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Trump is right, US Muslims did celebrate 9-11

Trump overestimated himself, Roudy, and did you and the others.

What HRC does is not the point.

That Kasich and Rubio will take the nomination and beat her are the points.

He's held the lead so far and I don't see anything that will stop him from being nominated. He may choose Rubio, Cruz, or Carson as VP to make amends with a group he's alienated.
I know you hope that, but you are as wrong about that as you are on these other things.

Rubio will choose Kasich.

I don't hope it. I'm not sure if he's the right candidate to beat Hillary. But people are tired of politicians saying one thing and then doing the opposite when elected. It is common that candidates turn hard left or right to get the nomination, Trump is just doing it in a very unconventional manner this time.
bush prayed on it. He BELIEVED that God told him to proceed. Maybe HE did. Maybe HE didn't. Prior to the invasion the Iraqi leader and his minions terrorized the Iraqi people. THAT doesn't seem to trouble you though. Hm. In actuality, with a few tragic exceptions, the US forces terrorized nobody. So feel obligated to lay aside your unpersuasive stale and baseless propaganda claims.

So listen you fucking asshole. You HAVE no point, as all folks WITH a brain can plainly see.

the attack on Paris by the likes of ISIS jihadist filth wasn't an attack against Christianity. It was an attack on a Western Power. And yes. The jihadist filth can make ANY claim to lay claim to their false "justification" they may seek to spew. That does NOT mean that their proclaimed reason is their actual reason.

Let me help you out a bit -- since you are far too tragically stupid to handle a simple thing like "analogy." There must, as a first order of business, be a valid ANALOG in there somewhere. Thus, the term "analogy."

Your fail, apparently, is ongoing and endless. You truly suck at this.
Now you're just confused.
Where did I use an analogy?
I'm claiming an equivalence though...if it's acceptable to malign Islam because terrorists claim it as their justification, then it's equally acceptable to malign Christianity because of those that claim they're striking a blow for their God.

That I don't believe either view is neither here nor there.

'Analogy' is a good word though...I'm sure you'll be able to use it in an appropriate sentence sometime.

You didn't use the word analogy, you dumbass.

You don't even grasp that you can (weakly) attempt to use analogy even if you haven't labeled it AS analogy?

Damn, you are ignorant AND fucking stupid.

Claiming equivalence IS a form of analogy, you ignorant blow hard.
You're having trouble seeing through the flecks of foam on your screen now...I'll pause while you give it a wipe.

Read my sentence...for your reference "Where did I use an analogy?".
If I had claimed to use the word 'analogy' I would have written something like "Where did I use 'analogy'".

But we digress...

I am surprised that a person with your IQ

can even breathe.

You poor fucking imbecile, you DID just lay claim to having offered an equivalence.

An equivalence IS a form of analogy.

In short, you admit having done the very thing you persist in denying.

You couldn't be much dumber, you fucking idiot.

Go play. In traffic. :thup:
Wow...how long can you keep on with this?
You said that I claimed to have used the word 'analogy'.
I never made such a claim and told you so.
Now you're angry at me because of your dopiness...and you've dived off in a different direction altogether.
Maybe you need some sleep?
It's hard to tell from this distance.

By the way...an analogy describes similar attributes between two situations that are otherwise different to make a point..."Muslims are like rabid dogs".
An equivalence is when the two things are the same..."Christians protesting outside a mosque are no different to Muslims protesting outside a church".

No you imbecile. I NEVER said that you used or claimed to have used the word "analogy."

Try to smarten up. For as things stand, you are as dumb as they come.

Truly. I can keep this up (referring to exposing your utter stupidity) as often as you justify it (i.e., as often as you post).
Now you're just confused.
Where did I use an analogy?
I'm claiming an equivalence though...if it's acceptable to malign Islam because terrorists claim it as their justification, then it's equally acceptable to malign Christianity because of those that claim they're striking a blow for their God.

That I don't believe either view is neither here nor there.

'Analogy' is a good word though...I'm sure you'll be able to use it in an appropriate sentence sometime.

You didn't use the word analogy, you dumbass.

You don't even grasp that you can (weakly) attempt to use analogy even if you haven't labeled it AS analogy?

Damn, you are ignorant AND fucking stupid.

Claiming equivalence IS a form of analogy, you ignorant blow hard.
You're having trouble seeing through the flecks of foam on your screen now...I'll pause while you give it a wipe.

Read my sentence...for your reference "Where did I use an analogy?".
If I had claimed to use the word 'analogy' I would have written something like "Where did I use 'analogy'".

But we digress...

I am surprised that a person with your IQ

can even breathe.

You poor fucking imbecile, you DID just lay claim to having offered an equivalence.

An equivalence IS a form of analogy.

In short, you admit having done the very thing you persist in denying.

You couldn't be much dumber, you fucking idiot.

Go play. In traffic. :thup:
Wow...how long can you keep on with this?
You said that I claimed to have used the word 'analogy'.
I never made such a claim and told you so.
Now you're angry at me because of your dopiness...and you've dived off in a different direction altogether.
Maybe you need some sleep?
It's hard to tell from this distance.

By the way...an analogy describes similar attributes between two situations that are otherwise different to make a point..."Muslims are like rabid dogs".
An equivalence is when the two things are the same..."Christians protesting outside a mosque are no different to Muslims protesting outside a church".

No you imbecile. I NEVER said that you used or claimed to have used the word "analogy."

Try to smarten up. For as things stand, you are as dumb as they come.

Truly. I can keep this up (referring to exposing your utter stupidity) as often as you justify it (i.e., as often as you post).
I'm sure you wrote this...
"You didn't use the word analogy, you dumbass."
...in fact, let me scroll up...stand by...yep, there it is.

I really believe that you won't even be embarrassed.
Alleged means without proof

According to local police and the mayor of Jersey City, Muslim celebrations in Jersey as Trump claims did not happen.

And how would local police know in the middle of America's greatest terror attack which occurred in neighboring New York, while they are still trying to prevent another possible one? Oh let's drop going after more possible terrorists, that and go after Muslims who are celebrating. Ha ha ha.
Large numbers of Muslims celebrating publicly the fall of the twin towers are going to go unnoticed by the local police. The news media who's broadcasting celebrations in the Middle East which is capturing headlines across the country are going to ignore Muslims celebrating in New Jersey. Trump claims people all over New Jersey were watching these celebrations and it was well covered. However, that doesn't seem to be any videos of those celebrations, no descriptions of who was involved, or where they were held. In fact, all we have are accusations mostly from Trump.

Trump statement is worth looking at again for a good laugh.

“There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down — as those buildings came down. And that tells you something. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.”

Yet the governor won't confirm Trump's allegation.
The mayor said it didn't happen.
The police said it didn't happen.
The local newspaper could not confirm there was any such celebrations.

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

That's because the community celebrated as a whole. Of course there won't be a video of it, as you would have of overseas celebrations. It's the store owner who's clapping and passing out sweets...who's going to video tape that or call the cops? Is it illegal to pass out sweets or be happy? Get real. And why would the papers make note of it, considering what the law enforcement and American public were actually concerned about in the days following 9-11? Why would the governor hiding in some undisclosed location know what Arabs are doing in their community? You guys are being delusional and twisting reality to conform to your ideology and bullshit political correctness. If Muslims overseas celebrated then it would only be natural for US Muslims to celebrate as well. Why would they be any different in their viewpoints? They aren't.
Well I'm still waiting for the proof. Could Muslims be celebrating 911 in New Jersey? Of course, but we are not talking about what is possible, nor even what is likely. We discussing what a candidate for the president of the United States is reporting that he saw with his own eyes.

Speaking of seeing with your own eyes, tonight on the news, Trump has revealed that he watched people jumping off the burning towers from his bayview window in his apartment. Can someone prove he didn't see this. Of course not. However, his apartment was 4 miles from the Trade Center and the sky was covered in a smokey haze. I suppose since he's Superman his supporters will say he used his X-Ray vision.

Many non Muslim eyewitnesses that live the area have said that they saw celebrations. Are those guys lying too? I don't think so.
What guys? So far there is no evidence, no pictures, no videos, no reports in the new media, no reports from law enforcement, just Trump and his supporters.
What guys? So far there is no evidence, no pictures, no videos, no reports in the new media, no reports from law enforcement, just Trump and his supporters.
There is however a picture of the cheering Israelis' moving van that was reported to the Jersey City police.

Roudy, no. Trump said it, Trump did it, and the great American population do not want him.
Whether or not Americans will vote for him is a different question. You are underestimating Trump. This is his strategy, he says these kinds of things to get attention and free publicity. If and when he is the nominee, he will tone it down considerably. Right now he is tapping into what he thinks most Americans will agree with him on, and he is correct.
When has Trump ever toned down anything. He lives to be in the center ring, the subject of controversy. His supporters love it and he's not about to tone it down. Trump has been shocking, attacking, and manipulating people all of his life, his investors, his buyers, his creditors, and now his supporters.

On CBS news, there was a short interview with a Trump supporter at one of Trump's rallies. The interviewer asked if he was concerned with the inaccuracy of Trump's statements. The supporter said no because he knows Trump is a good man. Trump could say little green men from outer space have landed in America and his poll numbers would probably rise.

Well like I said he knows how to manipulate the media who has bad intentions for anyone who isn't a Democrat. He is the poison pill for the corrupt media. It's hilarious they keep concocting, exaggerating, and misrepresenting things that Trump says and none of their fraud is working. In the meantime Trump is saving hundreds of millions advertising himself. He knows exactly what he's doing.
Yes, he knows exactly what he's doing and he certainly knows how to manipulate the media. He's been doing it for years.
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Washington Post did an article about it late September 2001 - so many people reported it to the FBI and investigation was conducted about it. Look it up.
The Washington Post said no such thing. One person reported Arabic looking men celebrating to the Jersey City police and gave them their License plate number and the Jersey City police reported it to the FBI. An ABP was put out on the white van which was found in Fort Lee and the "Arabic" looking men turned out to be Israelis.
So pathological liar Trump turned 5 Israelis celebrating into thousands and thousands of Arabs celebrating.
As Trump said, "Accusations are good enough".
Washington Post did an article about it late September 2001 - so many people reported it to the FBI and investigation was conducted about it. Look it up.
The Washington Post said no such thing. One person reported Arabic looking men celebrating to the Jersey City police and gave them their License plate number and the Jersey City police reported it to the FBI. An ABP was put out on the white van which was found in Fort Lee and the "Arabic" looking men turned out to be Israelis.
So pathological liar Trump turned 5 Israelis celebrating into thousands and thousands of Arabs celebrating.
As Trump said, "Accusations are good enough".
Even better are some exerpts from the partially declassified police report.

Pursuant to this information, East Rutherford, NJ police authorities stopped an Urban Moving Systems van at a pre-positioned roadblock which was occupied by males similar to those described by witnesses above. The van had been traveling eastbound along State Route 3 in New Jersey. Following the stop, police detained five (5) individuals, all Israeli Nationals, on the grounds that they may have had information pertaining to the WTC explosions. The matter was later forwarded to FBI Newark, and the individuals were detained based violations of immigration their status [sic].

At the time of the vehicle stop, a search of the van and individuals was conducted. Seizure of the individuals' property yielded the following: a 35mm camera, several personal telephone-style notebooks, back packs, airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations world-wide, Israeli passports (in some cases, expired), a German passport, and thousands of dollars of cash. Student identifications later believed to be false were later found. Oddly, equipment typically used in a moving company's daily duties was not found, including work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc.

Section 1, Page 35:

Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the detainees was later developed and processed by the Newark Division. The photos clearly corroborate [blank's] statements in that the Israelis are visibly happy on nearly all of the photgraphs [sic]. Further, the photos revealed that the Israelis had taken photographs from both the top of a van and from another location believed to be a parking lot near the Urban Moving Systems location in Weehawken, NJ.
oh please.
Since you said the magic word "please" here is some more from the police report:

A search of Urban Moving Systems, Weehawken, NJ, revealed more oddities which caused the search team leader to characterize the company as a possible "fraudulent operation." Little evidence of a legitimate business operation was found. Evidence recovery agents did seize, however, sixteen (16) separate computer units used by Urban Moving Systems.

The FBI presence at the Urban Moving Systems search site drew the attention of the local media and was later reported on both television and in the local press. A former Urban Moving Systems employee later contacted the Newark Division with information indicating that he had quit his employment with Urban Moving Systems due to high amount of anti-American sentiment present among Urban's employees. The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked, "Give us twenty (20) years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country."

Based on the odd circumstances surrounding Urban Moving Systems, the deception over the alleged usage of a video camera by its Israeli employees, and the observed positive reactions (by the Israeli detainees) to the explosions at WTC, Newark Squad C-9 (SSA [blank] SA [blank], began to focus on the following:

[Blanked off for nearly two pages.]
Washington Post did an article about it late September 2001 - so many people reported it to the FBI and investigation was conducted about it. Look it up.
The Washington Post said no such thing. One person reported Arabic looking men celebrating to the Jersey City police and gave them their License plate number and the Jersey City police reported it to the FBI. An ABP was put out on the white van which was found in Fort Lee and the "Arabic" looking men turned out to be Israelis.
So pathological liar Trump turned 5 Israelis celebrating into thousands and thousands of Arabs celebrating.
As Trump said, "Accusations are good enough".
Even better are some exerpts from the partially declassified police report.

Pursuant to this information, East Rutherford, NJ police authorities stopped an Urban Moving Systems van at a pre-positioned roadblock which was occupied by males similar to those described by witnesses above. The van had been traveling eastbound along State Route 3 in New Jersey. Following the stop, police detained five (5) individuals, all Israeli Nationals, on the grounds that they may have had information pertaining to the WTC explosions. The matter was later forwarded to FBI Newark, and the individuals were detained based violations of immigration their status [sic].

At the time of the vehicle stop, a search of the van and individuals was conducted. Seizure of the individuals' property yielded the following: a 35mm camera, several personal telephone-style notebooks, back packs, airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations world-wide, Israeli passports (in some cases, expired), a German passport, and thousands of dollars of cash. Student identifications later believed to be false were later found. Oddly, equipment typically used in a moving company's daily duties was not found, including work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc.

Section 1, Page 35:

Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the detainees was later developed and processed by the Newark Division. The photos clearly corroborate [blank's] statements in that the Israelis are visibly happy on nearly all of the photgraphs [sic]. Further, the photos revealed that the Israelis had taken photographs from both the top of a van and from another location believed to be a parking lot near the Urban Moving Systems location in Weehawken, NJ.

Point? Has nothing to do with the subject matter, which is, whether Trump was right about Muslim celebrations on 9-11, and he was. The Israeli story is only used by anti semites and conspiracy theorists who claim that Israel either did 9-11 or had prior knowledge of. Good to know that you're one of those nutjobs. Five Israelis? Ha ha ha. Damn, you are pathetic.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
What you think is meaningless, Roudy.

Trump lied when he said he saw thousands cheering in NJ about the fall of the towers.

He is going to 'faced' on thousands of commercials for his lies.

He is your candidate, so in your twisted mind, it's OK if he lies.
What you think is meaningless, Roudy.

Trump lied when he said he saw thousands cheering in NJ about the fall of the towers.

He is going to 'faced' on thousands of commercials for his lies.

He is your candidate, so in your twisted mind, it's OK if he lies.

Actually he didn't, I know many New Yorkers who saw Muslims celebrating and even heckling firefighters on the Brooklyn Bridge. There were even some skirmishes between angry New Yorkers and celebrating Muslims. You know jack shiite.
Actually he did say that: I heard him, so did you.

No, there are no reports of thousands cheering in NJ about the towers coming down.

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