Trump is not a racist!

So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

The judge in the Trump civil case had no intention of being fair....because he's hispanic just like Trump said. Since you enjoy invoking the Klan, Trump would have gotten the same shake from the beaner that the civil rights workers got from southern judges. You won't understand that until you're in front of a judge with a grudge,

And, of course, any judge with a grudge deserves to be referred to as "so called".
the hypocrisy from the right is extremely frustrating. A young black kid who's afraid of a cop with a grudge (because cops have a long to mistreat african americans, are ridiculous crazy anti police.... but when a white man thinks a minority judge can't perform his job because of a grudge then hes totally right.
would you like to clarify so I can point out your glaring prejudice?

BIG BLACK COCK. Would you care to provide an instance of where Obama's mother "Stanley" was coupled with a white man ever? You will not be able to.
Why are you concerned with the color of men she is sexually attracted to? Do you believe that matters?

Only in that she was out chasing men instead of raising her child.
and the color of their skin comes into play where? Many white men are very critical of white women who sleep with black men. I'm not sure what it is, racism or ego??? Could you let me in on the secret? I don't understand how someone's sexual preferences are the business of the GOP, but they seem to be obsessed with it.
Not as much as black men are critical of black women who sleep with white men(or "white boys" as both black men and black women often call us).
yes, far more critical.. but why? I had a white friend tell me that she would never have sex with an Italian, because it was just dirty. Same as blacks or hispanics. Imagine the surprise my Sicilian ass felt... whats the deal?
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

Accusing others that they just can't understand, and calling others racists, is the last refuge of a TRUE racist.

Almost always of non-Caucasian persuasion.
I'm and liberal who can't stand Trump. But I don't think he's racist. He's a New Yorker (like myself). Generally, racism is considered to be pure stupidity by most New Yorkers. New Yorkers live in close proximity with and interact with people of all different races, nationalities, ethnic groups and religions. It's hard to be a racist when you've known all different types of people your whole life.

Besides which, if New Yorkers were racist, New York would quickly turn into a hell hole.
I'm and liberal who can't stand Trump. But I don't think he's racist. He's a New Yorker (like myself). Generally, racism is considered to be pure stupidity by most New Yorkers. New Yorkers live in close proximity with and interact with people of all different races, nationalities, ethnic groups and religions. It's hard to be a racist when you've known all different types of people your whole life.

Besides which, if New Yorkers were racist, New York would quickly turn into a hell hole.
Most people live with far more "diversity" in their lives than "anti-racist" idiots will ever admit.

Using your logic no Americans or westerners can be racist.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Shame and curses on the racist orange bastard for the nerve to say that he loves tacos and Hispanics.

I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Shame and curses on the racist orange bastard for the nerve to say that he loves tacos and Hispanics.

SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....
SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....

130 posts now, and not a shred of evidence of racism. Why are you discussing Mexicans in a racism thread? Trying to dodge the fact that you can't post a shred of evidence of racism?
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Were sued and won.

Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City

did not win, NEXT!!
This conversation is una
SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....

130 posts now, and not a shred of evidence of racism. Why are you discussing Mexicans in a racism thread? Trying to dodge the fact that you can't post a shred of evidence of racism?
how can one provide evidence to the blind? Do you read braille?
SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....

130 posts now, and not a shred of evidence of racism. Why are you discussing Mexicans in a racism thread? Trying to dodge the fact that you can't post a shred of evidence of racism?
Republicans this year: How can you say donald trump is racist? Wheres the evidence?
Dems: *Lists 50+ direct quotes* *Cites discrimination cases*
Republicans: I don't see anything here, where is the evidence?

Republicans last year: A random, uncredible website says there's a pizza shop sex ring linked to the dems!
Dems: Any evidence?
Republicans: Evidence, what's that? We don't do science.
how can one provide evidence to the blind? Do you read braille?
Just post a link to the legitimate quote right here on this thread, you can just type in English. I am not interested in hearing stuff about Mexicans either, I need to see something that involves race, since there has to be race involved for there to be racism.

And wrongwinger self-owns. Good job! :thup:

Speaking of Taco Bowl:

"Hi everyone, Attached is a script for a new video we’d like to use to mop up some more taco bowl engagement, and demonstrate the Trump actually isn’t trying."

^DNC trying to garner Latino votes.

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

Trump posting that picture and text and thinking it will endear him to Hispanics is all you need to know about his Racism
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Were sued and won.

Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City

did not win, NEXT!!
This conversation is una
SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....

130 posts now, and not a shred of evidence of racism. Why are you discussing Mexicans in a racism thread? Trying to dodge the fact that you can't post a shred of evidence of racism?
how can one provide evidence to the blind? Do you read braille?
Just post a link to the legitimate quote right here on this thread, you can just type in English. I am not interested in hearing stuff about Mexicans either, I need to see something that involves race, since there has to be race involved for there to be racism.
Dont be such a nit picker. If you discriminate against someone because of where they come from or their ethnic make up you are a racist. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

Is Donald Trump Racist? 15 Controversial Quotes President-Elect Said About Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians And Obama

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks,” John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump saying to him in his 1991 book. In May 1997, Trump was asked about his comment during an interview with Playboy, and he confirmed that “the stuff” O’Donnell wrote about him were “probably true.”
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Were sued and won.

Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City

did not win, NEXT!!
This conversation is una
SHAME is right! enough with the lies! He has attacked the hispanic community at every turn! He has said hispanic judges can not trusted to be fair and honest because they are hispanic. He has called former Miss America miss housekeeping. He has called Mexicans criminals and rapists!
It is clear what he thinks of hispanics....

130 posts now, and not a shred of evidence of racism. Why are you discussing Mexicans in a racism thread? Trying to dodge the fact that you can't post a shred of evidence of racism?
how can one provide evidence to the blind? Do you read braille?
Just post a link to the legitimate quote right here on this thread, you can just type in English. I am not interested in hearing stuff about Mexicans either, I need to see something that involves race, since there has to be race involved for there to be racism.
Dont be such a nit picker. If you discriminate against someone because of where they come from or their ethnic make up you are a racist. Stop trying to weasel out of it.

Is Donald Trump Racist? 15 Controversial Quotes President-Elect Said About Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians And Obama

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks,” John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump saying to him in his 1991 book. In May 1997, Trump was asked about his comment during an interview with Playboy, and he confirmed that “the stuff” O’Donnell wrote about him were “probably true.”

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