Trump is right; we can get rid of illegals in 2 years!

"Courts will stop the President from actually enforcing laws already on the books?"

Takes time, money, training, infrastructure, so forth and so on, and you are going to do that in two years? Milliions of people. Tear up families. And what are you going to do when the tens of millions of citizens of these people vote against your candidates?
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.
...Milliions of people. Tear up families...
Awwwwwww... time for a Pity Party... hell, they should have thought of that before they invaded United States soil... too bad, so sad.

...And what are you going to do when the tens of millions of citizens of these people vote against your candidates?
Go home.

AFTER the ILLEGALS have been sent home.
There is no plan, guys: only words. Congress won't approve a plan because the Senate will be Dem after the next election. The courts will stop any executive action.

The deportation of millions of illegals will not happen.

Congress won't approve a plan because the Senate will be Dem after the next election. The courts will stop any executive action.

Courts will stop the President from actually enforcing laws already on the books?

That is correct court will stop ANY president from violating several amendments. That applies to Trumpism.

Which current laws on the books violate several amendments?
Not at all. We are sovereign, and you are not in charge. That's fact.

I did not claim to be in charge.

I'm glad you support American sovereignty.

Though that makes your attack on people who want to enforce American sovereignty very odd.
There is no plan, guys: only words. Congress won't approve a plan because the Senate will be Dem after the next election. The courts will stop any executive action.

The deportation of millions of illegals will not happen.

Good point about the courts, but the Supreme Court is still mostly right. THey might allow the Government to enforce US Sovereignty.

The dems in the Senate? Maybe. Or maybe they will demonstrate that political courage they are so famous for.
There is no way a businessman like Trump is going to deny his fellow businessmen their rightful acces to plentiful, cheap labor.

Because Businessmen are a group where personal ambition never trumps class loyalty?

...Okay. I can tell you again. It's just full of crap. You can dream or talk all day how or whatever you want but none of those CANNOT be done without a plan. I hope you understand what mean.

Here's the plan:

a) get elected on the Self-Deportation Industrial Strength platform.

b) buy experts to sort out the details

c) execute

Next slide, please.

Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home? Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real. How do you determine which are illegals? How about illegals from asia? There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side. Where is your plan? Next slide please.
UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.

That has already been answered.
...Okay. I can tell you again. It's just full of crap. You can dream or talk all day how or whatever you want but none of those CANNOT be done without a plan. I hope you understand what mean.

Here's the plan:

a) get elected on the Self-Deportation Industrial Strength platform.

b) buy experts to sort out the details

c) execute

Next slide, please.

Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home? Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real. How do you determine which are illegals? How about illegals from asia? There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side. Where is your plan? Next slide please.
UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.

That has already been answered.
Not competently, no.
...Okay. I can tell you again. It's just full of crap. You can dream or talk all day how or whatever you want but none of those CANNOT be done without a plan. I hope you understand what mean.

Here's the plan:

a) get elected on the Self-Deportation Industrial Strength platform.

b) buy experts to sort out the details

c) execute

Next slide, please.

Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home? Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real. How do you determine which are illegals? How about illegals from asia? There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side. Where is your plan? Next slide please.
UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.

That has already been answered.
Not competently, no.

So Charles can go back and attack any flaws in the already provided answers.

Asking the same question after it has been answered is a logical fallacy and a propaganda ploy.

And a dick move.
No, you did not answer it, Correll. Charwin has to attack nothing until you field a workable plan.

You have to show a workable plan that involves financing, policy, personnel, infrastructure, national-state cooperation, and so forth.

You have not done that, Correll. More importantly, Trump has not a clue how to do it.
No, you did not answer it, Correll. Charwin has to attack nothing until you field a workable plan.

You have to show a workable plan that involves financing, policy, personnel, infrastructure, national-state cooperation, and so forth.

You have not done that, Correll. More importantly, Trump has not a clue how to do it.

LIke you care about any of that, jake.

You are against the policy because you disagree with the goal. You don't WANT TO enforce our laws. YOu don't WANT to enforce our sovereignty.
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Your "plan", Correll? Indeed, it is dumb.

Our sovereignity as a nation is not threatened by 4% of our population, which is subject to the US government and that of the states in which they live.
Your "plan", Correll? Indeed, it is dumb.

Our sovereignity as a nation is not threatened by 4% of our population, which is subject to the US government and that of the states in which they live.

If they were Subject to our Laws they would not be here.

OUr sovereignty is violated by each and every one of them, every second they are here.

A Sovereignty you claimed to support.

How do you support it, if you support such massive and constant and increasing violations of it?
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.
Yes, I'm sure you're right... please continue to believe that... it will make what's coming sooooo much sweeter and sooooo much more hilarious.
Your "plan", Correll? Indeed, it is dumb.

Our sovereignity as a nation is not threatened by 4% of our population, which is subject to the US government and that of the states in which they live.
In 1986, the Federal government gave Amnesty to 3,000,000 Illegal Aliens, with the promise that it was a one-time shot, never to re-occur.

30 years later, the Federal government is contemplating Shamnesty to 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens - four (4) times as many as last time.

Should we let these Invaders in, and reward them with a path to citizenship, we send the wrong signal to FUTURE generations of Illegals...

In another 30 years - 2046 - it will - again - be four times as much as the last time - then, it will be 48,000,000 (12,000,000 X 4)...

No thank you...

It has to end sometime, with harsh treatment of invaders...

We owe it to our children and grandchildren to send the 12,000,000 home now, so that our descendants are not burdened with even worse, later, and so that they do not curse us.

Time to draw a REAL line in the sand.

This ends now.

Which - judging by the reaction to Trump in recent months - is what vast numbers of Americans want to happen... all the happy-horseshit polls in the world to the contrary notwithstanding.

The fun begins, right after January 20, 2017.
Last edited:
No, you did not answer it, Correll. Charwin has to attack nothing until you field a workable plan.

You have to show a workable plan that involves financing, policy, personnel, infrastructure, national-state cooperation, and so forth.

You have not done that, Correll. More importantly, Trump has not a clue how to do it.
Not to worry.

All that needs be done now is to convey the premise and the desired outcome.

That allows us to get the National Conversation out of the way.

Afterwards, the new POTUS buys experts to serve-up a detailed plan.

Doesn't have to be done now, in advance.

People are just now buying into the Concept.

Plenty of time to dither with the Details later.

Next slide, please.
...Okay. Tell me how are you going force people from leaving their home?...
No need.

Such law would only apply to the selling or renting of housing to an Illegal Alien AFTER the law takes effect.

Any pre-existing sales contracts or leases remain intact and without fear of penalty.

Only from the Effective Date of the law, moving forward in time.

The Constitution prohibits ex post facto.

...Are you going to raid barrios and bust every door? Get real...
No need.

Already covered, above.

...How do you determine which are illegals?...

...How about illegals from asia?...
What about 'em?

...There is no such thing as self deportation when there's NOTHING for them on the other side...
Not our problem.

...Where is your plan? Next slide please. UNLESS you are going to round them up like the NAZIs did in WW2.
No need.

Create a hostile legal environment and they go home on their own.

Lions and tigers and Nazis, oh my.

You people (those advocating on behalf of Illegal Aliens) always play the Godwin Card, sooner or later.

Trouble is, you've gone to that well, once too often, and we're tired of if.

Message received.

Message ignored.

Next slide, please.

Are you forgetting something? How do you know which houses belongs to an illegal when they don't own by name to begin with? You lost.
How do you even determine who are illegals? You lost.
eVerify? When they are not registered to begin with. Crap. You lost.
There are Asian illegals. Helloooo there. You lost. If you google there are 39,000 Chinese that federal govt. trying to deport to China but they don't want them. This is even after court process.
Create a hostile environment to make them self deport but you don't like the way NAZIs round up the Jews in WW2. You lost.
There are European and middle eastern illegals you probably don't even know. How would you know who are illegals? You lost.
You and the Trumpism can cry all day and however long you want. These illegals are here to stay.

Wow. THat was dumb.
Dumb? When you presented NONE of or any kind of plan except bullying.
I consider you dumb and ignorant without even understanding how this thing works. Then believing someone with no plan at all but CRAP. How dumb is that?

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