Trump IS NOT closing the was never there.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I think the Dems are intentionally throwing this election so they can stage more riots and bring lawsuits over the results.
The gloves will come off it this happens.
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I think the Dems are intentionally throwing this election so they can stage more riots and bring lawsuits over the results.
The gloves will come off it this happens.
They will need to be held accountable. The top Progs must be charged with criminal violations. But we know how that goes.
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I hope you're right. I've learned never to underestimate the enemy and never trust a democrat farther than you can throw one.
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I think the Dems are intentionally throwing this election so they can stage more riots and bring lawsuits over the results.
The gloves will come off it this happens.
Interesting theory, Mud. It isn't hard to believe they are more interested in attacking Trump and tearing down the nation with anarchy. They can't do that if they defeat him; then all the blame is on them. He provides the justification for all they do.

It is easier to believe than Sleepy Discognizant Joe actually getting elected by the nation along with his zigzag, slutty, distrustful, forked-tongue whore sidekick with foreign parents Veep.
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I think the Dems are intentionally throwing this election so they can stage more riots and bring lawsuits over the results.
The gloves will come off it this happens.

It's been over 100 years of communist insurgency. The "gloves" have never come off.
I'd like to know what gives you the notion they will ever come off.

I think the Right will remain submissive and silenced to the bitter end. It's the conservative way.

"Without one bullet being fired"
Pure Delusion
Dear God is that sentiment rich, you need to plug back into CNN and recharge your propaganda glands..... :auiqs.jpg:

What basis do you have for thinking Trump is anywhere close to leading this election?

Current polls
Recent election results
The fact that Trump lost the last popular vote
Faltering support in swing states?
These pollsters are going to be so exposed in December 20 20.. fire them all
Recent polls by Fox show Trump losing in key Swing States

If Fox says he is losing, he is in deep trouble
Agree with the OP.

I would like to add that these polls come out like the Liberals who control them want them to come out.

One that just came out is this:

It's called the The Economist/YouGov Poll and it is on Real Clear Politics running up Biden's numbers. It shows Biden with an 11 point lead.

But it samples:

1500 people---only 1209 of whom are---Registered voters! (See very end of lengthy poll)

How many Illegal Aliens from Mexico and Guatemala et al, LIKE TRUMP---not a single one, likely.

And how many Illegal Aliens from Mexico and Guatemala et al were included in the 300 or so who were in this poll, but are not even Registered Voters?

If the 1200 registered voters broke to Trump by just a little; and the 300 likely illegal aliens 235 polled for Biden, a low assumption---then that gives you the 11 point Biden lead. This poll is solely for the poorly educated---which are unfortunately numerous--thus so many Democrats.

The poll is an obvious RIG---and the poor souls who were educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century believe it!

We will see them in the streets in Pussy Hats giving those TDS Primal Screams come this November. Again.

President Trump is currently outpacing Sleepy Joe. Not to mention the energy he will have until election day to campaign against the Fake News trying to elect Slow Joe. Funny how Trump decided to be in Pennsylvania first... then the Slow Joe camp decided to go there too this week. Trump is living in their heads rent free!
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden... Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

Hahaha! - Your Donnie is behind in SIX swing states he won last time around.
And, we LOVE anecdotal evidence. Hillary voters YOU know? That's Hi-LARIOUS!! :laugh:
Pure Delusion
Dear God is that sentiment rich, you need to plug back into CNN and recharge your propaganda glands..... :auiqs.jpg:

What basis do you have for thinking Trump is anywhere close to leading this election?

Current polls
Recent election results
The fact that Trump lost the last popular vote
Faltering support in swing states?
Seriously lol 45% of blacks support Trump

Rasmussen again? What bullshit. My bet stands, Dear Leader won't get anything over 10% of the black vote. If he does, I leave USMB forever. If he doesn't, you spend your time on other boards and stop polluting this one for only a month.

Deal? :)
Pure Delusion
At least in the last election I knew people personally who were going to vote for Hillary. This time around none of the Hillary voters I know will commit to Biden.....I think this race is actually very far apart and will end up with an almost historic embarrassment for the Democratic side. There are just not enough Biden people out there to make this a contest. The polls? They are just doing what they have been paid to do but as we get closer to November, just as I predicted.....they will be forced to show more and more what the real sentiment is out there lest they get caught up again in the phony polling business like they did in 2020. I see they are in a bit of a hurry to make it look close .... they are actually saying that Trump is gaining on Biden...

Bullshit.....Trump isn't gaining on Biden....he's always been a mile ahead.

I think the Dems are intentionally throwing this election so they can stage more riots and bring lawsuits over the results.
The gloves will come off it this happens.

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Trump is set up for the biggest landslide ever. Be part of American history and vote for Trump.

We Americans need to vote like it's our last election because it could be. We need to take the house and senate with huge margins.

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