trump is preparing to call a National Emergency

If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

If he does, the money doesn't just appear.

He has to take it from other government agencies that have already been appropriated.

Secondly, declaring an emergency still doesn't open the government as the agencies not funded, still won't be funded.

Finally, McConnell would hate him for it. Under Section 202 of the National Security Act Congress can end an emergency declaration with a Joint Resolution and the DEM's would pass that out of the house in a hot minutes and send it to the Senate. Now, the Senate probably wouldn't pass it, however it would require the GOP Senators to vote on the record and McConnell doesn't want that with something like 22 GOP Senators out of 33 being up for election in 2020. If passed by the House it is required to be voted on by the Senate, McConnell would have no choice.

Text of H.R. 3884 (94th): National Emergencies Act (Passed Congress version) -

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
It wasnt his first try. He tried in 2000


But this time he defeated 16 Establishment Republicans, and the Crown Fool ... er, Jewel of the Democratic Party.

Not unimpressive.

With lies and fabrications like

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.

BULLSHIT! The guy was born with a silver spoon. His Daddy gave him his first million. He's far from self-made.

You miss the point.

(I hope you will not give me cause to say that again.)

List of richest Americans in history - Wikipedia

Go to this Wikipedia page dealing with the richest Americans in our nation's history.

There must be hundreds and hundreds of millionaires and billionaires on that lengthy page.

Yet out of ALL those millionaires and billionaires and all of their sons, how many of them were given a loan of (only) $1,000,000 and turned it into a multi billion dollar fortune?

And while you are figuring that out, see how many of those rich men's sons became POTUS after turning their small loan into a much larger fortune?

And how many of them did so with the handicap of being an incompetent fool as you allege DJT is.

If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.
Declaring an emergency would only be a distraction from the issue, and there is no need to. The President is on the right track now; all he has to do is to continue to make reasonable offers and have the Democrats turn them down without making a counter offer and voters will see that the Democrats have no legitimate reason to continue to refuse to negotiate. As more Congressional Democrats say they are undecided about the President's offer, Pelosi and Schumer will be forced to negotiate for the fence.

NO...the Dems need to negotiate...just like it is supposed to be.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
It wasnt his first try. He tried in 2000


But this time he defeated 16 Establishment Republicans, and the Crown Fool ... er, Jewel of the Democratic Party.

Not unimpressive.

With lies and fabrications like

So far, you have yet to prove any wrong doing by the POTUS.

Which is more than you can say for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now ask me to show you what crimes Obama and Hillary committed.

Go ahead.

Make my day.

Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.

BULLSHIT! The guy was born with a silver spoon. His Daddy gave him his first million. He's far from self-made.

You miss the point.

(I hope you will not give me cause to say that again.)

List of richest Americans in history - Wikipedia

Go to this Wikipedia page dealing with the richest Americans in our nation's history.

There must be hundreds and hundreds of millionaires and billionaires on that lengthy page.

Yet out of ALL those millionaires and billionaires and all of their sons, how many of them were given a loan of (only) $1,000,000 and turned it into a multi billion dollar fortune?

And while you are figuring that out, see how many of those rich men's sons became POTUS after turning their small loan into a much larger fortune?

And how many of them did so with the handicap of being an incompetent fool as you allege DJT is.


trump started with nearly a half billion. The buffoon still drove businesses into the ground.

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
It wasnt his first try. He tried in 2000


But this time he defeated 16 Establishment Republicans, and the Crown Fool ... er, Jewel of the Democratic Party.

Not unimpressive.

With lies and fabrications like

So far, you have yet to prove any wrong doing by the POTUS.

Which is more than you can say for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now ask me to show you what crimes Obama and Hillary committed.

Go ahead.

Make my day.


Really? He has been named as an accomplice in two felonies. Hillary....nothing.
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

If he does, the money doesn't just appear.

He has to take it from other government agencies that have already been appropriated.

Secondly, declaring an emergency still doesn't open the government as the agencies not funded, still won't be funded.

Finally, McConnell would hate him for it. Under Section 202 of the National Security Act Congress can end an emergency declaration with a Joint Resolution and the DEM's would pass that out of the house in a hot minutes and send it to the Senate. Now, the Senate probably wouldn't pass it, however it would require the GOP Senators to vote on the record and McConnell doesn't want that with something like 22 GOP Senators out of 33 being up for election in 2020. If passed by the House it is required to be voted on by the Senate, McConnell would have no choice.

Text of H.R. 3884 (94th): National Emergencies Act (Passed Congress version) -

This will turn your stomach

6h ago
In Business and Governing, Trump Seeks Victory in Chaos

For people who have done business with Mr. Trump, the shutdown fight reflects a time-tested playbook, our reporters write in an analysis.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

Trump needs to have the NSA dig into emails between the democrats and Mexican drug and child trafficking cartels
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.

Bloomberg and Gates could buy and sell fat ass.

Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda.


Trump took a small fortune and increased it's value exponentially and became a self made BILLIONAIRE..


So, let's count up the score.

Rich man's son.

Self made billionaire.


Those two you mention are just wealthy Liberals.
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.

BULLSHIT! The guy was born with a silver spoon. His Daddy gave him his first million. He's far from self-made.

You miss the point.

(I hope you will not give me cause to say that again.)

List of richest Americans in history - Wikipedia

Go to this Wikipedia page dealing with the richest Americans in our nation's history.

There must be hundreds and hundreds of millionaires and billionaires on that lengthy page.

Yet out of ALL those millionaires and billionaires and all of their sons, how many of them were given a loan of (only) $1,000,000 and turned it into a multi billion dollar fortune?

And while you are figuring that out, see how many of those rich men's sons became POTUS after turning their small loan into a much larger fortune?

And how many of them did so with the handicap of being an incompetent fool as you allege DJT is.


trump started with nearly a half billion. The buffoon still drove businesses into the ground.

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases

A half billion? Politifact disagrees.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE who won the Presidency on his first try.

Show us an incompetent Left Wing fool who can do the same.
It wasnt his first try. He tried in 2000


But this time he defeated 16 Establishment Republicans, and the Crown Fool ... er, Jewel of the Democratic Party.

Not unimpressive.

With lies and fabrications like


Even if he did, there are no laws against it.
A sobering thought, but what if Trump saved Pelosi's life by stopping her trip?

That witch wouldn't fly on her broom to anywhere there was danger. She would have a lot of men with guns you know.......

Actually, Pelosi has visited troops overseas............................

United States Africa Command

During her overseas tour, Pelosi visited with troops in Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base in the Middle East. During her Germany stopover, in addition to U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, she visited U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base and wounded warriors from Afghanistan and Iraq at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

When WASN'T the amount needed for the wall $25 Billion?

Only recently did the media start the set up for the bs they intend to pull eventually, of saying they thought he only wanted $5b but now that the amount has (supposedly) (they will swear they never heard of his ever wanting $25 billion) grown to five times the amount they will say they thought he was asking for, they couldn't POSSIBLY approve such an amount.

The lying cork sackers.

If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

If he does, the money doesn't just appear.

He has to take it from other government agencies that have already been appropriated.

Secondly, declaring an emergency still doesn't open the government as the agencies not funded, still won't be funded.

Finally, McConnell would hate him for it. Under Section 202 of the National Security Act Congress can end an emergency declaration with a Joint Resolution and the DEM's would pass that out of the house in a hot minutes and send it to the Senate. Now, the Senate probably wouldn't pass it, however it would require the GOP Senators to vote on the record and McConnell doesn't want that with something like 22 GOP Senators out of 33 being up for election in 2020. If passed by the House it is required to be voted on by the Senate, McConnell would have no choice.

Text of H.R. 3884 (94th): National Emergencies Act (Passed Congress version) -


Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate. Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.
“trump is preparing to call a National Emergency”

More Trump dishonesty and idiocy given the fact there is no ‘national emergency.’

Fact, there is a national emergency, been one for a long time. Did Nancy tell you that story again?
IF there was a national emergency where was the orange pos 6 months ago 4? 3? He's FOS once more and smart people don't buy his con job
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.

When WASN'T the amount needed for the wall $25 Billion?

Only recently did the media start the set up for the bs they intend to pull eventually, of saying they thought he only wanted $5b but now that the amount has (supposedly) (they will swear they never heard of his ever wanting $25 billion) grown to five times the amount they will say they thought he was asking for, they couldn't POSSIBLY approve such an amount.

The lying cork sackers.


It would be a game of chicken. Kind of like Clint Eastwood "Do you feel lucky punk, well do ya?"

They don't want the wall period. So the gamble would be to let Trump have his 5 billion, or take a chance behind door number 2 and have a wall across every section possible.
“trump is preparing to call a National Emergency”

More Trump dishonesty and idiocy given the fact there is no ‘national emergency.’

Fact, there is a national emergency, been one for a long time. Did Nancy tell you that story again?
Did Trump tell you ""I had nothing to do with Russia"" and you bought his shit ?? Hope it didn't leak all over you
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.
Declaring an emergency would only be a distraction from the issue, and there is no need to. The President is on the right track now; all he has to do is to continue to make reasonable offers and have the Democrats turn them down without making a counter offer and voters will see that the Democrats have no legitimate reason to continue to refuse to negotiate. As more Congressional Democrats say they are undecided about the President's offer, Pelosi and Schumer will be forced to negotiate for the fence.
No dealing with a gov't shutdown Open up gov't and we can begin dealing

And I have a bridge for sale in case you're interested.
A sobering thought, but what if Trump saved Pelosi's life by stopping her trip?

That witch wouldn't fly on her broom to anywhere there was danger. She would have a lot of men with guns you know.......

Actually, Pelosi has visited troops overseas............................

United States Africa Command

During her overseas tour, Pelosi visited with troops in Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base in the Middle East. During her Germany stopover, in addition to U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, she visited U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base and wounded warriors from Afghanistan and Iraq at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Do you support her or are you a stickler for facts?


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