trump is preparing to call a National Emergency

turtle, trump, national emergency?

Seriously; Trump should just go & stuff a sweet potato up his own ass.
He prolly would like it & discover something NEW about his current marriage.
Hey, Melania; you got any sweet 'tatas?
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Trump must declare a broken govt and set up wisdom tests for voters and that would end liberalism
wisdom tests for republicans?? The end of the republican party

We know enough to be like baby lions when the mother lion is removing them to a new safer den. They are still and quiet while she has them in her powerful jaws.

You, on the other hand, are ignorantly raising hell and threatening to bring calamity to yourselves and us all.

Are you even American?

Are you Muslim?
The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
He is not self made, and many Presidents win on their 1st try. Arguably, it was actually his second.

Actually, he is a self made billionaire. History is jam packed with stories of rich kids who squandered their inheritance and used their familial influence to get out of criminal jams and indiscretions. Maybe it is a disease of the privileged we can't understand because it is unfashionable to really try to understand them.

Well, despite any of those gossipy distractions, I stay focused on why we hired him and I look at the very real accomplishments Donald Trump has made on millions of people's lives now as POTUS and going back decades.

Who'da thunk that Obama the Great would be proven wrong by Donald the GOAT?

@ 1:23

Trump inherited hundreds of millions from daddy, daddy bailed him out of going broke multiple times (fun fact, so did George Soros and the Saudi's), and Trump inherited daddy's business and daddy's advisers. Trump is holding hundreds of thousands of people's lives hostage and loving it. He is a textbook villain.

You leftist should read all the posts before spewing BS. I posted the Politifact link on how much Trump inherited.

Did they update it a few months ago when an investigation revealed Trump had inherited over $400 million from daddy?

Do you even bother anymore trying to conceal the fact that you are looking to justify the coup d' etat efforts to take down the President without cause?
Trump calls the emergency to build the wall. Government gets back open.

The government doesn't open if Trump declares and emergency. The House and Senate still would have to pass a budget to bring the people back to work.

Then under the law the Congress gets to vote on a Joint Resolution to undo the emergency which McConnell will hate because he dosen't want GOP Senators on the record.. The house will pass it in a hot minute.
He should declare a military emergency, build a wall w/o congress, and send all the DACA shits home.

Fuck all those bitches right in the ass, dry.


I'm okay with all of it cept the dry ass fkng.
you're the exception to republican rule lol

The vanquished MUST cry Uncle and 'recognize themselves subdued,' as the Prophet stated in Islamic texts.
SORRY Lee your ass is grass
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
He should declare a military emergency, build a wall w/o congress, and send all the DACA shits home.

Fuck all those bitches right in the ass, dry.


I'm okay with all of it cept the dry ass fkng.
you're the exception to republican rule lol

The vanquished MUST cry Uncle and 'recognize themselves subdued,' as the Prophet stated in Islamic texts.
SORRY Lee your ass is grass
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

Trump calls the emergency to build the wall. Government gets back open.

The government doesn't open if Trump declares and emergency. The House and Senate still would have to pass a budget to bring the people back to work.

Then under the law the Congress gets to vote on a Joint Resolution to undo the emergency which McConnell will hate because he dosen't want GOP Senators on the record.. The house will pass it in a hot minute.

The government would reopen because the wall will not be part of the spending bill. It will come out of the defense fund. The Senate will pass it and Trump will sign it.
turtle, trump, national emergency?

Seriously; Trump should just go & stuff a sweet potato up his own ass.
He prolly would like it & discover something NEW about his current marriage.
Hey, Melania; you got any sweet 'tatas?

Sounds like you have some serious issues and fantasies.
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.
Declaring an emergency would only be a distraction from the issue, and there is no need to. The President is on the right track now; all he has to do is to continue to make reasonable offers and have the Democrats turn them down without making a counter offer and voters will see that the Democrats have no legitimate reason to continue to refuse to negotiate. As more Congressional Democrats say they are undecided about the President's offer, Pelosi and Schumer will be forced to negotiate for the fence.
No dealing with a gov't shutdown Open up gov't and we can begin dealing
There is a shutdown because the Democrats refused to deal before it, so the shutdown will continue until they deal now.
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.
Declaring an emergency would only be a distraction from the issue, and there is no need to. The President is on the right track now; all he has to do is to continue to make reasonable offers and have the Democrats turn them down without making a counter offer and voters will see that the Democrats have no legitimate reason to continue to refuse to negotiate. As more Congressional Democrats say they are undecided about the President's offer, Pelosi and Schumer will be forced to negotiate for the fence.

NO...the Dems need to negotiate...just like it is supposed to be.
I agree, but they have refused to negotiate since day one of the Trump administration, and that's why we have a shutdown.
Trump must declare a broken govt and set up wisdom tests for voters and that would end liberalism
wisdom tests for republicans?? The end of the republican party

We welcome that challenge anytime. Let's have tests before you are allowed to vote. Nothing too hard: Who is the current VP? What party does he represent? Who is Speaker of the House? What party leads the Senate? Things like that.

Republicans couldn't be happier. Democrats would be suicidal. Think all those inner-city voters who strongly vote Democrat would know any of these things? They are not even smart enough to learn how to get an ID yet alone answer such questions.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
I hope he does. It will get funds for the wall, open the government back up, and he can deport all those dreamers and say the Dems had their chance to save them.

If he does then it will be Trump crying uncle. This will be tied up in the courts for a long time. Trump will not get his wall. The Dreamers have the protection of the courts and The Supreme Court refused to take the case this term.
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

This will be tied up in the courts for a long time so there will be no wall anytime soon. This will be Trump's surrender.
Trump calls the emergency to build the wall. Government gets back open.

The government doesn't open if Trump declares and emergency. The House and Senate still would have to pass a budget to bring the people back to work.

Then under the law the Congress gets to vote on a Joint Resolution to undo the emergency which McConnell will hate because he dosen't want GOP Senators on the record.. The house will pass it in a hot minute.

The government would reopen because the wall will not be part of the spending bill. It will come out of the defense fund. The Senate will pass it and Trump will sign it.

Congress also has to authorize the money to be spent on a wall. If he tries this without authorization, it will be tied up in the courts.
Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate.

So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.

The lowest energy president ever No golf he said?? Once more fos and repubs still buying it

You are confusing DJT with HRC.

Hillary is low energy and cant stand up without her legs giving out.

DJT gives SMACKDOWNS to bad guys.

He is as Fake as Professional Wresting...

And you're as phony as a black woman with a blonde wig. a brunette woman with a blonde wig is not phony? Your red neck is showing Trumpette.
He should declare a military emergency, build a wall w/o congress, and send all the DACA shits home.

Fuck all those bitches right in the ass, dry.


I'm okay with all of it cept the dry ass fkng.
you're the exception to republican rule lol

The vanquished MUST cry Uncle and 'recognize themselves subdued,' as the Prophet stated in Islamic texts.
SORRY Lee your ass is grass
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
I hope he does. It will get funds for the wall, open the government back up, and he can deport all those dreamers and say the Dems had their chance to save them.

If he does then it will be Trump crying uncle. This will be tied up in the courts for a long time. Trump will not get his wall. The Dreamers have the protection of the courts and The Supreme Court refused to take the case this term.

It is MY wall.

It is YOUR wall.

It is OUR wall.

We are just lucky the perils of an open border have not hit our families.

Stop opposing the wall that will keep your fellow Americans safe.

I am getting sick and dog tired of people who put the welfare of the DNC ahead of the welfare of our nation.
I'm okay with all of it cept the dry ass fkng.
you're the exception to republican rule lol

The vanquished MUST cry Uncle and 'recognize themselves subdued,' as the Prophet stated in Islamic texts.
SORRY Lee your ass is grass
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee


It just means Lee you're up to your neck in doo doo and you better change your ways
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.
I hope he does. It will get funds for the wall, open the government back up, and he can deport all those dreamers and say the Dems had their chance to save them.

If he does then it will be Trump crying uncle. This will be tied up in the courts for a long time. Trump will not get his wall. The Dreamers have the protection of the courts and The Supreme Court refused to take the case this term.

Watching this video will (hopefully) stop you from continuing to hurt America and making your posts look ill informed.


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