Trump is in India at a rally of 125,000 people completing the great friendship

The real definition of a shithole. India.


"More people in India practice open defecation (44%) than use toilets connected to adequate waste management systems (40%). That’s more than half a billion people defecating in the open, oftentimes in festering pits that leach into sources of water. This leads to countless forms of disease, which impacts a person’s ability to grow, do their job, or go to school."

Why Poop Is a Big Problem in India's Cities & Rural Areas Alike
Trump is NOT going to like it there.
hell i wouldn't like it there. nothing against the country, just not where i'd feel at all at home.
I have to say I am amazed at the Foreign policy of Trump. Each week brings us closer to making peace in countries where we haven't had it and he solidifies the friendships all over the world.

What a president! This week is a peaceful pact with Afghanistan and there are more people in that stadium than there was at our Super Bowl!

I have experienced the tax cuts and like most Americans an economy that is great with jobs available everywhere. Just when were things this good? God Bless Trump!

I so impressed.

President Trump has always been of the opinion that India is a tremendous country with fantastic people. The fantastic new leader on the Subcontinent is making it his business to Make India Great Again.

This should be the front page news across the Fruited Plain, instead of the Fake Impeachments and squabbles between the pathetic field of Democrat candidates about narrow points of leftist doctrine.

Good job, you are right the meme was fake news as has been proven in a dozen post in this thread
Not 1 link was to a broadcast or search engine leading to that section of their online mag (because it's burried), nor proved me wrong.
Not 1 post by you refuted or answered my replies.

Your fake meme said there was a media blackout of Trump's trip to India. That has been proven false. You lied, just admit it and move on.
The Meme was 100% accurate at the time it was made and posted. So instead of answering the replies you lied about lying.
You are saying they were forced to hide articles online (search engine black-out) so they could say they covered India. *L* But they are a broadcast company not a web site nobody can find or read the Burried (blackout) articles from.
YOU still haven't answered a single question, ad hominem responses are a sign of submission of defeat.
Keep proving me right, Buttigieg lied about foreign relations and CNN promoted that lie and instead of calling that out, you need to smokescreen
(ad hominem response) this basis outted in my post. Don't get mad again but, Checkmate again!
The Meme was 100% accurate at the time it was made and posted. So instead of answering the replies you lied about lying.
You are saying they were forced to hide articles online (search engine black-out) so they could say they covered India. *L* But they are a broadcast company not a web site nobody can find or read the Burried (blackout) articles from.
YOU still haven't answered a single question, ad hominem responses are a sign of submission of defeat.
Keep proving me right, Buttigieg lied about foreign relations and CNN promoted that lie and instead of calling that out, you need to smokescreen
(ad hominem response) this basis outted in my post. Don't get mad again but, Checkmate again!

You are a liar, there was never a blackout, there was never a time when the MSM was not covering the trip. There were no articles hidden online, they were all on the front pages of the news sites at the time.

Yes, Buttigieg lied about foreign relations and CNN promoted that lie and you are not one tiny bit different, you posted a meme that you knew was a lie but you did not care.
The Meme was 100% accurate at the time it was made and posted. So instead of answering the replies you lied about lying.
You are saying they were forced to hide articles online (search engine black-out) so they could say they covered India. *L* But they are a broadcast company not a web site nobody can find or read the Burried (blackout) articles from.
YOU still haven't answered a single question, ad hominem responses are a sign of submission of defeat.
Keep proving me right, Buttigieg lied about foreign relations and CNN promoted that lie and instead of calling that out, you need to smokescreen
(ad hominem response) this basis outted in my post. Don't get mad again but, Checkmate again!

You are a liar, there was never a blackout, there was never a time when the MSM was not covering the trip. There were no articles hidden online, they were all on the front pages of the news sites at the time.

Yes, Buttigieg lied about foreign relations and CNN promoted that lie and you are not one tiny bit different, you posted a meme that you knew was a lie but you did not care.
Fact: at the time of the Meme there was only Fox news live coverage 0 MSM live coverage. At the time of my replies I challenged you to not be a hypocrite and challenge Lakhotra's memes and you went silent and double downed on your lies, but glad you finally addressed the foreign relations false narrative-it is suggestive after all.
You've thrown the chess board to the ground five or more times now though. You guys just don't know how to lose graciously. India was one of those moments the MSM lost their false narrative and their refusal of live broadcast and your former responses are proof of sore loser syndrome, however this response oartially admitted there is a problem which is what the premise of the meme YOU KNOW was about. So YOU VALIDATED THE MEME.
Last edited:
Fact: at the time of the Meme there was only Fox news live coverage 0 MSM live coverage.

that was prove false by CNN's running update of Trump's trip on their site.

At the time of my replies I challenged you to not be a hypocrite and challenge Lakhotra's memes and you went silent and double downed on your lies, but glad you finally addressed the foreign relations false narrative-it is suggestive after all.

Lakhotra has not posted in this thread at all, how can I challenge what is not there?

You've thrown the chess board to the ground five or more times now though. You guys just don't know how to lose graciously. India was one of those moments the MSM lost their false narrative and their refusal of live broadcast and your former responses are proof of sore loser syndrome, however this response oartially admitted there is a problem which is what the premise of the meme YOU KNOW was about. So YOU VALIDATED THE MEME.

I proved your meme false about in the 3rd post in this thread.
The real definition of a shithole. India.


"More people in India practice open defecation (44%) than use toilets connected to adequate waste management systems (40%). That’s more than half a billion people defecating in the open, oftentimes in festering pits that leach into sources of water. This leads to countless forms of disease, which impacts a person’s ability to grow, do their job, or go to school."

Why Poop Is a Big Problem in India's Cities & Rural Areas Alike

That’s how brown people all over the world roll...the filthy fucks are genetically deficient
Watching him visit the Taj Mahal. That is one impressive structure. What a privilege that is.
You know it is a muslim structure right? Still like it?

LOL.....Like America isnt a Christian Nation right??
India is 80% Hindu numbnuts and it's going to stay that way.
How a new law moves India closer to being 'a Hindu country'
America is not a christian country.

Haha...ragheads are so confused about what is and isn’t ‘AMERICA’.
Remember, you have no are a phony barely American...just sit at the back of the bus and enjoy the free real Americans got this.
Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation
Fact: at the time of the Meme there was only Fox news live coverage 0 MSM live coverage.

that was prove false by CNN's running update of Trump's trip on their site.

At the time of my replies I challenged you to not be a hypocrite and challenge Lakhotra's memes and you went silent and double downed on your lies, but glad you finally addressed the foreign relations false narrative-it is suggestive after all.

Lakhotra has not posted in this thread at all, how can I challenge what is not there?

You've thrown the chess board to the ground five or more times now though. You guys just don't know how to lose graciously. India was one of those moments the MSM lost their false narrative and their refusal of live broadcast and your former responses are proof of sore loser syndrome, however this response oartially admitted there is a problem which is what the premise of the meme YOU KNOW was about. So YOU VALIDATED THE MEME.

I proved your meme false about in the 3rd post in this thread.
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!
Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

Your last comment is a double negative, a liar calling someone a liar is a compliment, it's like having Adam Schiff comment about Roger Stone lying to congress.-it's comical.
And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

Last edited:
Watching him visit the Taj Mahal. That is one impressive structure. What a privilege that is.
You know it is a muslim structure right? Still like it?

LOL.....Like America isnt a Christian Nation right??
India is 80% Hindu numbnuts and it's going to stay that way.
How a new law moves India closer to being 'a Hindu country'
America is not a christian country.

Haha...ragheads are so confused about what is and isn’t ‘AMERICA’.
Remember, you have no are a phony barely American...just sit at the back of the bus and enjoy the free real Americans got this.
Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation
You cant be christian and bigot you got to stick with one.
Nothing in the constitution indicates that the US is a christian country.
You wish you were christian you are just a scum bag racist.
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!

Actually my very first link is a running timeline of Trump's trip to India with multiple stores timestamped well before you posted your meme.

My 2nd link is timestamped Sunday afternoon, your fake meme was posted Monday morning.

So you are a liar once again. At least you are consistent.

Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

What the fuck are you ranting about? My CNN report is not "from this thread"? what does that even mean?

And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

The fact that CNN lies does not excuse your lies, that whataboutism is so last year. You seem to think CNN lying is a bad thing, so why is your lying not a bad thing as well?
Last edited:
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!

Actually my very first link is a running timeline of Trump's trip to India with multiple stores timestamped well before you posted your meme.

My 2nd link is timestamped Sunday afternoon, your fake meme was posted Monday morning.

So you are a liar once again. At least you are consistent.

Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

What the fuck are you ranting about? My CNN report is not "from this thread"? what does that even mean?

And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

The fact that CNN lies does not excuse your lies, that whataboutism is so last year. You seem to think CNN lying is a bad thing, so why is your lying not a bad thing as well?
How can A CNN article be about the crowd and popularity before the event, are you saying they are the Nostradamus network? The discussion is about the live speach not about an online article on an India trip generalized. example: Bill Clinton went to Turkey, so an article showing his pics, that is a mere visit article, means nothing if we are discussing the News blackout of both Clinton's ties to Turkey and Bill's Epstein connections to King Solomon.
If The MSM blacks out the connection of The Kisoghi assassination to Clinton's loose end to why he let his friend Bin Laden go in 1998 or loose end to Epstein info, that blackout of the circle of people and how the pieces fall into place when you realize the ties is not the same as a trip to Turkey notice.
If you dared to argue the news reported the Turkey trip when that is not the premise being discussed is disingenuous or oblivious on your part.

Did you check all the networks broadcast during the live event like I did and witnesses here mentioned was
IF NOT, then how can you in good faith make your comments?
IF I were to say that Clinton blamed me for her 2008 primary failure & that Clinton's 2008 primary defeat (dated here)
Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential primary campaign - Wikipedia
caused her sore loser syndrome to lash out on a poor innocent person with a somewhat similar name she thought was me, then You would need to prove the sequence to prove a possibility or impossibility based on his murder being right after her dropping out/loss
(dated here)
Kalansuwa murder victim identified as 38-year-old Yosef Hashev
or mistaken conclusion by the murder coming before she knew she lost. Proving sequence of events matter to making claims and statements, something you have never shown when posting links to articles (not broadcasts), then posting the time stamp of my meme side by side.
If you can't defend the times then you lose your argument-YOU'VE BEEN LAWYERED! *L*

*this was an example for entertainment purposes, don't try this yourself, you guys are really bad at it.
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!

Actually my very first link is a running timeline of Trump's trip to India with multiple stores timestamped well before you posted your meme.

My 2nd link is timestamped Sunday afternoon, your fake meme was posted Monday morning.

So you are a liar once again. At least you are consistent.

Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

What the fuck are you ranting about? My CNN report is not "from this thread"? what does that even mean?

And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

The fact that CNN lies does not excuse your lies, that whataboutism is so last year. You seem to think CNN lying is a bad thing, so why is your lying not a bad thing as well?
How can A CNN article be about the crowd and popularity before the event, are you saying they are the Nostradamus network? The discussion is about the live speach not about an online article on an India trip generalized. example: Bill Clinton went to Turkey, so an article showing his pics, that is a mere visit article, means nothing if we are discussing the News blackout of both Clinton's ties to Turkey and Bill's Epstein connections to King Solomon.
If The MSM blacks out the connection of The Kisoghi assassination to Clinton's loose end to why he let his friend Bin Laden go in 1998 or loose end to Epstein info, that blackout of the circle of people and how the pieces fall into place when you realize the ties is not the same as a trip to Turkey notice.
If you dared to argue the news reported the Turkey trip when that is not the premise being discussed is disingenuous or oblivious on your part.

Did you check all the networks broadcast during the live event like I did and witnesses here mentioned was
IF NOT, then how can you in good faith make your comments?
IF I were to say that Clinton blamed me for her 2008 primary failure & that Clinton's 2008 primary defeat (dated here)
Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential primary campaign - Wikipedia
caused her sore loser syndrome to lash out on a poor innocent person with a somewhat similar name she thought was me, then You would need to prove the sequence to prove a possibility or impossibility based on his murder being right after her dropping out/loss
(dated here)
Kalansuwa murder victim identified as 38-year-old Yosef Hashev
or mistaken conclusion by the murder coming before she knew she lost. Proving sequence of events matter to making claims and statements, something you have never shown when posting links to articles (not broadcasts), then posting the time stamp of my meme side by side.
If you can't defend the times then you lose your argument-YOU'VE BEEN LAWYERED! *L*
View attachment 308912

*this was an example for entertainment purposes, don't try this yourself, you guys are really bad at it.

Your meme stated there was a media blackout of Trump’s visit to India...that has been proven false.

Your meme does not mention “broadcast” and in fact at least half of the media organizations listed have no TV side to them at all.

Just admit you lied and move on, you are just making a fool of yourself bringing up Clinton, which has nothing to do with your lie.
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!

Actually my very first link is a running timeline of Trump's trip to India with multiple stores timestamped well before you posted your meme.

My 2nd link is timestamped Sunday afternoon, your fake meme was posted Monday morning.

So you are a liar once again. At least you are consistent.

Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

What the fuck are you ranting about? My CNN report is not "from this thread"? what does that even mean?

And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

The fact that CNN lies does not excuse your lies, that whataboutism is so last year. You seem to think CNN lying is a bad thing, so why is your lying not a bad thing as well?
How can A CNN article be about the crowd and popularity before the event, are you saying they are the Nostradamus network? The discussion is about the live speach not about an online article on an India trip generalized. example: Bill Clinton went to Turkey, so an article showing his pics, that is a mere visit article, means nothing if we are discussing the News blackout of both Clinton's ties to Turkey and Bill's Epstein connections to King Solomon.
If The MSM blacks out the connection of The Kisoghi assassination to Clinton's loose end to why he let his friend Bin Laden go in 1998 or loose end to Epstein info, that blackout of the circle of people and how the pieces fall into place when you realize the ties is not the same as a trip to Turkey notice.
If you dared to argue the news reported the Turkey trip when that is not the premise being discussed is disingenuous or oblivious on your part.

Did you check all the networks broadcast during the live event like I did and witnesses here mentioned was
IF NOT, then how can you in good faith make your comments?
IF I were to say that Clinton blamed me for her 2008 primary failure & that Clinton's 2008 primary defeat (dated here)
Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential primary campaign - Wikipedia
caused her sore loser syndrome to lash out on a poor innocent person with a somewhat similar name she thought was me, then You would need to prove the sequence to prove a possibility or impossibility based on his murder being right after her dropping out/loss
(dated here)
Kalansuwa murder victim identified as 38-year-old Yosef Hashev
or mistaken conclusion by the murder coming before she knew she lost. Proving sequence of events matter to making claims and statements, something you have never shown when posting links to articles (not broadcasts), then posting the time stamp of my meme side by side.
If you can't defend the times then you lose your argument-YOU'VE BEEN LAWYERED! *L*
View attachment 308912

*this was an example for entertainment purposes, don't try this yourself, you guys are really bad at it.

Your meme stated there was a media blackout of Trump’s visit to India...that has been proven false.

Your meme does not mention “broadcast” and in fact at least half of the media organizations listed have no TV side to them at all.

Just admit you lied and move on, you are just making a fool of yourself bringing up Clinton, which has nothing to do with your lie.
Ok next time I'll make more explicit detailed memes even though the print will end up to small to read. Now if I post MY groundhog day meme will you complain Groundhogs don't drive?
I have to say I am amazed at the Foreign policy of Trump. Each week brings us closer to making peace in countries where we haven't had it and he solidifies the friendships all over the world.

What a president! This week is a peaceful pact with Afghanistan and there are more people in that stadium than there was at our Super Bowl!

I have experienced the tax cuts and like most Americans an economy that is great with jobs available everywhere. Just when were things this good? God Bless Trump!

I so impressed.

President Trump has always been of the opinion that India is a tremendous country with fantastic people. The fantastic new leader on the Subcontinent is making it his business to Make India Great Again.

This should be the front page news across the Fruited Plain, instead of the Fake Impeachments and squabbles between the pathetic field of Democrat candidates about narrow points of leftist doctrine.
Sounds like one of those “shithole” countries Trump hates
Keep digging your hole, you might find that gerbil you burried.
You never posted a broadcast or even a pathetic news article time stamped and dated before my meme, because you can't. Checkmate!

Actually my very first link is a running timeline of Trump's trip to India with multiple stores timestamped well before you posted your meme.

My 2nd link is timestamped Sunday afternoon, your fake meme was posted Monday morning.

So you are a liar once again. At least you are consistent.

Your excuse about not calling out Lakhotra because he doesn't post in the thread means your CNN report not being from this thread is not valid *L* You checkmated yourself! -2

What the fuck are you ranting about? My CNN report is not "from this thread"? what does that even mean?

And you admited yourself the premise of my meme about foreign relations being spinned in false narrative -game was over then, but you keep beating a dead horseface. :)

The fact that CNN lies does not excuse your lies, that whataboutism is so last year. You seem to think CNN lying is a bad thing, so why is your lying not a bad thing as well?
How can A CNN article be about the crowd and popularity before the event, are you saying they are the Nostradamus network? The discussion is about the live speach not about an online article on an India trip generalized. example: Bill Clinton went to Turkey, so an article showing his pics, that is a mere visit article, means nothing if we are discussing the News blackout of both Clinton's ties to Turkey and Bill's Epstein connections to King Solomon.
If The MSM blacks out the connection of The Kisoghi assassination to Clinton's loose end to why he let his friend Bin Laden go in 1998 or loose end to Epstein info, that blackout of the circle of people and how the pieces fall into place when you realize the ties is not the same as a trip to Turkey notice.
If you dared to argue the news reported the Turkey trip when that is not the premise being discussed is disingenuous or oblivious on your part.

Did you check all the networks broadcast during the live event like I did and witnesses here mentioned was
IF NOT, then how can you in good faith make your comments?
IF I were to say that Clinton blamed me for her 2008 primary failure & that Clinton's 2008 primary defeat (dated here)
Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential primary campaign - Wikipedia
caused her sore loser syndrome to lash out on a poor innocent person with a somewhat similar name she thought was me, then You would need to prove the sequence to prove a possibility or impossibility based on his murder being right after her dropping out/loss
(dated here)
Kalansuwa murder victim identified as 38-year-old Yosef Hashev
or mistaken conclusion by the murder coming before she knew she lost. Proving sequence of events matter to making claims and statements, something you have never shown when posting links to articles (not broadcasts), then posting the time stamp of my meme side by side.
If you can't defend the times then you lose your argument-YOU'VE BEEN LAWYERED! *L*
View attachment 308912

*this was an example for entertainment purposes, don't try this yourself, you guys are really bad at it.

Your meme stated there was a media blackout of Trump’s visit to India...that has been proven false.

Your meme does not mention “broadcast” and in fact at least half of the media organizations listed have no TV side to them at all.

Just admit you lied and move on, you are just making a fool of yourself bringing up Clinton, which has nothing to do with your lie.
Ok next time I'll make more explicit detailed memes even though the print will end up to small to read. Now if I post MY groundhog day meme will you complain Groundhogs don't drive?
View attachment 308913

Just don’t post fake memes and then whine about fake news and lying.

Seems simple enough.
Watching him visit the Taj Mahal. That is one impressive structure. What a privilege that is.
You know it is a muslim structure right? Still like it?

LOL.....Like America isnt a Christian Nation right??
India is 80% Hindu numbnuts and it's going to stay that way.
How a new law moves India closer to being 'a Hindu country'
America is not a christian country.

You wish.
Evangelicals call mormons, Catholics not Christian's when I ask Catholics they say the others aren't Christian's., also the constitution separated church from government.

Oh and I studied christianity I'm yet to meet a real christian.
catholic either. while i'm not active anymore, i went to a private catholic school for from K to 5th grade. alterboy through high school, and in jr high, read scriptures to the congregation when visiting my grandfather. taught by nuns even who's patience i know for a fact i tested all the time.

never once did i hear a catholic say other religions are not christian. in fact, the name "catholic" means universal as it is for everyone who chooses it.

looks like you failed your studies.

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