Trump is right; we can get rid of illegals in 2 years!

Number of Presidents Trump proved weren't Americans: 0
Number of illegals Trump will deport: 0
Number of people in the US who died of ebola: 2
Number of threads Vag created predicting the imminent dire consequences of ebola for Americans: Dozens
Number of Presidents Trump proved weren't Americans: 0
Number of illegals Trump will deport: 0
Number of people in the US who died of ebola: 2
Number of threads Vag created predicting the imminent dire consequences of ebola for Americans: Dozens

Unfortunately you weren't ONE of those 2 people..... Bet they wished they could have traded places with you!
Trump does not have the stones much less the money and infrastructure to seize 11million people, Vigilante.
Trump does not have the stones much less the money and infrastructure to seize 11million people, Vigilante.

Apparently you still have no understanding that he doesn't NEED to seize 11 million people... I'd surmise a million in 2 years would be enough to drive out the other 10, but 2 million in 2 years is better...BTW we deported over 430,000 illegals in 2013, with no problem...just think if he took 30,000 IRS agents currently investigating every person in America for ObomaCare fraud, and made them ICE court officers, what POWER he could really wield!
Number of Presidents Trump proved weren't Americans: 0
Number of illegals Trump will deport: 0
Number of people in the US who died of ebola: 2
Number of threads Vag created predicting the imminent dire consequences of ebola for Americans: Dozens

Unfortunately you weren't ONE of those 2 people..... Bet they wished they could have traded places with you!

Of course they would have liked to have traded places with me. Unlike you, I matter and make a good living.

Now, if they had to decide between being a retard like you and death, they probably would have thought about it for a long time.
Nope "I'd surmise a million in 2 years would be enough to drive out the other 10, but 2 million in 2 years is better"...

Now you are counting those turned back at the border as deportees when you would not before? "deported over 430,000 illegals in 2013, with no problem"

Even seizing a million in one year is impossible. That's 3000 a day, every day of the year. Won't have the manpower, money, facilities, or transportation to do it.
Trump does not have the stones much less the money and infrastructure to seize 11million people, Vigilante.
He doesn't have to.

He just has to establish legal conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens to make them want to go home under their own power and at their own expense.

1. no jobs for illegals
2. no housing for illegals
3. no cars for illegals
4. no bank accounts for illegals
5. no money wire-transfers for illegals
6. no licenses for illegals
7. no schooling for illegals
8. no medical care for illegals
9. defund Sanctuary Cities
10. arrest the mayors and city councils of Sanctuary Cities and prosecute and jail them for Conspiracy to Violate Federal Immigration Law if they won't abandon Sanctuary status

Etc... etc... etc...

Whatever it takes to make all 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens skeddadle, and not come back, and to discourage others from even bothering to try.

Romney suggested Self-Deportation Lite.

We need Self-Deportation Industrial Strength.

Illegals pack up and leave of their own accord, and we haven't spent a single dime on a wall or on round-ups and legal proceedings and deportation-transport.


We got by just fine without them, before they arrived.

We'll get by just fine without them, once they're gone.

And, if the Transition Period is a little painful - with respect to increased labor costs...

The sooner we get underway, the sooner we put the pain behind us, and are free of the infestation.

American Thinker ^ | Ed Straker
Donald Trump was asked how long it will take to get rid of our illegal aliens. He was asked if it could be done in five to ten years. That's the answer most politicians give to any question, such as balancing the budget--it's a long enough time frame so they will be out of office before they are held responsible for not delivering on their promises. But to his credit, Trump said deporting illegals was doable not in five to ten years but 18 months to two years. He is the first candidate to call for deportation of illegals and...

My God, the Right will believe any bullshit Trump says.

American Thinker ^ | Ed Straker
Donald Trump was asked how long it will take to get rid of our illegal aliens. He was asked if it could be done in five to ten years. That's the answer most politicians give to any question, such as balancing the budget--it's a long enough time frame so they will be out of office before they are held responsible for not delivering on their promises. But to his credit, Trump said deporting illegals was doable not in five to ten years but 18 months to two years. He is the first candidate to call for deportation of illegals and...

My God, the Right will believe any bullshit Trump says.
Fun, ain't it?

Whatever-the-hell it takes to get Americans fired-up again about repelling the wave of 12,000,000 invaders.

American Thinker ^ | Ed Straker
Donald Trump was asked how long it will take to get rid of our illegal aliens. He was asked if it could be done in five to ten years. That's the answer most politicians give to any question, such as balancing the budget--it's a long enough time frame so they will be out of office before they are held responsible for not delivering on their promises. But to his credit, Trump said deporting illegals was doable not in five to ten years but 18 months to two years. He is the first candidate to call for deportation of illegals and...

My God, the Right will believe any bullshit Trump says.
Fun, ain't it?

Whatever-the-hell it takes to get Americans fired-up again about repelling the wave of 12,000,000 invaders.
It's still bullshit and you buy it.
"Trump is right; we can get rid of illegals in 2 years!'

Trump is wrong – and ignorant of the law.

One is not 'illegal' until found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Absent such a ruling, undocumented immigrants are presumed to be innocent, they are entitled to due process of the law, and may not be subject to deportation until their guilt is established.

It would clearly take more than 'two years' to adjudicate likely more than 12 million cases.

Unless, of course, Trump and his supporters are advocating repealing the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments.

Good luck with that.
"undocumented immigrants are presumed to be innocent"

Sure, if you cross the border without authorization you're innocent. Try entering Mexico that way...

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