Trump is Paying the Price for Nixon's Mistake

Trump is making some of the same mistakes Nixon made

Covering up, refusing to cooperate with Congress, abusing his office

Even Nixon wasn't evil enough to use foreign operatives to help him cheat in presidential elections. Trump has cone it twice - Russia and Ukraine. Those are only the ones we know about.
Not even Nixon thought he was above the law. He only thought he could get away with breaking the law. He knew when he was caught and he knew when to leave.
It led to a damaged America because it led to Carter becoming president. Trump can't let something like that happen again.

Trump has no choice in the matter. He holds power only because the constitution says so. The constitution also provides us with a mechanism to remove a president. It almost sounds as if you want him to disregard the constitution some more, much more.

Myself, I want him to have a good laugh, a Butterfinger, and a campaign against a self-castrated adversary.

Dunno about the Butterfinger, but two out of three ain't bad.
This is not a reality show, it's reality. The reality is that Trump is in serious trouble and he is about to pull some stupid shit. He's probably going to attack Iran.

The reality here is that Trump is going to absolutely destroy whatever moron the Dems put up. Trump is in zero trouble. There is no whistleblower protection for this liar because this is all third hand hearsay. This "whistleblower" was not even in the room. Inadmissible as evidence for anything. Another fail and this just guaranteed a Trump win in 2020.
You don't have to take my word for it. In the coming days Trump will be searching for a distraction and my guess is military action against Iran. It could be anything though. What's big enough to distract from this?
why was there no RUSSIA SANDERS PROBE?

Russia clearly were feeling the bern and trying to get him to beat Crooked H

and why wasnt Assange indicted for collusion with the creme de la Kremlin?!
They have not impeached yet
They are fact finding first. Trump claims to be above the law
Thanks to the Constitution, we have a system where the Senate will make sure justice is served. McConnell will listen to the phony evidence provided by the Dems and then he will decide.
They have not impeached yet
They are fact finding first. Trump claims to be above the law
Thanks to the Constitution, we have a system where the Senate will make sure justice is served. McConnell will listen to the phony evidence provided by the Dems and then he will decide.
I would be surprised if McConnell listened to the evidence
They have not impeached yet
They are fact finding first. Trump claims to be above the law
Thanks to the Constitution, we have a system where the Senate will make sure justice is served. McConnell will listen to the phony evidence provided by the Dems and then he will decide.
I predict the House will never impeach him. It's all just posturing and chest thumping.
He's already broken 1000% more laws than Nixon ever dreamed of doing.

And he's about to reap the consequences thereof.
Really? What has he been charged with and found guilty by a judge and jury?
NIxon's big mistake was resigning. The Democrat coup against Nixon was successful. Now the Democrats think they can get away with it again.

Trump needs to be strong and hold out against the crazy Democrats. It's a good sign that McConnell has Trump's back.
Nixon had both Republicans and Democrats ready to impeach

Today’s Republicans lack the moral integrity of Republicans in the 70s
Nixon was impeached over a real crime. Democrats have endless phony crimes. They are still fabricating nonsense. Just a day or so ago the DNI was ordered to lie and said he was going to resign. That wasn't true was it? Every day democrats have a new onslaught of lies.

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