Trump Is Losing the Support of Fox Viewers

The poll was taken earlier this week.....

Suffolk University and USA Today released a poll this week, which found that among people who trust Fox News the most, the president’s approval rating has been sinking.

His favorability among Fox devotees in June was 90 percent.
In October, it was 74 percent.
This week? Fifty-eight percent.

If that trend continues, he will be underwater with the Fox audience long before the 2018 midterms.

Right wingers can cry “fake polls,” as Trump often does. But was the same poll fake in June? Or are the same trends that led to Trump’s historically abysmal approval ratings now reaching even the Fox faithful?

Read more at: President Trump Is Losing the Support of Fox Viewers

Mm, yeah maybe, but we know where Fox viewers ain’t going though.
I am a Fox Viewer. And I voted for Trump because my other choice was the Luceferian Depravity of the Clinton Crime Family; the incompetent craven perverted wing---not the intelligent pussy loving Southern Boy.

And, after the first year, I am very impressed with Trump--even acknowledging the personality disorders. Doing a fine job against great odds---24/7 scurrility from the Clinton/Obama/New York well as turds like this Jonah Goldberg who wrote the article in the O.P.

He is a RINO---there are a bunch of those Butt-Hurts who are still mad because they didn't get to have yet a third damn Bush as President....and many are on Fox whinning and bitching like little girls. Goldberg is one. So, he found a bull-shit poll to support his own beliefs; anyone can do that in this day and time. Fuck him.

Drain the Swamp.
Lock her Up.
Build the Wall
Stop Lottery Migration
Stop Chain Migration
Lower Taxes
Reform Welfare
Put an end to Sanctuary Cities
Ban Migration from Barbaric Countries still living in the 9th Century--Arabia, Persia, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan
All of which will---------MAGA

And he has achieved ... none of these things. Not even the lower taxes one, yet.
Trump Is Losing the Support of Fox Viewers

LMAO Fox is losing the support of Fox viewers. :laugh:
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
I am a Fox Viewer. And I voted for Trump because my other choice was the Luceferian Depravity of the Clinton Crime Family; the incompetent craven perverted wing---not the intelligent pussy loving Southern Boy.

And, after the first year, I am very impressed with Trump--even acknowledging the personality disorders. Doing a fine job against great odds---24/7 scurrility from the Clinton/Obama/New York well as turds like this Jonah Goldberg who wrote the article in the O.P.

He is a RINO---there are a bunch of those Butt-Hurts who are still mad because they didn't get to have yet a third damn Bush as President....and many are on Fox whinning and bitching like little girls. Goldberg is one. So, he found a bull-shit poll to support his own beliefs; anyone can do that in this day and time. Fuck him.

Drain the Swamp.
Lock her Up.
Build the Wall
Stop Lottery Migration
Stop Chain Migration
Lower Taxes
Reform Welfare
Put an end to Sanctuary Cities
Ban Migration from Barbaric Countries still living in the 9th Century--Arabia, Persia, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan
All of which will---------MAGA
Are you getting that great beautiful tax cut of 1000 -2000 that disappears in time OR getting a huge one like I am that will never stop? Trump is lying slime Hope he needs FBI to save his worthless life one day
Trump Is Losing the Support of Fox Viewers

LMAO Fox is losing the support of Fox viewers. :laugh:
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again
LMAO Fox is losing the support of Fox viewers. :laugh:
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again
Blues would it be a gotcha question for someone to ask how come he bashes the FBI and loves Putin??
LMAO Fox is losing the support of Fox viewers. :laugh:
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again

Because Fox News is anti-Trump and in the tank for the GOP establishment that's why.
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again
Blues would it be a gotcha question for someone to ask how come he bashes the FBI and loves Putin??

Trump doesn't love Putin, on the other hand Hillary gave Putin a reset button and kissed his ass. Have you seen the photo ops and reporting on Hillary's many one on one meetings with Putin, she was smitten with him. I'm sorry did that burst your liberal bubble?
They'll always have you

Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again

Because Fox News is anti-Trump and in the tank for the GOP establishment that's why.
Anti Trump???? Holy moley Maybe I have to watch them again? But I hate that pig Hanitty
Suffolk U? The dirty little secret is that Fox has drifted to the left in some cases and is losing the support of viewers. How the hell did Fox have Jones up by ten points before the election when they knew or should have known that it would be a squeaker with a point or so difference? The short answer is that Fox picked a candidate they liked and played the MSM game by using push polls to try to influence voter turnout
Eddie do I have to help you with reading comprehension again? I no longer watch Fox News hence my post...oh I give up :itsok:
What you wrote wasn't as understandable as you think Can you tell why you no longer watch?? Fired your guy O'Reily?

Because that blond bimbo attacked Trump during the first GOP primary debate with a gotcha question.
Isn't she gone now?? You can go back again
Blues would it be a gotcha question for someone to ask how come he bashes the FBI and loves Putin??

Trump doesn't love Putin, on the other hand Hillary gave Putin a reset button and kissed his ass. Have you seen the photo ops and reporting on Hillary's many one on one meetings with Putin, she was smitten with him. I'm sorry did that burst your liberal bubble?
Think you overstated with your smitten comment Putin knew he'd be in far better shape with his pal Trump in our WH and so far no sanctions that congress voted on ?? Trump is slime
If Fox is losing viewers it's because of the sexual revelations that's sweeping the country. It'll settle to normal when the last of the pervs are canned.

Indeed, it must be difficult to be an evangelical while worshiping a lying megalomaniac, pussy grabber-in-chief
Very difficult since I'm not an evangelical Christian and don't worship Trump. I voted for Trump in order to keep Satan's evil handmaiden out of the Oval Office.
Seriously, who cares?

Trump won't be up for reelection until 2020.

Until then polls don't mean jack
Seriously, who cares?

Trump won't be up for reelection until 2020.

Until then polls don't mean jack
Well if he suffers big losses in congress he'll be like a pussy grabber without a penis
I take it you were the Captain of your debate team in school. Bet you sucked. Bigly.
LOL my HS took debates outside of school ol hoss Trump is a slime bag and deserves any crap that falls on him
In my case fox news has lost the support of this Trump supporter. As long as fox keeps sheppard smith on the payroll I will get my news from Breitbart and Drudge. Newsmax was also added to DishNet so I no longer need fox. Trump is my Persident an as long as he remains anti-progressive he has my support. I’ll take Trump and you can have chuck and nancy.
Mm, yeah maybe, but we know where Fox viewers ain’t going though.

THANK GOD........who the hell wants in their party a bunch of dementia-ridden folks who have long misplaced their TV remote ???
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Yep, you got us..........Choose the reasons we've lost confidence in Trump

A. Economy is strong.
B. He gets shit done.
C. His continued assault on liberal PC.
D. The investigation into "Russian Corruption" exposed Democrat corruption.
E. America first.
F. He's a white male Republican.

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