Trump is right; we can get rid of illegals in 2 years!

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.

"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?

I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.

No. By your stated position, you for some reason think that Americans do not have the RIght of Sovereignty and Democratic Self Determination.

Query, are you Fair with this standard? DO you apply it to other nations as well?

Or are Americans special in not having these rights?
I am not denying anyone rights, beliefs or opinion. I am stating my points that this is where I stand.

You stand against the democratically expressed will of the People of the US, who, if they have the Right of SOvereignty, have the right to craft immigration policy for their nation.

If you did not realize the implications of your position, then you should certainly give that some thought now that I have brought it to your attention.

Take the night. THink about it, Don't knee jerk.

No need to think. I already stated where I was and I stay as it is.
That is bully and irresponsible. Good for you. BUT I do not support your view.

That is bully and irresponsible.

Keeping families together is irresponsible? How?
Deporting whole families with anchor babies as your definition as keeping them together? How is that become responsible?
What is your definition of deporting whole families? Do you include anchor babies 22 to 40 years old that has a job and families? What is the cut off age for you?

Deporting whole families with anchor babies as your definition as keeping them together?

Yes. Keep them together.

What is your definition of deporting whole families?

Parents and minor children.

Do you include anchor babies 22 to 40 years old that has a job and families?

Why would you deport adult citizens?

Deport illegals with minor anchor babies. These minors are US citizens can file lawsuits. Are you aware of that?
If illegals has 16 and 18yo anchor babies. Deport the 16yo kick him out of school leave the 18yo for us to feed. Are they together?
Adult anchor babies are still anchor babies. What if these adults are in college being fed by parents? So what is your point?
BTW how are you going to check illegals? Are you going to bust every door at barrios? Are you going to raid schools, churches, malls, checking every streets etc? Are you going to round them up like NAZIs did during WW2? What is your plan?

:blahblah: :crybaby: :boohoo:
Rotten... I will let you know when you can talk to me. For right now go shine both of your head with steel brush.
That is bully and irresponsible.

Keeping families together is irresponsible? How?
Deporting whole families with anchor babies as your definition as keeping them together? How is that become responsible?
What is your definition of deporting whole families? Do you include anchor babies 22 to 40 years old that has a job and families? What is the cut off age for you?

Deporting whole families with anchor babies as your definition as keeping them together?

Yes. Keep them together.

What is your definition of deporting whole families?

Parents and minor children.

Do you include anchor babies 22 to 40 years old that has a job and families?

Why would you deport adult citizens?

Deport illegals with minor anchor babies. These minors are US citizens can file lawsuits. Are you aware of that?
If illegals has 16 and 18yo anchor babies. Deport the 16yo kick him out of school leave the 18yo for us to feed. Are they together?
Adult anchor babies are still anchor babies. What if these adults are in college being fed by parents? So what is your point?
BTW how are you going to check illegals? Are you going to bust every door at barrios? Are you going to raid schools, churches, malls, checking every streets etc? Are you going to round them up like NAZIs did during WW2? What is your plan?

:blahblah: :crybaby: :boohoo:
Rotten... I will let you know when you can talk to me. For right now go shine both of your head with steel brush.

sure...sure..whatever you say, son.

What is the percentage committing 'heinous crimes'?

One-half of one percent ( .005 ) ?

12,000,000 X .005 = 60,000 to be deported

12,000,000 - 60,000 = 11,940,000 still here.


Then deport 60,000.

Or, on the other hand, if you deport every one you catch, and prevent the rest from becoming citizens, or getting jobs, or cars, or housing,

YOu can get rid of the vast majority of them.
I'm not stopping you.

YOu are if you are voting against TRump in the election.
I know lots of republicans and others but I have not met a single soul that will vote Trump. I will not vote Trump.
So far none of you people has even come out any kind of logistical plan or any reasonable plan of how you can accomplish any kind of deportation. Just like your last post. That's a joke.
This probably the 12 rounds that I have to deal with you and others. I already stated where I stand. I'm out.

Bull. If those people be moved here, they can be moved back.

If you have managed to segregate yourself from such a popular figure, that sort of shows how out of touch you are.

I know plenty of people that voted for Obama.
"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?

I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.

No. By your stated position, you for some reason think that Americans do not have the RIght of Sovereignty and Democratic Self Determination.

Query, are you Fair with this standard? DO you apply it to other nations as well?

Or are Americans special in not having these rights?
I am not denying anyone rights, beliefs or opinion. I am stating my points that this is where I stand.

You stand against the democratically expressed will of the People of the US, who, if they have the Right of SOvereignty, have the right to craft immigration policy for their nation.

If you did not realize the implications of your position, then you should certainly give that some thought now that I have brought it to your attention.

Take the night. THink about it, Don't knee jerk.

No need to think. I already stated where I was and I stay as it is.

YOu obviously did not consider the anti-democratic and anti-rights implications of your position.

You admitted as such.

Don't knee jerk. Think about it, and post on it tomorrow.
I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.

No. By your stated position, you for some reason think that Americans do not have the RIght of Sovereignty and Democratic Self Determination.

Query, are you Fair with this standard? DO you apply it to other nations as well?

Or are Americans special in not having these rights?
I am not denying anyone rights, beliefs or opinion. I am stating my points that this is where I stand.

You stand against the democratically expressed will of the People of the US, who, if they have the Right of SOvereignty, have the right to craft immigration policy for their nation.

If you did not realize the implications of your position, then you should certainly give that some thought now that I have brought it to your attention.

Take the night. THink about it, Don't knee jerk.

No need to think. I already stated where I was and I stay as it is.

YOu obviously did not consider the anti-democratic and anti-rights implications of your position.

You admitted as such.

Don't knee jerk. Think about it, and post on it tomorrow.

The top target should be businesses that hire illegals, not the illegals themselves who I think should be put in work camps to pay off their processing costs before being sent back across the border with documents explaining to them the more serious consequences should they come in illegally again. This would be after passing some version of Kate's law that makes repeated attempts to enter illegally a felony.
No. By your stated position, you for some reason think that Americans do not have the RIght of Sovereignty and Democratic Self Determination.

Query, are you Fair with this standard? DO you apply it to other nations as well?

Or are Americans special in not having these rights?
I am not denying anyone rights, beliefs or opinion. I am stating my points that this is where I stand.

You stand against the democratically expressed will of the People of the US, who, if they have the Right of SOvereignty, have the right to craft immigration policy for their nation.

If you did not realize the implications of your position, then you should certainly give that some thought now that I have brought it to your attention.

Take the night. THink about it, Don't knee jerk.

No need to think. I already stated where I was and I stay as it is.

YOu obviously did not consider the anti-democratic and anti-rights implications of your position.

You admitted as such.

Don't knee jerk. Think about it, and post on it tomorrow.

The top target should be businesses that hire illegals, not the illegals themselves who I think should be put in work camps to pay off their processing costs before being sent back across the border with documents explaining to them the more serious consequences should they come in illegally again. This would be after passing some version of Kate's law that makes repeated attempts to enter illegally a felony.

We have little call for unskilled labor. Send them home.

Catch them AGAIN?

Then prison.

But, yes, employers need to be hit, and hit hard.

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