Trump is not a racist!

Dont be such a nit picker. If you discriminate against someone because of where they come from or their ethnic make up you are a racist. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

There absolutely has to be a race involved for there to be racism.
Montezuma's Revenge

Mexicans are practically pure Indian. They have as little White blood as American Blacks do.
Dont be such a nit picker. If you discriminate against someone because of where they come from or their ethnic make up you are a racist. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

There absolutely has to be a race involved for there to be racism.
Montezuma's Revenge

Mexicans are practically pure Indian. They have as little White blood as American Blacks do.
Elizabeth Warren does have those high cheekbones... It is hard to believe she is white with all that Indian blood and all.
How's the weather up there, high in the clouds of self-righteous moral superiority? Do you need more speakers attached to your angel's harp?

I just reviewed your recent posts, to see if I could figure out where you are coming from, but your posts are pretty eccentric. It was fun trying to decode your posts to see what's going on, but I give up. Are you a righty or a lefty?
he has continually attacked every race but his own for years..

This is irony, considering that it is posted on this very thread where no such evidence of this has been posted. According to you, he has in fact attacked his own race, since you stated that he has attacked Mexicans.

He spews racial slurs, ...
Like what? Let's see one.
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Shame and curses on the racist orange bastard for the nerve to say that he loves tacos and Hispanics.

SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....
When a Cloud Comes Down to Earth, It Is Called FOG

How's the weather up there, high in the clouds of self-righteous moral superiority? Do you need more speakers attached to your angel's harp?
So I should hide my morality because others are lacking?
he has continually attacked every race but his own for years..

This is irony, considering that it is posted on this very thread where no such evidence of this has been posted. According to you, he has in fact attacked his own race, since you stated that he has attacked Mexicans.

He spews racial slurs, ...
Like what? Let's see one.
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.

Who said Trump is Mexican? We know of course that most Mexicans are the same race as Trump, but I have not seen anybody claim that Trump is Mexican himself. Was this comment only meant to distract from the fact that you could not substantiate your post?
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.

Who said Trump is Mexican? We know of course that most Mexicans are the same race as Trump, but I have not seen anybody claim that Trump is Mexican himself. Was this comment only meant to distract from the fact that you could not substantiate your post?

He does love his Taco Bowls.....Can't get any more Mexican than that
Somebody needs to check his papers
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.

Who said Trump is Mexican? We know of course that most Mexicans are the same race as Trump, but I have not seen anybody claim that Trump is Mexican himself. Was this comment only meant to distract from the fact that you could not substantiate your post?
"This is irony, considering that it is posted on this very thread where no such evidence of this has been posted. According to you, he has in fact attacked his own race, since you stated that he has attacked Mexicans."
Are you a robot?
Trump isn't Mexican. Go take a nap.

Who said Trump is Mexican? We know of course that most Mexicans are the same race as Trump, but I have not seen anybody claim that Trump is Mexican himself. Was this comment only meant to distract from the fact that you could not substantiate your post?

He does love his Taco Bowls.....Can't get any more Mexican than that
Somebody needs to check his papers
Personally I think that Tim Kaine delivering an entire speech in spanish was a much more appropriate, effective, and impressive way to reach out to the hispanic community. But what do I know I'm just a stupid liberal.
Trump is not a racist!

he's a fucking flip flopping idiot.
It must suck to be a lefty and come across a thread that is about Trump not being a racist, has almost 200 replies, but absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. It probably sucks, considering the lefty narrative has been that Trump is a racist, and there has been so much propaganda that says he is.
It must suck to be a lefty and come across a thread that is about Trump not being a racist, has almost 200 replies, but absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. It probably sucks, considering the lefty narrative has been that Trump is a racist, and there has been so much propaganda that says he is.
When an objective intelligent adult who understands racism and what it is, listens to trump speak, bells go off and they can identify it. It must suck to walk around bumping into walls all day, living day to day with your eyes closed is dangerous!
My eyes have been open through this entire thread, and absolutely ZERO evidence of racism has been posted. I have seen lefties try to call him a racist without ever identifying which race he is racist against, and I have seen lefties try to call Mexicans a race.

Here is a prediction about your next post. It will not contain any evidence of Trump being a racist, and it won't have any quote of Trump saying something racist. Your next post will only sidestep, derail, invert, divert, or otherwise evade the opening post of this thread.
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson


"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

It's not just business. It is discrimination. And if you discriminate based on race or national origin, YOU are a fucking racist
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson


"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

It's not just business. It is discrimination. And if you discriminate based on race or national origin, YOU are a fucking racist
Unfortunately for the lefties who have been programmed to think Trump is a racist, nobody has been able to post a single thing here on this thread that proves him racist. Racism absolutely must involve a race for it to be racism, which is why lefties are stuck trying to use allegations from almost 50 years ago that still don't work.
It must suck to be a lefty and come across a thread that is about Trump not being a racist, has almost 200 replies, but absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. It probably sucks, considering the lefty narrative has been that Trump is a racist, and there has been so much propaganda that says he is.
When an objective intelligent adult who understands racism and what it is, listens to trump speak, bells go off and they can identify it. ....!

= you are full of shit and you know it.

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