Trump is right we already have too many languages here

It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

Things don't always unify a nation, and you're right since speaking in sundry tongues could lead to divisions within. :(
The Voice?
He was way too cocky.Definately had a rich smooth voice.
But he was the epitome of self-centered guy who was short
and had to let everyone know how tough and cool he was.
Now Dean Martin was the opposite.Both Tough and cool.
I had a couple records from Dean Martins son
Dino,Desi and Billy.
He was way too cocky.Definately had a rich smooth voice.
But he was the epitome of self-centered guy who was short
and had to let everyone know how tough and cool he was.
Now Dean Martin was the opposite.Both Tough and cool.
I had a couple records from Dean Martins son
Dino,Desi and Billy.
The Velvet Fog
The Velvet Fog
That's a new one.I read recently something about Sinatra.
That most his singing was done at one Night Club Gambling
joint in Prime Las Vegas.
Oh! it involved a fight Frankie boy got into.
I think he was being denied more chips.Was used to
just asking for more chips and having them arrive lickety-split
at his gambling table.The Place at just changed their Limit on
how many chips { no matter how much a big shot }
could get w/o signing for them.
Too many languages? Next thing you know they'll be saying we have too many guns. Or too many children.

Yes, the left has been saying all that for some time now.
hahaha…You globalist feelings people are fun…throughout this thread not one of you have said…”I support and encourage the manifestation of diverse multilingual communities because they tend to be so nice, clean, safe, productive and self funded…they improve and enhance America for Americans.”
Why is that?
By not saying that aren’t you kinda saying without saying that you encourage and support the degradation in and the demise of America?
Wrong, liar.
hahaha…there‘s a whole of context there that scares you…doesn’t it?

“throughout this thread not one of you have said…”I support and encourage the manifestation of diverse multilingual communities because they tend to be so nice, clean, safe, productive and self funded…they improve and enhance America for Americans.”
Why is that?
By not saying that aren’t you kinda saying without saying that you encourage and support the degradation in and the demise of America?”

hahaha…You globalist feelings people are fun…
Aren't you the one who feels like a special little Snowflake? :dunno:
throughout this thread not one of you have said…”I support and encourage the manifestation of diverse multilingual communities because they tend to be so nice, clean, safe, productive and self funded…they improve and enhance America for Americans.”
Why is that?
Because it typically goes without saying. It was when this country mainly spoke one language when things devolved into civil war. In fact English history is rife with civil conflict. Maybe we haven't brought up the obvious because we're all simply amazed by how ignorant of history you are.
By not saying that aren’t you kinda saying without saying that you encourage and support the degradation in and the demise of America?
Putting white trash like you where you belong is cleaning up the country.
hahaha…You globalist feelings people are fun…throughout this thread not one of you have said…”I support and encourage the manifestation of diverse multilingual communities because they tend to be so nice, clean, safe, productive and self funded…they improve and enhance America for Americans.”
Why is that?
By not saying that aren’t you kinda saying without saying that you encourage and support the degradation in and the demise of America?

Why aren't you concerned when any politician states something that hints at limiting the people's rights? Your idea of freedom isn't what this country was built upon.
Why aren't you concerned when any politician states something that hints at limiting the people's rights? Your idea of freedom isn't what this country was built upon.
Declaring English as America’s official language is not a threat to freedom.
What gives you that idea?
Remember…you lose freedoms everyday as a result of the foreigners that government is forcing upon you. Does that bother you?

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