Trump is right; we can get rid of illegals in 2 years!

...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

No need.

Already covered, above.


What about 'em?

Not our problem.

No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.
...You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property...

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.
Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.
For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?

Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.

"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?
I have talked to a few businessmen who have tried to use E-verify and the one flaw it has is that you cannot validate the documents. If E-Verify says that they are legal, because they used forged docs to get on E0verify, then the employer has to hire them even if he knows that they are illegal or else he is committing discrimination in hiring.
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

No need.

Already covered, above.


What about 'em?

Not our problem.

No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?
I have talked to a few businessmen who have tried to use E-verify and the one flaw it has is that you cannot validate the documents. If E-Verify says that they are legal, because they used forged docs to get on E0verify, then the employer has to hire them even if he knows that they are illegal or else he is committing discrimination in hiring.

It is still one more hurdle for the illegals. They have to be able to find forged documents.

And giving the employer some protection or motivation to report illegals he knows are using false documents should be possible.
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

No need.

Already covered, above.


What about 'em?

Not our problem.

No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?
I have talked to a few businessmen who have tried to use E-verify and the one flaw it has is that you cannot validate the documents. If E-Verify says that they are legal, because they used forged docs to get on E0verify, then the employer has to hire them even if he knows that they are illegal or else he is committing discrimination in hiring.
Then analyze the flaws and fix the thing, and press Reset, or burn it down to the ground, and whip-up something newer and better, quickly.
Sure is you don't know a lot of shit what you are talking about. In real world.
Do these illegals care about eVerify? They are working now without this eVerify. If you call them to fix your roof. Do you check them for eVerify? You make it sound that they hold high paying job.
Let me repeat it again to you so you can put that in your thick skull.
Rentals, business, bank accounts, cars or any properties are under different names. Own by a U.S. Citizens relatives. YOU don't even know that. Since when an illegals own something?
The rest of my answer are dumb to you because YOU don't know shit about illegals. Except nothing.

The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.

"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?

I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.
The more we crack down on employers the more unfriendly we make American for these invaders.

The more we crack down on rentals, business, banks, car salesmen, ect. ect. the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

IF we start holding these "Straw purchasers" responsible for their crimes, the more unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

And every check we add, is another chance of catching them, and if we actually punish and deport them, the more we make America unfriendly we make America for these invaders.

Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.

"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?

I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.

But I do not support breaking families.

How is sending entire families back "breaking families"?
Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

For example how your post was dumb.

You stated that everify would not work because illegals are not registered with it.

The way everify works is that if you are NOT registered than you are NOT verified as being legal to work.

Thus, lack of verfication would prevent hiring or renting or sale of property.

The rest of your "answers" are just as dumb.

If we let the illegals stay here it is because we choose to, not because we have to.

Enforce the laws, our democratically enacted laws.

Do you believe in democracy?
I have talked to a few businessmen who have tried to use E-verify and the one flaw it has is that you cannot validate the documents. If E-Verify says that they are legal, because they used forged docs to get on E0verify, then the employer has to hire them even if he knows that they are illegal or else he is committing discrimination in hiring.
Then analyze the flaws and fix the thing, and press Reset, or burn it down to the ground, and whip-up something newer and better, quickly.

I think the only thing required to fix E-Verify is to allow businessmen to call documents into question by asking for an investigation of them. I Juan is an illegal and Joe Bidnessman knows it, he shouldn't have to just accept what -Verify says about it.
But I do not support breaking families.

How is sending entire families back "breaking families"?

Yeah, if that was a white trash family with kids running around 'free range' libtards have absolutely zero problem with breaking up famillies.

Why is it OK to them to bust up white families but not foreign invaders here in the USA?
Let me repeat it again. Where are your plan? None of what you're saying make any sense at all.
If a U.S. citizen come to buy a car. How do you know it's for him? You don't know nothing about illegals.
On the side: There are about 30k unaccompanied children remember unaccompanied children from South American countries that crosses our Texas border since Oct/14 to July/15. We are taking care of these kids. Who give them the right to do that? Why can we not stop them? If you don't know I will be glad to educate you. Bottom line blame it on republicans for not reforming the immigration.
Do i believe in Democracy? Yes. And I also care about humanity.

So, some guy is driving around in a car that someone else owns?

Maybe he gets away with it for his entire life.


Maybe he gets in an accident, and it becomes apparent that it is his car under another's person's name.

Or, maybe he has a falling out with his buddy and his buddy turns him in,

or maybe his ex-girlfriend drops a dime on him,

or maybe one of a hundred other little things that could trip him up, that we don't even know because we are not law enforcement or auto insurance guys.

We don't have to catch them all with any one attempt. The more we catch the more we can deport. THe more we try the more we catch. The more we deport the better.

If you believe in democracy, then why are you completely disrespecting the American's people democratically expressed wishes ie our immigration laws?

Welcome to the world of reality and your learning.
I have not broken any or disrespect any laws but I support humanity just like other members of this board.

"Support humanity"?

Standard lib belief system.

Me? I support the American people in this conflict of interests.

If you do not, please admit it.

IN doing so, you are singling out the American people to NOT have the rights of National Sovereignty and Democracy.

Is that your intent?

I support securing our borders, deport illegals that committed heinous crimes. But I do not support breaking families. That is where I stand.
I financially support homeless centers here in Florida and California for decades. Last 8 years I financially support wounded veterans and with PTSD including housing.
This is where I am.

But I do not support breaking families.

How is sending entire families back "breaking families"?
That is bully and irresponsible. Good for you. BUT I do not support your view.
...I think the only thing required to fix E-Verify is to allow businessmen to call documents into question by asking for an investigation of them. I Juan is an illegal and Joe Bidnessman knows it, he shouldn't have to just accept what -Verify says about it.
Or, perhaps, as an alternative...

Allow the employer to hire the candidate in a "Pending Investigation" mode.

The Candidate comes on-board while a deeper investigation is underway, and, if the investigation comes-up with a bogus finding, the employee is terminated with prejudice.

The details of who does what and how it's done would have to be hammered out, of course, but that's the concept, on the macro level.
...That is bully and irresponsible. Good for you. BUT I do not support your view.


They should have thought of that before they snuck into our country or overstayed their welcome.

Don't want the family split-up?

Don't put your family at-risk of that happening.

Your choice.


And, if you choose to do otherwise...

The repercussions are on your head...

Not ours.

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