trump is preparing to call a National Emergency

Yet employers that illegally hire continue to illegally hire. H-1B visa holders (many working for tRump) continue to take American workers jobs.

You started out great, but then you dissed your talking point's source by claiming illegals took American jobs. The left has clearly supported the idea no American will do those jobs. I recommend you keep it simple stupid next time.

No American will work as a software engineer?

You suggesting we need more lawyers?
Get more like his AH Guiliani What a freeking joke he is
If I were Trump, I would tell Piglosi and Shoemaker this is the deal: you either give me the 5 billion for the wall, or I will declare a national emergency. If you force me to do that, the wall will be 25 billion, and it will be the largest most beautiful wall ever imagined.
Declaring an emergency would only be a distraction from the issue, and there is no need to. The President is on the right track now; all he has to do is to continue to make reasonable offers and have the Democrats turn them down without making a counter offer and voters will see that the Democrats have no legitimate reason to continue to refuse to negotiate. As more Congressional Democrats say they are undecided about the President's offer, Pelosi and Schumer will be forced to negotiate for the fence.
No dealing with a gov't shutdown Open up gov't and we can begin dealing

And I have a bridge for sale in case you're interested.
RAY get educated Really

6h ago
In Business and Governing, Trump Seeks Victory in Chaos

For people who have done business with Mr. Trump, the shutdown fight reflects a time-tested playbook, our reporters write in an analysis.
A sobering thought, but what if Trump saved Pelosi's life by stopping her trip?

That witch wouldn't fly on her broom to anywhere there was danger. She would have a lot of men with guns you know.......

Actually, Pelosi has visited troops overseas............................

United States Africa Command

During her overseas tour, Pelosi visited with troops in Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base in the Middle East. During her Germany stopover, in addition to U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, she visited U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base and wounded warriors from Afghanistan and Iraq at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Do you support her or are you a stickler for facts?


Stickler for facts. Granted, Pelosi has done some things that a lot of people disagree with, but instead of throwing around false accusations, it would help a lot if people would spend at least a LITTLE time, trying to find out what is real and what isn't. I mean, damn near all of the people in this country have access to the internet and can find out what is and isn't true.

And, while there is a whole bunch I disagree with Trump about, if he does something good, I will say he did good.
“trump is preparing to call a National Emergency”

More Trump dishonesty and idiocy given the fact there is no ‘national emergency.’

Fact, there is a national emergency, been one for a long time. Did Nancy tell you that story again?
Did Trump tell you ""I had nothing to do with Russia"" and you bought his shit ?? Hope it didn't leak all over you

#1 New York Times bestseller

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reveals the real story behind Hillary Clinton’s deep state collaborators in government and exposes their nefarious actions during and after the 2016 election.

The Russia Hoax reveals how persons within the FBI and Barack Obama’s Justice Department worked improperly to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

When this suspected effort failed, those same people appear to have pursued a contrived investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

The evidence suggests that partisans within the FBI and the Department of Justice, driven by personal animus and a misplaced sense of political righteousness, surreptitiously acted to subvert electoral democracy in our country.

The book will examine:

  • How did Hillary Clinton manage to escape prosecution despite compelling evidence she violated the law?
  • Did Peter Strzok, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and others obstruct justice by protecting Clinton?
  • Why was there never a legitimate criminal investigation of Clinton in the Uranium One case?
  • Are the text messages exchanged between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page evidence of a concerted effort to undermine the electoral process?
  • Was there ever any real evidence of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians?
  • Did Trump obstruct justice in the firing of Comey or was he legally exercising his constitutional authority?
  • Did the FBI and DOJ improperly use a discredited "dossier" about Trump to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump associates?
  • Should Mueller have disqualified himself under the special counsel law based on glaring conflicts of interest?
  • Was fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn unfairly charged with making a false statement?
With insightful analysis and a fact-filled narrative, The Russia Hoax delves deeply into Democrat wrongdoing.

No. There was never any real evidence of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians.
“trump is preparing to call a National Emergency”

More Trump dishonesty and idiocy given the fact there is no ‘national emergency.’

Fact, there is a national emergency, been one for a long time. Did Nancy tell you that story again?
IF there was a national emergency where was the orange pos 6 months ago 4? 3? He's FOS once more and smart people don't buy his con job
Trump knows the progressive commies. But he was /is walking on egg shells with the Repubs. Perhaps you did not see the videos of Paul Ryan when Trump first took office for all he was going to do to push Trump's agendas. All of the shills in the Repub party. Designed to give carte blanche to the Progressive Socialists. I believe the Chinese government can send a battalion of soldiers here and take over a progressive socialist city like Portland or Seattle.
A sobering thought, but what if Trump saved Pelosi's life by stopping her trip?

That witch wouldn't fly on her broom to anywhere there was danger. She would have a lot of men with guns you know.......

Actually, Pelosi has visited troops overseas............................

United States Africa Command

During her overseas tour, Pelosi visited with troops in Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base in the Middle East. During her Germany stopover, in addition to U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, she visited U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base and wounded warriors from Afghanistan and Iraq at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Do you support her or are you a stickler for facts?


Stickler for facts. Granted, Pelosi has done some things that a lot of people disagree with, but instead of throwing around false accusations, it would help a lot if people would spend at least a LITTLE time, trying to find out what is real and what isn't. I mean, damn near all of the people in this country have access to the internet and can find out what is and isn't true.

And, while there is a whole bunch I disagree with Trump about, if he does something good, I will say he did good.

I have not made any false accusations about her because I also like dealing with facts.

And whatever she does always seems to be close to the surface and in plain sight deception. Like the dirty trick of ushering the ACA bill through the House at night and making the Reps. vote on it before they read it.

The Woman is as unscrupulous as any in public office, imo.

But I could be wrong.
“trump is preparing to call a National Emergency”

More Trump dishonesty and idiocy given the fact there is no ‘national emergency.’

Fact, there is a national emergency, been one for a long time. Did Nancy tell you that story again?
IF there was a national emergency where was the orange pos 6 months ago 4? 3? He's FOS once more and smart people don't buy his con job
Trump knows the progressive commies. But he was /is walking on egg shells with the Repubs. Perhaps you did not see the videos of Paul Ryan when Trump first took office for all he was going to do to push Trump's agendas. All of the shills in the Repub party. Designed to give carte blanche to the Progressive Socialists. I believe the Chinese government can send a battalion of soldiers here and take over a progressive socialist city like Portland or Seattle.

I believe the Women folks would give themselves to the Chinese troops as a sign of support. And I could imagine the Lesbians volunteering to clean up the "comfort rooms" afterwards as their show of treasonous support.
We're back to that again? I refuse to believe it. Prior threats didn't work, any further inaction will lead to comparison to Obama's line in the sand.
I have already brought that up a couple times during trump's presidency
Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate.

So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.

The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE

Correction: He received nearly half a billion from his father and has engaged in lifelong tax and debt cheats. His most lucrative business endeavors have been appearing on The Apprentice and his name licensing business. Both of them based on his lifelong sham public relations operation to bill himself as a hotshot businessman. Meanwhile, there is no real evidence that he's worth anywhere near what he claims, and he has admitted in past court filings that his assessments of his net worth are largely based on his personal feelings and day-to-day mood swings.

Donald is a true diamond in the rough. Completely worthless and so common it's pathetic, but has managed to convince lots of people he's supposed to fetch a big price tag for allegedly being rare.

who won the Presidency on his first try.

Correction: He won the Presidency largely thanks to a huge propaganda campaign waged by a foreign adversary. And even then, it was a relatively narrow victory against a horrendously weak opponent, and he lost the popular vote. He's basically the Haymitch Abernathy of presidents, just not as smart.
Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate.

So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.

The lowest energy president ever No golf he said?? Once more fos and repubs still buying it
Hillary lost.

Get over it.

If only for your children.

They need their daddies and mommies back. Though whether they know what "daddy" looked like remains an open question for liberals.
I know the best people????? The pos can't get ANY people ,,25 countries STILL don't have ambassadors
Hillary lost.

Get over it.

If only for your children.

They need their daddies and mommies back. Though whether they know what "daddy" looked like remains an open question for liberals.
And the best part of you is still dripping down mommies leg
The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE

Correction: He received nearly half a billion from his father and has engaged in lifelong tax and debt cheats. His most lucrative business endeavors have been appearing on The Apprentice and his name licensing business. Both of them based on his lifelong sham public relations operation to bill himself as a hotshot businessman. Meanwhile, there is no real evidence that he's worth anywhere near what he claims, and he has admitted in past court filings that his assessments of his net worth are largely based on his personal feelings and day-to-day mood swings.

Donald is a true diamond in the rough. Completely worthless and so common it's pathetic, but has managed to convince lots of people he's supposed to fetch a big price tag for allegedly being rare.

who won the Presidency on his first try.

Correction: He won the Presidency largely thanks to a huge propaganda campaign waged by a foreign adversary. And even then, it was a relatively narrow victory against a horrendously weak opponent, and he lost the popular vote. He's basically the Haymitch Abernathy of presidents, just not as smart.

How much does she charge for her favors these days?
Trump would get the money out of the defense fund which would be appropriate.

So is he going to decrease OPS Tempo?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines training?

Cancel some procurement programs?

Take if from soldiers, sailor, and marines pay?

Trump knows that giving up on the wall would be the end of his presidency. He'd have no chance at reelection if he did. I think McConnell realizes that as well.

Thank you for at least admitting that Trump is holding government workers and some members of the military servcie hostage because he's more worried about his 2020 reelection bid.

I agree.


You are an enemy of America.

Your opinion doesn't count.
The man is a self made BILLIONAIRE

Correction: He received nearly half a billion from his father and has engaged in lifelong tax and debt cheats. His most lucrative business endeavors have been appearing on The Apprentice and his name licensing business. Both of them based on his lifelong sham public relations operation to bill himself as a hotshot businessman. Meanwhile, there is no real evidence that he's worth anywhere near what he claims, and he has admitted in past court filings that his assessments of his net worth are largely based on his personal feelings and day-to-day mood swings.

Donald is a true diamond in the rough. Completely worthless and so common it's pathetic, but has managed to convince lots of people he's supposed to fetch a big price tag for allegedly being rare.

who won the Presidency on his first try.

Correction: He won the Presidency largely thanks to a huge propaganda campaign waged by a foreign adversary. And even then, it was a relatively narrow victory against a horrendously weak opponent, and he lost the popular vote. He's basically the Haymitch Abernathy of presidents, just not as smart.

How much does she charge for her favors these days?
Who ?? Melania is taking trump for millions and divorce is soon to come as soon as his failed presidency is over
Once the Turtle sends the "showpiece" bill up and it fails...trump will have an excuse to call a National Emergency.

When he does...he will show the voters what an incompetent fool that he is.

Trump needs to have the NSA dig into emails between the democrats and Mexican drug and child trafficking cartels

Another trump leg humper....

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