Trump is not a racist!

I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

When Barack Obama held a press conference (4/27/11) announcing he would release additional evidence to document his already-established U.S. birth, the spectacle recalled the days of Jim Crow, when black citizens were required to produce extra documentation, pay poll taxes and take “literacy tests” in a system designed to disenfranchise them. Trump followed in these footsteps by demanding that Obama provide evidence never required of any white politician–a parallel heightened when, during a press conference boasting of his role in forcing Obama to release a new version of his birth certificate, he made a new bid to delegitimize Obama by demanding that he release his school records as well. Ignoring Trump’s Record of Racism
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
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More allegations, the quotes around the content are fake. When you research this to find out where and when he actually said this, you will find that it was only alleged that he said this. Many lefties before you have tried this one, plus all the other ones that you have not tried yet. As long as you keep going to propaganda sites for your evidence, you will just keep posting propaganda.
Given all of Trump's other horrifying immoral, unethical, dishonest, thoroughly reprehensible qualities,

if it makes you happy to believe that Trump isn't a racist, fine, I'll give you that mulligan.

Please make up a table of qualities with three columns....Obama, Clinton and Trump.

Then we can discuss where they are on each.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
View attachment 120718
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
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Lefties need to learn basic fact checking skills.
Did Donald Trump really say those things?

“Laziness is a trait in blacks”

This is a secondhand quote, something that someone has alleged that Trump said. So it should be viewed with some skepticism.

Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino President John R. O’Donnell, in the 1991 book “Trumped,” claimed that Trump once said that “laziness is a trait in blacks.” Here is the full context for the statement, as described in the book. O’Donnell relates a conversation with Trump about a finance employee, who happens to be black and who O’Donnell believes has shortcomings.

Instantly, Donald was enthused. “Yeah, I never liked the guy. I don’t think he knows what the f––– he’s doing. My accountants up in New York are always complaining about him. He’s not responsive. And isn’t it funny, I’ve got black accountants at the Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. No one else.”

I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. But Donald went on, “Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not something they can control. … Don’t you agree?”

So this is clearly a secondhand quote, made in a private conversation and written some years after the fact. Trump called O’Donnell a disgruntled employee, but he initially did not dispute the remarks. “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true,” he told Playboy in an interview published in May 1997.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
View attachment 120720
This originated on a satire twitter account. Do some fact checking next time.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

When Barack Obama held a press conference (4/27/11) announcing he would release additional evidence to document his already-established U.S. birth, the spectacle recalled the days of Jim Crow, when black citizens were required to produce extra documentation, pay poll taxes and take “literacy tests” in a system designed to disenfranchise them. Trump followed in these footsteps by demanding that Obama provide evidence never required of any white politician–a parallel heightened when, during a press conference boasting of his role in forcing Obama to release a new version of his birth certificate, he made a new bid to delegitimize Obama by demanding that he release his school records as well. Ignoring Trump’s Record of Racism
The birth certificate was requested because of the prerequisite of that position to be born here. It is reasonable to request this evidence for people like obama and cruz, since they have foreign born parents. Trump was not considered racist for requesting the appropriate documentation from cruz.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

When Barack Obama held a press conference (4/27/11) announcing he would release additional evidence to document his already-established U.S. birth, the spectacle recalled the days of Jim Crow, when black citizens were required to produce extra documentation, pay poll taxes and take “literacy tests” in a system designed to disenfranchise them. Trump followed in these footsteps by demanding that Obama provide evidence never required of any white politician–a parallel heightened when, during a press conference boasting of his role in forcing Obama to release a new version of his birth certificate, he made a new bid to delegitimize Obama by demanding that he release his school records as well. Ignoring Trump’s Record of Racism
The birth certificate was requested because of the prerequisite of that position to be born here. It is reasonable to request this evidence for people like obama and cruz, since they have foreign born parents. Trump was not considered racist for requesting the appropriate documentation from cruz.
And shit don't stink when you have a cloths pin on your nose

Trump’s Team: The Bigoted, Unhinged Conspiracy Theorists Benefiting From Donald Trump’s Campaign | Right Wing Watch

I still don't see any evidence. It is reasonable to expect that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another.
What would you accept as evidence?

A confession from Trump........Yes, I am a racist

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I still don't see any evidence. It is reasonable to expect that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another.
What would you accept as evidence?

A confession from Trump........Yes, I am a racist
Is it unreasonable that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another? C'mon, this is basic stuff. I'm not asking for much here...

I still don't see any evidence. It is reasonable to expect that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another.
What would you accept as evidence?

A confession from Trump........Yes, I am a racist
Is it unreasonable that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another? C'mon, this is basic stuff. I'm not asking for much here...

You have dismissed over two hundred posts that do just that

Miss Housekeeping?

There is some irony here. It takes about 60 seconds to type the words of this propaganda cartoon "laziness is a trait in blacks", into google, and see what comes up. It is basic fact checking. Posting this propaganda was not only a major fail, but the words in the cartoon describe the trait that it took for somebody to post it on this thread in the first place. Irony.
Dont be such a nit picker. If you discriminate against someone because of where they come from or their ethnic make up you are a racist. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

There absolutely has to be a race involved for there to be racism.
Montezuma's Revenge

Mexicans are practically pure Indian. They have as little White blood as American Blacks do.
Elizabeth Warren does have those high cheekbones... It is hard to believe she is white with all that Indian blood and all.
Running Bern

Queen Lizzahontas whined
To her snowflake papoose,
"On the palefaces' Trump Train
We're stowaways in the caboose!"
How's the weather up there, high in the clouds of self-righteous moral superiority? Do you need more speakers attached to your angel's harp?

I just reviewed your recent posts, to see if I could figure out where you are coming from, but your posts are pretty eccentric. . Are you a righty or a lefty?
The Specious Spectrum

Who tells you that's our only choice? Break loose from their sticky spider Web before you get stuck and have your brains sucked out by the arrogant arachnids.

I still don't see any evidence. It is reasonable to expect that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another.
What would you accept as evidence?

A confession from Trump........Yes, I am a racist
Is it unreasonable that the evidence is something that he really did say, with a source cited, and that it demonstrates that he really does believe his race to be superior to another? C'mon, this is basic stuff. I'm not asking for much here...

You have dismissed over two hundred posts that do just that

Miss Housekeeping?

Lefties have had no success linking propaganda allegations as evidence in this thread, so why do you think that making your own allegation will work? Just keep throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks?

Show me one post on this thread, that is something that Trump really did say, that has the source of what he said, (not the source of an allegation), and specifies which specific race Trump believes to be inferior, based upon what he really did say.

You and I both know that you cannot, and won't be showing me this post or evidence, and that any reply here will only be a dodge, invert, divert, derail, or other such evasion of what I am asking. When you reply with what I have predicted, I will quote this prediction that I have made about the reply that you are about to make. You may be better off following the example that Aeries and Pogo have shown, which is to disappear from an argument that they have lost and simply can't win.
So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Shame and curses on the racist orange bastard for the nerve to say that he loves tacos and Hispanics.

SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....
When a Cloud Comes Down to Earth, It Is Called FOG

How's the weather up there, high in the clouds of self-righteous moral superiority? Do you need more speakers attached to your angel's harp?
So I should hide my morality because others are lacking?

"A Punk Is a Hunk"
Do you ever questioned what motivates you to champion the scum of the earth? They get picked on, sure, but they deserve it and have a lot more coming to them.

There is some irony here. It takes about 60 seconds to type the words of this propaganda cartoon "laziness is a trait in blacks", into google, and see what comes up. It is basic fact checking. Posting this propaganda was not only a major fail, but the words in the cartoon describe the trait that it took for somebody to post it on this thread in the first place. Irony.
You can keep bleating about a couple of thing that I said that may not have been accurate. It does not negate everything else that I documented. Interesting how you are silent on 90% of what I have posted . As I said, there is more to being a racist that overtly racist language. Much more!
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.

Who said Trump is Mexican? We know of course that most Mexicans are the same race as Trump, but I have not seen anybody claim that Trump is Mexican himself. Was this comment only meant to distract from the fact that you could not substantiate your post?

He does love his Taco Bowls.....Can't get any more Mexican than that
Somebody needs to check his papers
Personally I think that Tim Kaine delivering an entire speech in spanish was a much more appropriate, effective, and impressive way to reach out to the hispanic community. But what do I know I'm just a stupid liberal.
Students Wildly Indignant Over Nearly Everything Song

What would be appropriate, effective, and impressive is if Tim Caine's rioting brat were the first "victim" of the next Kent State.

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