Trump Is Smart

Did Drumpf molest her or is that how you feel about him?
Trump makes Dubya look like Einstein.
You saw how dumb Trump made Jeb look right? With Dubya it'd be debate over within five minutes.

You call what trump does a debate? You didn't go to an ivey league school and I am doubting you're even out of high school.

Great... here comes the snowflakes.
You were already here melting and professing your love for the abysmal failure known as the Drumpf.
Trump makes Dubya look like Einstein.
You saw how dumb Trump made Jeb look right? With Dubya it'd be debate over within five minutes.

You call what trump does a debate? You didn't go to an ivey league school and I am doubting you're even out of high school.

I call what Trump does a debate.

All the Republican debates and the ones with Mrs. Clinton were debates.

They were just done by Trump's Rules, and that was upsetting to those controlled by the tyranny of Custom.

Goodbye Bush and 15 other sheep who Trump revealed as sheep.

Goodbye Hillary Clinton who Trump revealed as an incompetent crook.

Is it Customary to suck up to "establishment" senators, so they will vote they way the told their constituents they would?

Goodbye Flake and Coker....and more to come.

Is it customary to make billions of dollars in your chosen profession?

Is it customary to stop that profession cold, at age 69, and change completely, and take up a brand new profession---Candidate for President of the United States?

To Win?


You: Dumb-Ass; Bolshevik; Democrat; Socialists---four appellations which today can be considered synonymous---really need to give up on calling this dude an uneducated idiot---you look like whatever is worse than uneducated idiots.

He went to ivy league. But yet, the MSM, never trumpers, and DNC keep overlooking the fact. While also being in some weird denial that he has accomplished the higher education.
Trumps vocabulary is no better than yours
Did I say I went to ivy league like president Trump did, snowflake?
Calling a Trump opponent "snowflake" is hilarious!
It's the new one percent. Just like how when obama used to call republican voters fear mongers and such. Remember?
I remember that Trump has the thinnest skin of anyone I've ever seen in public office.
He is truly the Snowflake in Chief.
He went to ivy league. But yet, the MSM, never trumpers, and DNC keep overlooking the fact. While also being in some weird denial that he has accomplished the higher education.
This butt muncher is trying to deflect from the orange anus’ laughable performance today in front of the news media..
Trump makes Dubya look like Einstein.
You saw how dumb Trump made Jeb look right? With Dubya it'd be debate over within five minutes.

You call what trump does a debate? You didn't go to an ivey league school and I am doubting you're even out of high school.

I call what Trump does a debate.

All the Republican debates and the ones with Mrs. Clinton were debates.

They were just done by Trump's Rules, and that was upsetting to those controlled by the tyranny of Custom.

Goodbye Bush and 15 other sheep who Trump revealed as sheep.

Goodbye Hillary Clinton who Trump revealed as an incompetent crook.

Is it Customary to suck up to "establishment" senators, so they will vote they way the told their constituents they would?

Goodbye Flake and Coker....and more to come.

Is it customary to make billions of dollars in your chosen profession?

Is it customary to stop that profession cold, at age 69, and change completely, and take up a brand new profession---Candidate for President of the United States?

To Win?


You: Dumb-Ass; Bolshevik; Democrat; Socialists---four appellations which today can be considered synonymous---really need to give up on calling this dude an uneducated idiot---you look like whatever is worse than uneducated idiots.

As bad as Trump is imagine a thousand times worse, had the pantsuit won, but Lefties would be happy.
No. He's just one of those people with a talent for running roughshod over others through the sheer force of his personality until he gets what he wants.

Such talents are valuable in, say, the New York commercial real estate business. Not Washington DC. As we're seeing.
No. He's just one of those people with a talent for running roughshod over others through the sheer force of his personality until he gets what he wants.

Such talents are valuable in, say, the New York commercial real estate business. Not Washington DC. As we're seeing.
Look on the bright side. He is not likely to get anything done, with that bullying personality.

I consider that a tremendous win for the American people.
No. He's just one of those people with a talent for running roughshod over others through the sheer force of his personality until he gets what he wants. Such talents are valuable in, say, the New York commercial real estate business. Not Washington DC. As we're seeing.
Look on the bright side. He is not likely to get anything done, with that bullying personality. I consider that a tremendous win for the American people.
Interestingly enough, it could end up that way, yeah...

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