinking

Unlike yourself, I don't do drugs and alcohol. I'm more afraid of dumb asses like you committing a violent act when people don't agree with you than I am some pissant from a foreign country trying to get a job and feed his family.
Some peasant (cleaned it up for you) from a foriegn country eh ?? LOL

The left gets tricked into how it really feels about these foriegners, and it's hilarious as well as highly hypocritical due to them constantly accusing the right of thinking like this.

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