Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall

The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.

They said the same about the meat packing plants that Trump ordered to remain open. It's all a matter of how close you pack people indoors. And neither meat packing plants or schools have enough room to keep people safely distanced from each other at all times.
NO, Trump didn't say that. What he did say is that meat packing plants are essential businesses.
Wrong. We knew China was a source of the infection. We didn't know that about Europe until later.

Italy became infected shortly after China. The outbreak then spread to europe. And Trump didn't shut off flights from other infected countries for weeks.
In other words, he cutoff travel from Europe shortly after Dims called him a racist for shutting off travel from China.

You TDS morons are great at 20/20 hindsight, especially after you have made utter fools of yourselves saying the exact wrong thing.
Hey ass-clown, your chart says there have only been 27 coronavirus deaths.
You can probably find a dozen alleged "experts" (who are really political activists) who could find reasons to keep kids in front of the video game machine at home rather than in school but a kid is more likely to get hit by a car than come down with the disease. Indict Dr. Death for the negligent deaths of NY nursing home residents to show your concern before you keep kids from getting an education.
Here in Arkansas the daily count of new COVID-19 cases is staggering.
What is the clinical definition of "new cases"? Is it deaths or people who show mild symptoms or healthy people who test positive and show no symptoms? Are they all lumped together to increase the statistical impact? In the U.S. we expect anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 deaths every year from the common flu even with a vaccine but we don't deprive children of an education and try to ruin a thriving economy because of it. Is it possible that governor (Dr. Death) Cuomo of NY intentionally caused the deaths of some 3,000 to 5,000 elderly patients in nursing homes by forcing the homes to accept infected people because he wanted to increase the statistics for political and financial gains? ? Why not check it out?
Why do they want to force this shit down everybody's throat? If you are nervous about the virus, stay home. Why is this so hard?
Shoving things down your throat is the whole point of the shutdown. Dims always want to shove their idiotic ideas down your throat, and the shutdown gave them the means to do it.
Trump's inaction EARLY on, and his federal cdc guidelines and the virus itself, caused the shutdown.... dems didn't cause it.
So, which is it? Was he racist for the travel restrictions from China or was he slow to react? The dems. narrative seem to change from day to day.

If I remember correctly, the so called "experts" said American's risk of contracting the virus was very low.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronovirus 'Very Low Risk' to US but ...
View attachment 361768
He WAS racist...AND chaotic

He "stopped travel" with China but allowed all those already there to return with no restrictions

And then waited 2 months to do anything about travel from Europe despite the fact that the virus was raging in Italy and elsewhere. In fact even THEN he didn't stop travel with the UK

And when WAS stopped...he did this

View attachment 361779
Pelosi encouraged public gatherings in late February ...
...come to california pelosi - Bing
In San Francisco...with social distancing.

While Trump was holding rallies...where there was none

Newsflash...San Fran was not hit hard by this virus
Were the George Floyd protesters practicing social distancing, moron?
That's what they thought at the summer camps that just closed down because the coronavirus spread through them like wildfire. (their words)
Children are not vectors for the Corona Virus/Covid 19. That is a fact. What you posted is a lie.

Summer camp closes after Covid-19 outbreak in Arkansas › coronavirus-pandemic-07-08-20-intl

2 days ago - Camp Ozark, a summer camp facility located in Mount Ida, Arkansas, has temporarily closed down after an outbreak of Covid-19, ..
That's what they thought at the summer camps that just closed down because the coronavirus spread through them like wildfire. (their words)
Children are not vectors for the Corona Virus/Covid 19. That is a fact. What you posted is a lie.

Summer camp closes after Covid-19 outbreak in Arkansas › coronavirus-pandemic-07-08-20-intl

2 days ago - Camp Ozark, a summer camp facility located in Mount Ida, Arkansas, has temporarily closed down after an outbreak of Covid-19, ..
Your article included no evidence that camp residents were passing the virus to each other.
NO, Trump didn't say that. What he did say is that meat packing plants are essential businesses.

Trump orders meat plants to say open, citing Defense ... › business › 2020/04/28 › tr...

Apr 29, 2020 - President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday evening compelling meat processors to remain open to head off shortages in the nation's ...
So where did he say that the virus couldn't be passed in meat packing plants?
Summer camp closes after Covid-19 outbreak in Arkansas › coronavirus-pandemic-07-08-20-intl

2 days ago - Camp Ozark, a summer camp facility located in Mount Ida, Arkansas, has temporarily closed down after an outbreak of Covid-19, ..
Are you trying to change the subject to, "cnn is fake news". You should stay on topic.
Here are four sources, one is National Public Radio, a liberal democrat news source. This soundly shows that you have shared fake news to try to substantiate your opinion and lies.

CDC director says there’s no data children drive coronavirus spread

As that scientific debate rages, Daniel Koch, the Swiss infectious disease chief, firmly planted his flag on one side of it Wednesday. “Young children are not infected and do not transmit the virus,” he told reporters, referring to a study released this month as well as his conversations with Swiss health experts.

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, where Koch works, says children under 10 years old rarely get the virus.

Brown University economist Emily Oster found that, as of Tuesday afternoon, among 916 centers serving more than 20,000 children, just over 1% of staff and 0.16% of children were confirmed infected with the coronavirus.

"There are almost no recorded cases of child-to-adult transmission of COVID-19," says Elliot Haspel, an education policy expert and child care advocate who wrote an op-ed arguing for reopening full-time child care and schools as soon as possible. "

We have some information from abroad. France, Germany, Denmark, and other countries have reopened schools. Sweden has had schools open the whole time. Oddly, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence is provided by what we haven’t seen: much in the way of large-scale outbreaks linked to schools.
What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Wrong, moron. However, I believe it's a tactical mistake for Trump to try and force school districts to start school up again.
So I’m wrong and a moron but you agree with what I said... ok that makes sense. Thanks for playing
Look, your own chart shows 2 deaths to children under 18

The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.

At least 2 died from it. You gonna stop lying?

2 out of about 4000? We're supposed to panic about that?
You lied about it. When are you going to stop lying?

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