Trump is not a racist!

Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.
, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

Trump never called Mexicans rapists, here is what he said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
It doesn't matter- if he's calling all Mexicans rapists, that's racist. If he's calling all Mexicans that cross the boarder rapists, that's racist. Even if he's just talking about the "ones with the problems" or the "bad hombres" it's still racist to imply because they are Mexican they are rapists.

They're rapists.
Over analyze all you want. His message is loud and clear.
You fail at logic.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

I like the way you bring your own strawman. Months of waiting for somebody to give you a setup must have got tiresome.

Rump is such a manipulative liar that none of us know whether he's a racist --- or much of anything else he genuinely thinks. It's kind of irrelevant. What we do know is that he's a race baiter. A master baiter you might say. And that's a different animal. That's manipulating somebody else to do your dirty work for you so that you can stand off to the side, shirk any responsibility and go "who, me?".
I am glad to see that you don't think Trump is a racist.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

then you aren't listening. :cuckoo:
, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

Trump never called Mexicans rapists, here is what he said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
It doesn't matter- if he's calling all Mexicans rapists, that's racist. If he's calling all Mexicans that cross the boarder rapists, that's racist. Even if he's just talking about the "ones with the problems" or the "bad hombres" it's still racist to imply because they are Mexican they are rapists.

They're rapists.
Over analyze all you want. His message is loud and clear.

Anything else or are you out of juice (already) ?
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

You and your retarded "strawman" bit....find some new material...and stop playing the bitter old hag bit.
, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

Trump never called Mexicans rapists, here is what he said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
It doesn't matter- if he's calling all Mexicans rapists, that's racist. If he's calling all Mexicans that cross the boarder rapists, that's racist. Even if he's just talking about the "ones with the problems" or the "bad hombres" it's still racist to imply because they are Mexican they are rapists.

They're rapists.
Over analyze all you want. His message is loud and clear.
What do Mexicans have to do with racism? There needs to be something about race here for there to be racism, and Mexicans are not a race.
blacks can be some of the biggest racists on the planet

Irony treasure trove quote of the day.
The irony that you don't even understand about your own actions is much much better.

MY own actions? :lmao:

And what "actions" would these be then? :popcorn:
Attacking those who assert the FACT that black people are immensely racist due to the ignorance that your ilk spread about what "racism" actually is.

You are a black supremacist defending a narrative of black moral superiority to whites and too stupid to even know it.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

then you aren't listening. :cuckoo:
Please quote what I missed.
Here in Arizona, we get the interior rural peons who've never seen a blonde white girl before. They stare in disbelief and then start elbowing each other with comments about what they'd like to do to her. All of them are rapists in theory and although not many follow through, it's only for lack of opportunity. They rape each other every chance they get...from the Coyotes out in the desert to the overseers in the fields who rape the females in broad daylight. I doubt Trump knows how bad it is for their own women, but once again his guess turns out to be true.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.
, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

Trump never called Mexicans rapists, here is what he said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.

What he said was absolutely true and perfectly on point.
This country is so pussified that even truths can't be spoken without pussies criticizing to the nth's BULLSHIT!
Sack-up and get your "group" to start acting right and the stereotype goes away....simple shit!
Over analyze all you want. His message is loud and clear.
You have failed a dozen times on this thread to produce the racist quote, yet you shamelessly keep attempting to post something that works. Please stop this shameful behavior, and go find something of merit to post. A legitimate verifiable quote of something he said that is racist, or some proof that he is. Not allegations either. Stop this shameful thing where you throw shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?

I like the way you bring your own strawman. Months of waiting for somebody to give you a setup must have got tiresome.

Rump is such a manipulative liar that none of us know whether he's a racist --- or much of anything else he genuinely thinks. It's kind of irrelevant. What we do know is that he's a race baiter. A master baiter you might say. And that's a different animal. That's manipulating somebody else to do your dirty work for you so that you can stand off to the side, shirk any responsibility and go "who, me?".
I am glad to see that you don't think Trump is a racist.

I've never made such an assertion. Just got done saying, that's your strawman. Just got done saying, we're in no position to know. I know that's what you're fishing for but you fail at master baiting.
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

You and your retarded "strawman" bit....find some new material...and stop playing the bitter old hag bit.

Hey, talk to the OP. He's the one who trotted it in here in the first place.

What was your name again? Say it for us.
blacks can be some of the biggest racists on the planet

Irony treasure trove quote of the day.
The irony that you don't even understand about your own actions is much much better.

MY own actions? :lmao:

And what "actions" would these be then? :popcorn:
Attacking those who assert the FACT that black people are immensely racist due to the ignorance that your ilk spread about what "racism" actually is.

You are a black supremacist defending a narrative of black moral superiority to whites and too stupid to even know it.


No I'm afraid I've never been black, kkklown. But I do know irony when I see it. Such as for example using a blanket generalization about a race, to make an assertion about racism.

Or as we say in emoticons --

Holy shit summa y'all are dense.

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