Trump is leading in 42 out of 67 counties in RETURNED ballots

If you look at the link's charts with the county totals, all the counties in Florida are listed with Totals of the returned mail in ballots,



Dade County isn't on there, the county where lies MIAMI the largest city in the whole State of Florida, the county with the highest population....

IS NOT in this count????

Makes no sense and seems like the Florida Secretary of State, a Republican, is purposely leaving out the totals from the largest county in Florida with the biggest city in Florida, which could be a tad more liberal leaning or certainly more Hispanic off, so to skew the way the results appear on ballots returned.

WHY is Dade County not listed in the TOTALS?
I watched it. He was mocking the disabled reporter...and it's on tape. Just one of the reasons he'll lose in 15 days.
Really? So what disability does Ted Cruz have? One disability does that General have? Tell us Seawytch. We're all ears.

Can I give you some free advice? If you would stop electing such despicable animals as your nominees, you wouldn't have to destroy your own credibility by lying 24x7 in an attempt to get your candidate elected. Just say'n.

Trump assumes a disability in the case of Cruz or the general. Trump KNEW who he was mocking when he mocked the reporter. If that sort of thing is something he does regularly, that makes it even worse, not better.
Well now you're just being absurd. Trump knows damn well that Cruz and that General did not have any disabilities. Stop desperately grasping at straws to defame him. There are plenty of real issues that you could be attacking Trump on. This is clearly not one of them.
Trump assumes a disability in the case of Cruz or the general. Trump KNEW who he was mocking when he mocked the reporter. If that sort of thing is something he does regularly, that makes it even worse, not better.
See what I mean wytch? There is plenty of real stuff to attack Trump on. You don't need to lie about him (though progressives are so use to it that they probably can't even help themselves.

Just because she's a porn star doesn't mean anyone has the right to grab her. And implying it doesn't matter if someone did because she is a porn star is despicable.

Trump on porn actress who accused him of misconduct: 'Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before' -
Trump assumes a disability in the case of Cruz or the general. Trump KNEW who he was mocking when he mocked the reporter. If that sort of thing is something he does regularly, that makes it even worse, not better.
See what I mean wytch? There is plenty of real stuff to attack Trump on. You don't need to lie about him (though progressives are so use to it that they probably can't even help themselves.

Just because she's a porn star doesn't mean anyone has the right to grab her. And implying it doesn't matter if someone did because she is a porn star is despicable.

Trump on porn actress who accused him of misconduct: 'Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before' -

Well Patriot, we finally found something that we agree on. You are correct sir, it doesn't matter WHAT your job is...............waitress, bartender, porn star, or even prostitute, if a person grabs you uninvited, you have the right to punch them in the nose.

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