Trump is leading in 42 out of 67 counties in RETURNED ballots

Are "returned" ballots the ones that people marked and mailed in to the Registrar of voters?

Or are they the ones that they marked and mailed in, and the postman couldn't decipher the address they were being sent to, so he returned them to sender - the voters?
They must be the ones that were returned to the registrar because they have been counted. There are 42 counties where more republican ballots went out than democrat ones in Florida course that doesn't mean much since in general election you can vote for whoever you want.
I thought that, even in "early voting" states, the votes were not counted until election day (Nov 8 for this year). People could mark their ballots early and turn them in, but they won't be counted until "the day".

Is there a state that actually counts them before Nov. 8?

Or are they just counting how many people registered as Republicans, voted? And how many registered as Democrats, voted?
You know, historically it is Republicans that do better in the early voting over Democrats. Democrats generally don't catch up until election day.

That the Dems are almost even with the Reps this time says a lot, because it means that Trump has a very good chance of losing.
Then we shall have ww3 and that will remind us we are strong and then everything Hilary stands for will be swept away.

I prefer the reasonable, pain free option of electing Trump, personally.

Trump is more likely to get us into WWIII. After all, he's the one that said he would fire on ships that made rude gestures towards our naval ships, as well as said that using nukes is an option because he wants to keep people guessing.

What exactly has Hillary said that would get us into a war?
Yeah but he's doing it right.

You know Goose, speaking as someone who served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, and was in 4 war zones, there is never a "right" way to get into a war. War is the final result when diplomacy has failed.

I think Hillary would be more likely to go the diplomatic route to solve problems, whereas Trump seems that he would be more of the hawkish route, swinging a big stick at anyone who looks at us wrong.
You know, historically it is Republicans that do better in the early voting over Democrats. Democrats generally don't catch up until election day.

That the Dems are almost even with the Reps this time says a lot, because it means that Trump has a very good chance of losing.
Then we shall have ww3 and that will remind us we are strong and then everything Hilary stands for will be swept away.

I prefer the reasonable, pain free option of electing Trump, personally.

Trump is more likely to get us into WWIII. After all, he's the one that said he would fire on ships that made rude gestures towards our naval ships, as well as said that using nukes is an option because he wants to keep people guessing.

What exactly has Hillary said that would get us into a war?
Yeah but he's doing it right.

You know Goose, speaking as someone who served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, and was in 4 war zones, there is never a "right" way to get into a war. War is the final result when diplomacy has failed.

I think Hillary would be more likely to go the diplomatic route to solve problems, whereas Trump seems that he would be more of the hawkish route, swinging a big stick at anyone who looks at us wrong.
It's better than swinging a stick at anyone who looks at the oligarchs wrong.
Statistics - County Vote-by-Mail and Early Voting Reports

Ya gotta look at those RETURNED ballots. Trump is winning in early voting which is CRUCIAL and is even winning or close behind in BIG counties.

Yes, and I imagine that those Republican returned ballots will show a 3rd party leading, (Gary Johnson or Mickey Mouse)--or Republicans are voting FOR Hillary Clinton.

You were warned over and over again about Trump, and you ignored all those warnings.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen


When you can't get the red-est of the red to support the Republican nominee--you've got very serious issues.
In the reddest part of Colorado, some Republicans rethink their loyalty
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And the truth shall set you free...

The sheeple is not interested in the truth.

It's a waste of time....sheeple are a waste of time...trying to make them see sense, is a waste of time. :frown:
Are "returned" ballots the ones that people marked and mailed in to the Registrar of voters?

Or are they the ones that they marked and mailed in, and the postman couldn't decipher the address they were being sent to, so he returned them to sender - the voters?
They must be the ones that were returned to the registrar because they have been counted. There are 42 counties where more republican ballots went out than democrat ones in Florida course that doesn't mean much since in general election you can vote for whoever you want.
I thought that, even in "early voting" states, the votes were not counted until election day (Nov 8 for this year). People could mark their ballots early and turn them in, but they won't be counted until "the day".

Is there a state that actually counts them before Nov. 8?

Or are they just counting how many people registered as Republicans, voted? And how many registered as Democrats, voted?
The bottom part is what they are doing. So I guess only thing we can figure out is more republicans have returned their ballots and I would say what 1 or 2% MIGHT vote for Clinton?
You know, historically it is Republicans that do better in the early voting over Democrats. Democrats generally don't catch up until election day.

That the Dems are almost even with the Reps this time says a lot, because it means that Trump has a very good chance of losing.
Then we shall have ww3 and that will remind us we are strong and then everything Hilary stands for will be swept away.

I prefer the reasonable, pain free option of electing Trump, personally.

Trump is more likely to get us into WWIII. After all, he's the one that said he would fire on ships that made rude gestures towards our naval ships, as well as said that using nukes is an option because he wants to keep people guessing.

What exactly has Hillary said that would get us into a war?
Yeah but he's doing it right.

You know Goose, speaking as someone who served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, and was in 4 war zones, there is never a "right" way to get into a war. War is the final result when diplomacy has failed.

I think Hillary would be more likely to go the diplomatic route to solve problems, whereas Trump seems that he would be more of the hawkish route, swinging a big stick at anyone who looks at us wrong.
Oh yeah. A woman scorned like she is and will continue to be especially by Russia and Putin she will fly off the handle and nuke Russia. Go listen and read what the SS agents that guarded her have said. She is unstable and crazy.
You know, historically it is Republicans that do better in the early voting over Democrats. Democrats generally don't catch up until election day.

That the Dems are almost even with the Reps this time says a lot, because it means that Trump has a very good chance of losing.
Then we shall have ww3 and that will remind us we are strong and then everything Hilary stands for will be swept away.

I prefer the reasonable, pain free option of electing Trump, personally.

Trump is more likely to get us into WWIII. After all, he's the one that said he would fire on ships that made rude gestures towards our naval ships, as well as said that using nukes is an option because he wants to keep people guessing.

What exactly has Hillary said that would get us into a war?
Yeah but he's doing it right.

You know Goose, speaking as someone who served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, and was in 4 war zones, there is never a "right" way to get into a war. War is the final result when diplomacy has failed.

I think Hillary would be more likely to go the diplomatic route to solve problems, whereas Trump seems that he would be more of the hawkish route, swinging a big stick at anyone who looks at us wrong.
Oh yeah. A woman scorned like she is and will continue to be especially by Russia and Putin she will fly off the handle and nuke Russia. Go listen and read what the SS agents that guarded her have said. She is unstable and crazy.
good point! Putin scorned Obama, but Obama has no hood because he's not from America, but a woman scorned...They make their own hoods.
And the truth shall set you free...

Are you really that stupid - or do you think we are? I saw it live - and Trump was talking about and mocking the disabled reporter while flailing his arms around.
They are not supposed to be counting them yet, how would they know who is leading.
If that is actually true that some article came out and said that, I suspect it is from the Clinton campaign to make those that think she is a certainty nervous enough to get out and vote. At the same time it could give Trump supporters a false sense of security and make them think their vote is not needed.
Ignore these things. Consider your candidate behind until after the last vote is cast in November.
And the truth shall set you free...

:lol: So Trump saying he didn't mock a disabled reporter, when everyone clearly saw him doing so, is good enough for you huh?

Because Trump never denies saying or doing something we have him on tape saying or doing, right?

Trump Denies He Tweeted People to ‘Check Out a Sex Tape’

Donald Trump Said Not Paying Taxes 'Makes Me Smart,' Then Denied Saying It

What? I don't trust anything Trump says (just like I don't trust anything Hitlery says). But are you going to sit there and be a lying partisan hack when there is indisputable video showing that he uses those same motions to mock people without any disabilities? Or did you pull a typical progressive and stop watching before the entire video finished?
And the truth shall set you free...

Are you really that stupid - or do you think we are? I saw it live - and Trump was talking about and mocking the disabled reporter while flailing his arms around.

Are you that stupid? Oh wait....that's right. You're just a lying partisan hack. Shit for brains - the video is right there showing him using that exact same motion to mock people without disabilities. It's clearly just something he does and has nothing to do with the disabilities.

Why do you insist on being such a lying partisan hack? You look like an idiot when you try to deny video. When that initial video talking about the reporter surfaced - I didn't deny it. It was on video and indisputable. But now new video has surfaced putting that in context and it is very clear that he was not mocking the reporters disability (he was mocking the reporter - but not the disability). Just like he had done with other people without disabilities.
And the truth shall set you free...

:lol: So Trump saying he didn't mock a disabled reporter, when everyone clearly saw him doing so, is good enough for you huh?

Because Trump never denies saying or doing something we have him on tape saying or doing, right?

Trump Denies He Tweeted People to ‘Check Out a Sex Tape’

Donald Trump Said Not Paying Taxes 'Makes Me Smart,' Then Denied Saying It

What? I don't trust anything Trump says (just like I don't trust anything Hitlery says). But are you going to sit there and be a lying partisan hack when there is indisputable video showing that he uses those same motions to mock people without any disabilities? Or did you pull a typical progressive and stop watching before the entire video finished?

I watched it. He was mocking the disabled reporter...and it's on tape. Just one of the reasons he'll lose in 15 days.
And the truth shall set you free...

:lol: So Trump saying he didn't mock a disabled reporter, when everyone clearly saw him doing so, is good enough for you huh?

Because Trump never denies saying or doing something we have him on tape saying or doing, right?

Trump Denies He Tweeted People to ‘Check Out a Sex Tape’

Donald Trump Said Not Paying Taxes 'Makes Me Smart,' Then Denied Saying It

What? I don't trust anything Trump says (just like I don't trust anything Hitlery says). But are you going to sit there and be a lying partisan hack when there is indisputable video showing that he uses those same motions to mock people without any disabilities? Or did you pull a typical progressive and stop watching before the entire video finished?

I watched it. He was mocking the disabled reporter...and it's on tape. Just one of the reasons he'll lose in 15 days.

He didn't mock him because of his disability, but because like you, the reporter was a retard.
And the truth shall set you free...

The sheeple is not interested in the truth.

It's a waste of time....sheeple are a waste of time...trying to make them see sense, is a waste of time. :frown:

You are so right Sky. Idiot Lakhota and her progressive gal-pal Seawytch just proved that right here. Even in the face of indisputable video evidence, they attempt to continue their false narrative. You have to wonder about people with such limited character and integrity. they not realize how stupid they look trying to deny something on video? Even the New York mob wasn't stupid enough to deny when something was on video. They would just cut a deal and move on. God Almighty are these people just slime. When the mafia shows more character than a progressive, you know that progressivism is a disgusting disease.
I watched it. He was mocking the disabled reporter...and it's on tape. Just one of the reasons he'll lose in 15 days.
Really? So what disability does Ted Cruz have? One disability does that General have? Tell us Seawytch. We're all ears.

Can I give you some free advice? If you would stop electing such despicable animals as your nominees, you wouldn't have to destroy your own credibility by lying 24x7 in an attempt to get your candidate elected. Just say'n.
I watched it. He was mocking the disabled reporter...and it's on tape. Just one of the reasons he'll lose in 15 days.
Really? So what disability does Ted Cruz have? One disability does that General have? Tell us Seawytch. We're all ears.

Can I give you some free advice? If you would stop electing such despicable animals as your nominees, you wouldn't have to destroy your own credibility by lying 24x7 in an attempt to get your candidate elected. Just say'n.

Trump assumes a disability in the case of Cruz or the general. Trump KNEW who he was mocking when he mocked the reporter. If that sort of thing is something he does regularly, that makes it even worse, not better.

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