Trump is insisting on no height adjustment for the podiums for the debate


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
lol only Trump who has never emotionally and intellectually matured past the 8th grade would insist on something like this. It’s the usual “alpha” mentality men like him have because they obviously can’t rely on actual intelligence to seem superior to anyone.

I guess this is how many of his male supporters are too, really. It comes from a place of deep insecurity and fragility.
lol only Trump who has never emotionally and intellectually matured past the 8th grade would insist on something like this. It’s the usual “alpha” mentality men like him have because they obviously can’t rely on actual intelligence to seem superior to anyone.

I guess this is how many of his male supporters are too, really. It comes from a place of deep insecurity and fragility.

Weird. Trump doesn't look "presidential" because he's 6'1".
Interesting the only place I have seen this claim is in this thread. As I also recall a couple of the things Kamala wanted was to be seated during the debate and that notes be allowed. I find it rather weird that one would need notes to tell people what they believe in and why.
lol only Trump who has never emotionally and intellectually matured past the 8th grade would insist on something like this. It’s the usual “alpha” mentality men like him have because they obviously can’t rely on actual intelligence to seem superior to anyone.

I guess this is how many of his male supporters are too, really. It comes from a place of deep insecurity and fragility.

Thanks, once again, Billy000 for reminding us how you can focus on the most stupid of topics. Heaven forbid you ever post something that has relevance to what is going in the world or that you supply some kind of reasoned argument as to why it is so (you know with facts, figures, expert witness). That would be critical thinking.

You are not a critical thinker.

Not in the least.

So, can you tell us how you arrived at the conclusion that Trump never matured. Do you have a test he took or some kind of dispassionate analysis ? If so, you forgot to attach it. But that is typical (almost universal) for you. What is the "alpha" mentality that men like him (what are men like him anyway).

They "obviously".....well we'd need a little more than that. And You'd need to connect the dots for a number of reasons. As you never explain away alternative reasons

1. Like maybe he's afraid she might fall off. She's that stupid. I'd be afraid of it too.
2. She might get a nosebleed. That's a possibility as she does have thin vessels as evidenced by her many strokes right on air (well, that's what some call them......we just call he being a huge dumbass).
3. That it might cost more. Kamala won't care. She's already put the country in a huge tailspin over inflation (and yes, she owns it along with Biden......just watch the Trump commercials where she says "Bidenomics is working"....meaning what ? She wanted a 30% increase in prices ove 18 months ?) Trump wants to cut costs. So, could that explain it.
4. He feels sorry for her. At a lower height we won't see her eyes that well and tell when she is lying (which is pretty much when her lips are moving). But her eyes are dead giveaways. They also reveal what an airhead she is.

So, come on BillyBoy.....let's see some good analysis from you (for once). Please....for once. Show us that American Education isn't really THAT BAD.

No wonder Colorado sucks.
Interesting the only place I have seen this claim is in this thread. As I also recall a couple of the things Kamala wanted was to be seated during the debate and that notes be allowed. I find it rather weird that one would need notes to tell people what they believe in and why.

My guess (and it is just a guess) is that she won't be writing the notes. She needs to know what others want to get us to believe she believes.
I find it rather weird that one would need notes to tell people what they believe in and why.
She should do as Trump does and go for stream of consciousness, never finishing a sentence whilst sprinting from the question.

That seems to gather American support.
lol only Trump who has never emotionally and intellectually matured past the 8th grade would insist on something like this. It’s the usual “alpha” mentality men like him have because they obviously can’t rely on actual intelligence to seem superior to anyone.

I guess this is how many of his male supporters are too, really. It comes from a place of deep insecurity and fragility.
lol only Trump who has never emotionally and intellectually matured past the 8th grade would insist on something like this. It’s the usual “alpha” mentality men like him have because they obviously can’t rely on actual intelligence to seem superior to anyone.

I guess this is how many of his male supporters are too, really. It comes from a place of deep insecurity and fragility.
How is it you people want men in girls sports and tell those actual girls to just try harder. But for the presidency of the US you want the men to be less dominating against the poor little girl that can’t defend herself.

Can you make up your mind here?

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