Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall

What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Trump is blackmailing states to reopen their schools even if in complete violation of CDC guidelines.

Threatening to cut off government aid, and to deport their students if they don't open.
The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.
Wow the level of ignorance you keep yourself in never ceases to amaze me

Are you trying to change the subject to, "cnn is fake news". You should stay on topic.
Here are four sources, one is National Public Radio, a liberal democrat news source. This soundly shows that you have shared fake news to try to substantiate your opinion and lies.

From your own source (apparently you only read the headline and not the actual article)

But the science is far from settled. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says kids “can still pass this virus onto others who may be at higher risk, including older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions.” And other studies show children continue to display similar transmission abilities as adults, leading experts to caution against trusting kids not to spread the disease.
Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall.

Now I am sure Trump is crazy.

He knows the more education anyone has the less likely they would vote for him.

He is screwing himself by forcing any education before the November election.
Yet he's in the Whitehouse and you're a fucking nobody and a never will be. Who the fuck are you to say he's making a mistake?
It seems he has more people agreeing with him than you'll ever even know must less the so pitiful few that know you or care.
Summer camp closes after Covid-19 outbreak in Arkansas › coronavirus-pandemic-07-08-20-intl

2 days ago - Camp Ozark, a summer camp facility located in Mount Ida, Arkansas, has temporarily closed down after an outbreak of Covid-19, ..
The articles says the Camp closed because of the outbreak in Arkansas. It is also the headline. The article in no way states children were infected and the camp closed.

This is a great example of the stupidity of many people. They watch TV which tells them to hate Trump but it never explains why based on facts. Said person than comments here, and when challenged, said person goes to google like it is a deck of cards with all the answers. Of course the Democrats do pay the advertising platform known as google to have their propaganda found. So CNN states Trump bad on its television show, then Democrat listener goes to google and finds the exact same thing. This psychological trick is effective. Said idiot now believes CNN is being collaborated with. Said Democrat moron who has been programmed to believe google is the best way to get an education now has his proof. A search on a liberal, democrat, website. "We Believe", says the mental midget.
Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall.

Now I am sure Trump is crazy.

He knows the more education anyone has the less likely they would vote for him.

He is screwing himself by forcing any education before the November election.
Liar. Trump isn't forcing anything.
In fact in MN most parents want their kids back in school this fall.

You are lying scum.
you dumb shit.
You did not read my whole post. It was tongue in cheek.
"why would Trump want to send anyone to school because the dumber a person is the more likely they will support Trump"

You obviously don't know the meaning of tongue-in-cheek.
When you open your eyes, do you see brown. That is because your head is up your ass.
You know head up ones ass. I know tongue in cheek.
Yet he's in the Whitehouse and you're a fucking nobody and a never will be. Who the fuck are you to say he's making a mistake?
How about the 130,000 corpses he left in his wake. And a country with 5% of the worlds population, yet has 30% of coronavirus deaths.
What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Trump is blackmailing states to reopen their schools even if in complete violation of CDC guidelines.

Threatening to cut off government aid, and to deport their students if they don't open.
The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.
Wow the level of ignorance you keep yourself in never ceases to amaze me

PC horseshit.
From your own source (apparently you only read the headline and not the actual article)

But the science is far from settled. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says kids “can still pass this virus onto others who may be at higher risk, including older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions.” And other studies show children continue to display similar transmission abilities as adults, leading experts to caution against trusting kids not to spread the disease.
The key word is, "can". That is not a definite fact, "can" is like saying maybe. Can does not mean that children do pass the disease. It means maybe, nothing more. Do you not understand the meaning of words?

Children represent a small fraction of confirmed COVID-19 cases — less than 2% of reported infections in China, Italy and the United States have been in people under 18 years old.
The article in no way states children were infected and the camp closed.
From the article

“Camp Ozark shared the information that they had on out-of-state campers and a counselor. They took action. They initially sent campers home and some counselors home, and then, as they had additional cases, they made the decision on their own to go ahead and close down for now,” Smith said.
But the science is far from settled. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says kids “can still pass this virus onto others who may be at higher risk, including older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions.” And other studies show children continue to display similar transmission abilities as adults, leading experts to caution against trusting kids not to spread the disease.
No evidence of secondary transmission of COVID-19 from children attending school in Ireland, 2020
Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall.

Now I am sure Trump is crazy.

He knows the more education anyone has the less likely they would vote for him.

He is screwing himself by forcing any education before the November election.
Liar. Trump isn't forcing anything.
In fact in MN most parents want their kids back in school this fall.

You are lying scum.
you dumb shit.
You did not read my whole post. It was tongue in cheek.
"why would Trump want to send anyone to school because the dumber a person is the more likely they will support Trump"

You obviously don't know the meaning of tongue-in-cheek.
When you open your eyes, do you see brown. That is because your head is up your ass.
You know head up ones ass. I know tongue in cheek.
You suck too, jackass.
Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall.

Now I am sure Trump is crazy.

He knows the more education anyone has the less likely they would vote for him.

He is screwing himself by forcing any education before the November election.
Yet he's in the Whitehouse and you're a fucking nobody and a never will be. Who the fuck are you to say he's making a mistake?
It seems he has more people agreeing with him than you'll ever even know must less the so pitiful few that know you or care.
Well "DICK" (such an appropriate name), I have heard you speak extremely negatively about the previous resident of the White House. I found the previous President outstanding. If you are President, it does not make you a good person. Also, DICK, I live in a white house. One more thing , DICK, White House is two words, you dumb ass. That is all DICK.
What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Trump is blackmailing states to reopen their schools even if in complete violation of CDC guidelines.

Threatening to cut off government aid, and to deport their students if they don't open.
The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.
Wow the level of ignorance you keep yourself in never ceases to amaze me

PC horseshit.
It’s ok to admit your wrong
Trump is making a big mistake by forcing all schools to open this fall.

Now I am sure Trump is crazy.

He knows the more education anyone has the less likely they would vote for him.

He is screwing himself by forcing any education before the November election.
Liar. Trump isn't forcing anything.
In fact in MN most parents want their kids back in school this fall.

You are lying scum.
you dumb shit.
You did not read my whole post. It was tongue in cheek.
"why would Trump want to send anyone to school because the dumber a person is the more likely they will support Trump"

You obviously don't know the meaning of tongue-in-cheek.
When you open your eyes, do you see brown. That is because your head is up your ass.
You know head up ones ass. I know tongue in cheek.
You suck too, jackass.
Are you admitting you suck?
Summer camp closes after Covid-19 outbreak in Arkansas › coronavirus-pandemic-07-08-20-intl

2 days ago - Camp Ozark, a summer camp facility located in Mount Ida, Arkansas, has temporarily closed down after an outbreak of Covid-19, ..
The articles says the Camp closed because of the outbreak in Arkansas. It is also the headline. The article in no way states children were infected and the camp closed.
From the article

“Camp Ozark shared the information that they had on out-of-state campers and a counselor. They took action. They initially sent campers home and some counselors home, and then, as they had additional cases, they made the decision on their own to go ahead and close down for now,” Smith said.
That still doesn't say they contracted the disease at the camp, moron.
What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Trump is blackmailing states to reopen their schools even if in complete violation of CDC guidelines.

Threatening to cut off government aid, and to deport their students if they don't open.
The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.
Wow the level of ignorance you keep yourself in never ceases to amaze me

PC horseshit.
It’s ok to admit your wrong
BriPat admitted that he sucks in a previous post.
“Camp Ozark shared the information that they had on out-of-state campers and a counselor. They took action. They initially sent campers home and some counselors home, and then, as they had additional cases, they made the decision on their own to go ahead and close down for now,” Smith said.
As I stated, it does not say they had cases of covid 19 in children. What you just shared explicitly states some counselors were sent home. I have addressed a 100% of your one article, seeings how you thought we should link articles and debate the contents of articles. You have at least 6 articles you must provide counter sources for as well as address the content of my links as I addressed yours. Not do do so will make you a hypocrite. You started the game of google, it is only fair that you play it. Now produce something that shows children were infected at the camp by children, as you claim. Address the links I provided. To not address the links as well as substantiate your opinion will show everyone that you are simply trolling with your opinion.

Why do children infected with the coronavirus fare better than adults?
“The virus is so new that we don’t really know”, says Roberts, who is also director of the David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre, in Newport, UK.
“One of the likely reasons is that the virus needs a protein on the surface of a cell (a receptor) to get into the inside of a cell and start causing problems,” he says. “The coronavirus seems to use the Angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE-2) receptor for this purpose. It may be that children have less ACE-2 receptors in their lower airways (lungs) than in their upper airways, which is why it is their upper airways (nose, mouths and throats) that are predominantly affected.”
It is not so much that children are not being as affected, but that something changes as a person gets much older that makes one more likely to be affected – Andrew Pollard
This may explain why children infected with the coronavirus seem to get more of a cold rather than a pneumonia or the life threatening Sars picture that is seen in adults. The coronavirus’s affinity for the ACE-2 receptor was demonstrated in cell lines and in mouse models in laboratory studies as early as 2003, and in genome studies of novel coronaviruses RsSHC014 and Rs3367 (related, but not identical, to the SARS coronavirus) isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats in 2013.
“Camp Ozark shared the information that they had on out-of-state campers and a counselor. They took action. They initially sent campers home and some counselors home, and then, as they had additional cases, they made the decision on their own to go ahead and close down for now,” Smith said.
As I stated, it does not say they had cases of covid 19 in children. What you just shared explicitly states some counselors were sent home.
They initially sent campers home and some counselors home,

Why did you omit "sent campers home"
What happens with schools should be left to the local governments not the Feds. Trump is way out of bounds and any honest conservative would agree with that.
Trump is blackmailing states to reopen their schools even if in complete violation of CDC guidelines.

Threatening to cut off government aid, and to deport their students if they don't open.
The theory that there's any danger from schools reopening is pure horseshit. Kids under the age of 18 can't even get the disease, moron.
Wow the level of ignorance you keep yourself in never ceases to amaze me

PC horseshit.
It’s ok to admit your wrong
BriPat admitted that he sucks in a previous post.
I thought that was a long established fact. But I guess his awareness of it is a good thing

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