Trump is not a racist!

I'll say this s l o w l y

Tell me slowly, or at any speed, what race hispanic is.
so do you feel that ethnic hatred is justifiable or any less damaging than racism?
Start another thread, and we can talk about ethnic stuff. This thread is about racism. I understand why you dodged like that though. You have ZERO evidence of Trump's racism. Ziltch, zip, zero.
legal documentation is insufficient?
Trump Management Company Part 01 of 07
All the other lefties who have gone before you have eventually had to abandon the Muslim and Mexican thing as well. They had to silently duck away from it, just as you did, when they finally came to realize that Muslims and Mexicans are not a race, and that many are even the SAME race as Trump. Some have tried to remove race from racism, and some like Pogo try to deny that lefties ever considered Trump a racist. The next stop is always having to go back a half century to the black thing, since black is a race. This means that the lefty has now cleared Trump of racism for the last half century, and now they are grasping at straws for something to use. The black housing discrimination thing does not work out either, and I have no doubt that you will need to run the whole course of this, just as all the lefties who have gone before you have. You are looking at law suits and allegations, not evidence. I can accuse YOU of racial discrimination and take you to court, but this act does not prove that you are a racist. The black housing thing will be a dead end for you, but go ahead and try it if you need to. I ran this ame thread on PF boards in January of 2016, under the same screen name that I am using here, and it ran for a year, with hundreds of lefties trying, just as you are here, to post evidence. You can see some of the lefties there on that thread who have already tried all the same stuff that you haven't even thought of yet. The thread was called "trump racist comments".
NO- discrimination against ethnic groups does exist, is equally despicable, and equally as damaging to society. If you want to justify his words and actions with your cute little loophole only you can see than OKAY! You got it dude. Trump has always been, and always will be racist. I bet if you told trump some mexicans were the same races as him, he'd lose his wig.
Wrong thread. this one is about racism. Have you got some evidence to post today?
I'll say this s l o w l y

Tell me slowly, or at any speed, what race hispanic is.
so do you feel that ethnic hatred is justifiable or any less damaging than racism?
Start another thread, and we can talk about ethnic stuff. This thread is about racism. I understand why you dodged like that though. You have ZERO evidence of Trump's racism. Ziltch, zip, zero.

"Like many racial instigators, Trump often answers accusations of bigotry by loudly protesting that he actually loves the group in question. But that’s just as uncomfortable to hear, because he’s still treating all the members of the group — all the individual human beings — as essentially the same and interchangeable. Language is telling, here: Virtually every time Trump mentions a minority group, he uses the definite article the, as in “the Hispanics,” “the Muslims” and “the blacks.”

In that sense, Trump’s defensive explanations are of a piece with his slander of minorities. Both rely on essentializing racial and ethnic groups, blurring them into simple, monolithic entities, instead of acknowledging that there’s as much variety among Muslims and Latinos and black people as there is among white people."

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post

Verbalizing love for a group is not racism. Loving taco bowls is not racist. The Huffpo thing is a list of allegations and propaganda. None of the 13 items check out, but they look really good to a lefty confirmation bias. Notice how they try to make Muslims and Mexicans into races? Sure, the wording of the Huffpo is juicy to your confirmation bias, but that is what propaganda is meant to do. You know now that Muslims and Mexicans are not a race, so you know that the Huffpo thing is not legit. They are not providing you with what he really did say, the citation of where exactly it was said, or which specific race he believes to be inferior. Huffpo has played a dirty trick on you, and you still love them.
I'll say this s l o w l y

Tell me slowly, or at any speed, what race hispanic is.
so do you feel that ethnic hatred is justifiable or any less damaging than racism?
Start another thread, and we can talk about ethnic stuff. This thread is about racism. I understand why you dodged like that though. You have ZERO evidence of Trump's racism. Ziltch, zip, zero.

"Like many racial instigators, Trump often answers accusations of bigotry by loudly protesting that he actually loves the group in question. But that’s just as uncomfortable to hear, because he’s still treating all the members of the group — all the individual human beings — as essentially the same and interchangeable. Language is telling, here: Virtually every time Trump mentions a minority group, he uses the definite article the, as in “the Hispanics,” “the Muslims” and “the blacks.”

In that sense, Trump’s defensive explanations are of a piece with his slander of minorities. Both rely on essentializing racial and ethnic groups, blurring them into simple, monolithic entities, instead of acknowledging that there’s as much variety among Muslims and Latinos and black people as there is among white people."

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post

Verbalizing love for a group is not racism. Loving taco bowls is not racist. The Huffpo thing is a list of allegations and propaganda. None of the 13 items check out, but they look really good to a lefty confirmation bias. Notice how they try to make Muslims and Mexicans into races? Sure, the wording of the Huffpo is juicy to your confirmation bias, but that is what propaganda is meant to do. You know now that Muslims and Mexicans are not a race, so you know that the Huffpo thing is not legit. They are not providing you with what he really did say, the citation of where exactly it was said, or which specific race he believes to be inferior. Huffpo has played a dirty trick on you, and you still love them.
You are a sad sad blind troll, good day. May your racist agenda never prosper.

Somethings make even an atheist say a little prayer for mankind..
NO- discrimination against ethnic groups does exist, is equally despicable, and equally as damaging to society. If you want to justify his words and actions with your cute little loophole only you can see than OKAY! You got it dude. Trump has always been, and always will be racist. I bet if you told trump some mexicans were the same races as him, he'd lose his wig.
Don't go here. There absolutely needs to be race for there to be racism. That's what the race sound is in the word racism. You are not the first lefty to try removing race from racism at this point in the game, many have tried this before you. Including race in racism is not a loop hole, it is what racism is about.
You are a sad sad blind troll, good day. May your racist agenda never prosper.

Somethings make even an atheist say a little prayer for mankind..

I have seen this many times before you, right around the same point. The three standard responses upon losing are to call me a troll, say I am flaming, or say they are putting me on ignore.

245 post, and not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump is a racist! Who's next?
It must suck to be a lefty and come across a thread that is about Trump not being a racist, has almost 200 replies, but absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. It probably sucks, considering the lefty narrative has been that Trump is a racist, and there has been so much propaganda that says he is.
When an objective intelligent adult who understands racism and what it is, listens to trump speak, bells go off and they can identify it. It must suck to walk around bumping into walls all day, living day to day with your eyes closed is dangerous!
Your Reality Check Bounced

There is nothing wrong with racism. It is a rational conclusion based on the general behavior of a race. ....

It is the self-indulgence of cowards and idiots.
You are a sad sad blind troll, good day. May your racist agenda never prosper.

Somethings make even an atheist say a little prayer for mankind..

I have seen this many times before you, right around the same point. The three standard responses upon losing are to call me a troll, say I am flaming, or say they are putting me on ignore.

245 post, and not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump is a racist! Who's next?
You think that some how because he descriminates against ethnicities, cultures, and human beings it is okay because it is not specific to race. He does discriminate and it is specific to color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. etc.
It is NOT okay, and is NOT any better than racism. It is UNAMERICAN and no longer has a place here. I refuse to go back and forth saying the same things to someone who does not have the ability to grasp it.
You think that some how because he descriminates against ethnicities, cultures, and human beings it is okay because it is not specific to race. He does discriminate and it is specific to color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. etc.
It is NOT okay, and is NOT any better than racism. It is UNAMERICAN and no longer has a place here. I refuse to go back and forth saying the same things to someone who does not have the ability to grasp it.
You should start threads on all that non racism stuff, since you are passionate about it. This thread is about evidence of Trump's racism, which no lefty has been able to provide. My pointing out that there is zero evidence of Trump being a racist is not related to my personal opinions about ANYTHING not related to evidence of Trump being a racist, nor is it evidence that I am a racist as you allege. Feel free to unload as much of your lefty intolerance and hatred upon me as you like, I do not mind, since I am accustomed to it and have come to expect it.
You think that some how because he descriminates against ethnicities, cultures, and human beings it is okay because it is not specific to race. He does discriminate and it is specific to color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. etc.
It is NOT okay, and is NOT any better than racism. It is UNAMERICAN and no longer has a place here. I refuse to go back and forth saying the same things to someone who does not have the ability to grasp it.
You should start threads on all that non racism stuff, since you are passionate about it. This thread is about evidence of Trump's racism, which no lefty has been able to provide. My pointing out that there is zero evidence of Trump being a racist is not related to my personal opinions about ANYTHING not related to evidence of Trump being a racist, nor is it evidence that I am a racist as you allege. Feel free to unload as much of your lefty intolerance and hatred upon me as you like, I do not mind, since I am accustomed to it and have come to expect it.
Loopholes for loopey, got it.
250 posts, and not a smidgen of evidence that Trump is a racist. We can use this thread as an official resource now, that shows that all the lefties on this board acknowledge that there is zero evidence supporting the notion that Trump is a racist.
250 posts, and not a smidgen of evidence that Trump is a racist. We can use this thread as an official resource now, that shows that all the lefties on this board acknowledge that there is zero evidence supporting the notion that Trump is a racist.
that's your inaccurate opinion. Plenty of examples of his racism have been talked about. Not all, but plenty. Just because you are unable to identify racism when you see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Serious question.. are you a racist? Do you think that certain races are superior to others?
that's your inaccurate opinion. Plenty of examples of his racism have been talked about. Not all, but plenty. Just because you are unable to identify racism when you see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Show me a single one that is something that Trump really did say, that is not just an allegation, the time and place when he actually said the specific words, and the specific race that Trump believes to be inferior to his own.

Serious question.. are you a racist? Do you think that certain races are superior to others?

This is not related to what this thread is about, it is an attempt to get the thread headed off in a different direction without actually posting any evidence that Trump is a racist. After you post the evidence that Trump is a racist, I will answer all the side topic questions that you would like to ask.
There was that lawsuit in the 70s where blacks were not admitted to his condos, that was somewhat his father's doing, but I would say he didn't seem as much of a racist when he was younger as he does now, I think it's dementia and he's forgetting his own personality, as well as most things he ever said.
There was that lawsuit in the 70s where blacks were not admitted to his condos, that was somewhat his father's doing, but I would say he didn't seem as much of a racist when he was younger as he does now, I think it's dementia and he's forgetting his own personality, as well as most things he ever said.
Check out post 240. The lawsuit in the 70's was mentioned in that post. TheProggresivePatriot gave it a shot earlier in this thread as well.
that's your inaccurate opinion. Plenty of examples of his racism have been talked about. Not all, but plenty. Just because you are unable to identify racism when you see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Show me a single one that is something that Trump really did say, that is not just an allegation, the time and place when he actually said the specific words, and the specific race that Trump believes to be inferior to his own.

Serious question.. are you a racist? Do you think that certain races are superior to others?

This is not related to what this thread is about, it is an attempt to get the thread headed off in a different direction without actually posting any evidence that Trump is a racist. After you post the evidence that Trump is a racist, I will answer all the side topic questions that you would like to ask.
this is a thread on racism, your personal views matter in putting our conversation in perspective. Are you a racist? Don't come by it honestly? Whats up?
this is a thread on racism, your personal views matter in putting our conversation in perspective. Are you a racist? Don't come by it honestly? Whats up?

I like to keep this private, since I am part of a multi racial family. I respect my own family enough to not drag them into my political discussions on the internet. I will say though, since I am proud of them, that all the immigrants in my family are legal. My personal opinions are not related to if Trump is a racist or not, so they are not required here.
this is a thread on racism, your personal views matter in putting our conversation in perspective. Are you a racist? Don't come by it honestly? Whats up?

I like to keep this private, since I am part of a multi racial family. I respect my own family enough to not drag them into my political discussions on the internet. I will say though, since I am proud of them, that all the immigrants in my family are legal. My personal opinions are not related to if Trump is a racist or not, so they are not required here.
Your personal beliefs mold your political opinions.. To hear you have a multiracial family you are proud of is reassuring. Your avoidance of giving a direct response is worrisome. Politics, travel ban, trump aside- do you think that some races are inherently superior to others?
There was that lawsuit in the 70s where blacks were not admitted to his condos, that was somewhat his father's doing, but I would say he didn't seem as much of a racist when he was younger as he does now, I think it's dementia and he's forgetting his own personality, as well as most things he ever said.
It may have been his father's influence but a decade later he was getting hit with knew discrimination lawsuits- daddy dearest had no hand in.
All the other lefties who have gone before you have eventually had to abandon the Muslim and Mexican thing as well. They had to silently duck away from it, just as you did, when they finally came to realize that Muslims and Mexicans are not a race, and that many are even the SAME race as Trump. Some have tried to remove race from racism, and some like Pogo try to deny that lefties ever considered Trump a racist. The next stop is always having to go back a half century to the black thing, since black is a race. This means that the lefty has now cleared Trump of racism for the last half century, and now they are grasping at straws for something to use. The black housing discrimination thing does not work out either, and I have no doubt that you will need to run the whole course of this, just as all the lefties who have gone before you have. You are looking at law suits and allegations, not evidence. I can accuse YOU of racial discrimination and take you to court, but this act does not prove that you are a racist. The black housing thing will be a dead end for you, but go ahead and try it if you need to. I ran this ame thread on PF boards in January of 2016, under the same screen name that I am using here, and it ran for a year, with hundreds of lefties trying, just as you are here, to post evidence. You can see some of the lefties there on that thread who have already tried all the same stuff that you haven't even thought of yet. The thread was called "trump racist comments".
I don't think "Hispanics" are a race either, but the gov't seems to think so, the vestige of an earlier age and comaradery with the South African Apartheid regime, which wasn't even as bad as the US in that it didn't treat half blacks as blacks.

I don't think the notion of race is included in any modern European census either.

And also, the US considers "Middle Eastern" a race. Not that there aren't also some local people with blue eyes and blond hair in places like Turkey or Syria.
There was that lawsuit in the 70s where blacks were not admitted to his condos, that was somewhat his father's doing, but I would say he didn't seem as much of a racist when he was younger as he does now, I think it's dementia and he's forgetting his own personality, as well as most things he ever said.
It may have been his father's influence but a decade later he was getting hit with knew discrimination lawsuits- daddy dearest had no hand in.
O.k., he probably was racist, but did a much better job at not making that obvious.

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