Trump is not a racist!

So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

The judge in the Trump civil case had no intention of being fair....because he's hispanic just like Trump said. Since you enjoy invoking the Klan, Trump would have gotten the same shake from the beaner that the civil rights workers got from southern judges. You won't understand that until you're in front of a judge with a grudge,
Judges of other ethnicities are entrusted daily to make fair decisions regardless of race. To imply a specific judge can't do that because he is Hispanic is racist. Plus..the judge was AMERICAN born!
So by
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Pay attention, Mona...this is the comment I responded to

"Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth."

He made the claim I asked him to back it up. Now sit down and shut up
That a how you speak to people behind your cross avatar? Lolololol
blacks can be some of the biggest racists on the planet

Irony treasure trove quote of the day.
The irony that you don't even understand about your own actions is much much better.

MY own actions? :lmao:

And what "actions" would these be then? :popcorn:
Attacking those who assert the FACT that black people are immensely racist due to the ignorance that your ilk spread about what "racism" actually is.

You are a black supremacist defending a narrative of black moral superiority to whites and too stupid to even know it.


No I'm afraid I've never been black, kkklown. But I do know irony when I see it. Such as for example using a blanket generalization about a race, to make an assertion about racism.

Or as we say in emoticons --

Holy shit summa y'all are dense.
My point about your support of black moral supremacy was obviously way over your head, but I am going to try to explain it to you anyway:

If a society decides to teach for generations that racism is mostly or entirely the fault of one race, the other races in said society will believe they can't be racist and engage in much more racism than the race instilled with guilt.

If a society decides that they must change the definition of racism("prejudice + power") to better suit an agenda and remove the moral component to it, that will lead to the races that were told they can't be racist being subconsciously racist on a mass scale.

Since non-whites are told they can't be racist ever frequently, and they are rarely ever punished solely for being racist, that leads to non-whites being doomed to think that common racist speech in their communities is perfectly normal and acceptable.

And when you believe that only white people need to have tolerance training, and non-whites magically just do and say the right things when they have been free to do and say many wrong things all their lives, that is assigning a great deal of inherent moral superiority to non-whites.

When you assign superior moral traits to blacks, you are in fact a black supremacist.

BTW, black supremacists are individuals who believe in black supremacy, not black people who believe they are superior for a completely unspecified reason.

Nice try, moron.
So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

The judge in the Trump civil case had no intention of being fair....because he's hispanic just like Trump said. Since you enjoy invoking the Klan, Trump would have gotten the same shake from the beaner that the civil rights workers got from southern judges. You won't understand that until you're in front of a judge with a grudge,
Judges of other ethnicities are entrusted daily to make fair decisions regardless of race. To imply a specific judge can't do that because he is Hispanic is racist. Plus..the judge was AMERICAN born!
So by
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Pay attention, Mona...this is the comment I responded to

"Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth."

He made the claim I asked him to back it up. Now sit down and shut up
That a how you speak to people behind your cross avatar? Lolololol

Yeah I'm not your typical meek little Christian you loons love to portray us get to those links, times a wasting
He's a dog whistle racist. He says things that appeal to racists, but has plausible deniability when called on it.

Case in point: his little spiel about Mexicans. He told everyone that Mexico was sending bad people to the US, the rapists, the murderers, and drug dealers.....then he said, some of them, he assumes, are good people.

What he did was paint Mexicans who come here (and let's face it, Mexicans in general) as violent criminals, while conceding that there MAY be some good ones.

Why are you talking about Mexicans on a thread about racism?
85 posts now, and still no racist quote from Trump. This thread will be a great reference in the future, whenever somebody here alleges that Trump is a racist. I will back able to refer to this thread as the one where all the lefties of this forum have demonstrated that Trump is not a racist. Thanks lefties!
He's a dog whistle racist. He says things that appeal to racists, but has plausible deniability when called on it.

Case in point: his little spiel about Mexicans. He told everyone that Mexico was sending bad people to the US, the rapists, the murderers, and drug dealers.....then he said, some of them, he assumes, are good people.

What he did was paint Mexicans who come here (and let's face it, Mexicans in general) as violent criminals, while conceding that there MAY be some good ones.

Full quote:

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Fact-Check: Donald Trump Did Not Call All Mexicans 'Rapists' and 'Criminals' - Breitbart
He's a dog whistle racist. He says things that appeal to racists, but has plausible deniability when called on it.

Case in point: his little spiel about Mexicans. He told everyone that Mexico was sending bad people to the US, the rapists, the murderers, and drug dealers.....then he said, some of them, he assumes, are good people.

What he did was paint Mexicans who come here (and let's face it, Mexicans in general) as violent criminals, while conceding that there MAY be some good ones.

Full quote:

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Fact-Check: Donald Trump Did Not Call All Mexicans 'Rapists' and 'Criminals' - Breitbart

He is dodging by talking about Mexicans in a thread about racism.
Trump never called Mexicans rapists, here is what he said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

And yet you believe that Trump is a racist using even less evidence than I did.


Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
The FBI released hundreds of pages related to a 1970s housing discrimination lawsuit against Trump
In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
So I can link a bunch of "liberal fake news" (aka reality) and you'll tell me it's garbage anyway? It's a matter of common knowledge/ public record- if you don't live under a rock.
There are arrest records to back up his dad was a klan member.. lawsuits backing up his business of discrimination.. and if you listen to the man speak for 5 mins you can conclude he is indeed a racist.

Was Trump born in 1927? No? He was born later? Donald Trump is not his father. This is your argument:

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Trump fell from daddy with the same short distance and top heavy trajectory that this chubby fellow is falling to the ground.

So, you have no more references, the ones you had have been disproven, and now you're on speculative rhetoric. Got it!

I'm beginning to think you lied in your introduction here.
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
The FBI released hundreds of pages related to a 1970s housing discrimination lawsuit against Trump
In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
So I can link a bunch of "liberal fake news" (aka reality) and you'll tell me it's garbage anyway? It's a matter of common knowledge/ public record- if you don't live under a rock.
There are arrest records to back up his dad was a klan member.. lawsuits backing up his business of discrimination.. and if you listen to the man speak for 5 mins you can conclude he is indeed a racist.

Was Trump born in 1927? No? He was born later? Donald Trump is not his father. This is your argument:

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Trump fell from daddy with the same short distance and top heavy trajectory that this chubby fellow is falling to the ground.

So, you have no more references, the ones you had have been disproven, and now you're on speculative rhetoric. Got it!

I'm beginning to think you lied in your introduction here.
Im beginning to think I could tell you the world was round and you wouldn't believe me. When things are of public record.. arrests, lawsuits, quotes.. No one should have to spoon feed you, really.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

And yet you believe that Trump is a racist using even less evidence than I did.


"you believe trump is a racist"
LOL like its some urban legend.
Listen to the man talk. Maybe you have a hard time identifying racism when it is in front of you. (common GOP problem)
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

And yet you believe that Trump is a racist using even less evidence than I did.


"you believe trump is a racist"
LOL like its some urban legend.
Listen to the man talk. Maybe you have a hard time identifying racism when it is in front of you. (common GOP problem)

Listening to to you "talk" it's glaringly obvious you're no professor and just another leftist messageboard shill. :D
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Oh my you go back to his dad? You did know Obama's daddy was open in his hatred of America. Lol, you're an idiot.
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Oh my you go back to his dad? You did know Obama's daddy was open in his hatred of America. Lol, you're an idiot.
yea so much he procreated with an American. Sorry I try to steer away from the fake news. Daddy trump and the KKK though, that's a matter of public record.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

And yet you believe that Trump is a racist using even less evidence than I did.


"you believe trump is a racist"
LOL like its some urban legend.
Listen to the man talk. Maybe you have a hard time identifying racism when it is in front of you. (common GOP problem)

Listening to to you "talk" it's glaringly obvious you're no professor and just another leftist messageboard shill. :D
No one claimed to be a professor. Do you always make things up or do you ever take observation and evidence from the physical world around you?
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Oh my you go back to his dad? You did know Obama's daddy was open in his hatred of America. Lol, you're an idiot.
yea so much he procreated with an American. Sorry I try to steer away from the fake news. Daddy trump and the KKK though, that's a matter of public record.
It's part of public record that Obama's dad hated america, was an alcoholic and druggie, and was a womanizer. If you really want to link a dad to the man of today, and you blindly followed Obama.
Even the Democrats never thought he was a racist until he became President.
Really? That's why he's been sued for discrimination since the start of his career? Everyone knew he was a racist but no one cared until he ran for president. Racist old lunatic failing business man, ah who cares. Racist old failing president, there's a problem!
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

And yet you believe that Trump is a racist using even less evidence than I did.


"you believe trump is a racist"
LOL like its some urban legend.
Listen to the man talk. Maybe you have a hard time identifying racism when it is in front of you. (common GOP problem)

Listening to to you "talk" it's glaringly obvious you're no professor and just another leftist messageboard shill. :D
No one claimed to be a professor. Do you always make things up or do you ever take observation and evidence from the physical world around you?

It seems I assumed a bit too much when you said you were a historian.
Even the Democrats never thought he was a racist until he became President.
Really? That's why he's been sued for discrimination since the start of his career? Everyone knew he was a racist but no one cared until he ran for president. Racist old lunatic failing business man, ah who cares. Racist old failing president, there's a problem!

He was sued but he won, frankly, this ground has already been covered.

It appears you have nothing left in your repoirtoire.

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