Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

Oh, you guys get funner and funner every time I visit this media site. I love this bar.
Let's sample this morning's breakfast buffet:

"Citizens of White European heritage. When you represent that, you represent MAGA!"
And there's the Bazinga!
I kinda sorta thought that tic was lingering not very far from the surface of that mindset. 'MAGA = White European heritage'!

Who knew that MAGA/QAnon had that white-supremacy/'they-will-not-replace-us"....vibe?

Well, actually......who didn't?


"Article said life partner his dick sucking buddy his fudge packing companion"
Oh boy, so early this morning. Eeeeeuw!

That poster's re-visits and re-visits to some sort of homoerotic fantasy stuff is too predictable. Is it a 'tell'?
Now look, I may be an ol' rural guy in Carharts, but.....I'm pretty tolerant of what other folks do during their adult recreation time. But you know, constant and frequent references to fellatio and sodomy does get a bit icky over eggs and toast in the morning

But, poster 'bigreb' each their own. Still, maybe titillate yourself a little more privately. K?


"...likely something else triggered it, like sex or drugs."
And now this poster, Rigby, has added more risk factors to poor deceased Officer Sicknick's life of service. As if a steady stream of liquid Bear Repellant directly to the face wasn't enough to trigger some physical reaction....we now have poster Rigby suggesting sexiness and recreational pharmaceuticals.
So, we can add Rigby's suggestions to earlier suggestions by others that it was merely too many donuts.

Blue Live Matter.....except when you try to stop an insurrection. I suppose. Or is it now...'sedition'? No matter.

"It is not a crime to be mistaken."
Ah, but context matters. Not to mention -- effect. That is not unimportant.
But we all can agree, at least the loyal law-abiding citizens who lurk on this gossipboard.....but we all can agree that 'what-is-a-crime' in this case is ---committing a crime. Whether you are mistaken or not.

We all saw these ne'er-do-well QAnon/MAGA nutters "mistakenly" believe that the election was they pulled a uniformed officer down the concrete steps, stomped on him, beat him with an metal rod, and tasered him in the neck. But........

.......but, it was a mistake. So no harm, no foul.*

(*And MAGA/QAnon'ers are bewildered as to why patriotic Americans dis and snark on 'em?)

Really, I love this bar!
Oh, you guys get funner and funner every time I visit this media site. I love this bar.
Let's sample this morning's breakfast buffet:

And there's the Bazinga!
I kinda sorta thought that tic was lingering not very far from the surface of that mindset. 'MAGA = White European heritage'!

Who knew that MAGA/QAnon had that white-supremacy/'they-will-not-replace-us"....vibe?

Well, actually......who didn't?


Oh boy, so early this morning. Eeeeeuw!

That poster's re-visits and re-visits to some sort of homoerotic fantasy stuff is too predictable. Is it a 'tell'?
Now look, I may be an ol' rural guy in Carharts, but.....I'm pretty tolerant of what other folks do during their adult recreation time. But you know, constant and frequent references to fellatio and sodomy does get a bit icky over eggs and toast in the morning

But, poster 'bigreb' each their own. Still, maybe titillate yourself a little more privately. K?


And now this poster, Rigby, has added more risk factors to poor deceased Officer Sicknick's life of service. As if a steady stream of liquid Bear Repellant directly to the face wasn't enough to trigger some physical reaction....we now have poster Rigby suggesting sexiness and recreational pharmaceuticals.
So, we can add Rigby's suggestions to earlier suggestions by others that it was merely too many donuts.

Blue Live Matter.....except when you try to stop an insurrection. I suppose. Or is it now...'sedition'? No matter.

Ah, but context matters. Not to mention -- effect. That is not unimportant.
But we all can agree, at least the loyal law-abiding citizens who lurk on this gossipboard.....but we all can agree that 'what-is-a-crime' in this case is ---committing a crime. Whether you are mistaken or not.

We all saw these ne'er-do-well QAnon/MAGA nutters "mistakenly" believe that the election was they pulled a uniformed officer down the concrete steps, stomped on him, beat him with an metal rod, and tasered him in the neck. But........

.......but, it was a mistake. So no harm, no foul.*

(*And MAGA/QAnon'ers are bewildered as to why patriotic Americans dis and snark on 'em?)

Really, I love this bar!
It's not his wife shitcunthe
"....trump will also be sued by the Georgia poll workers who he molested and destroyed their lives..."

That's an interesting speculation.

I haven't followed that incident too closely. Though I will say the testimony the younger one, Ruby Freeman's daughter, gave to the J6 Committee was compelling and had the unmistakable ring of sincerity to it.

One had to smile when she described what was handed to her by her mother that day......the hand-off that Rudy G. said was a hard-drive to be inserted to add thousands (millions?) of Biden voters to the Georgia count.
Rather than a hard-drive it turned out to be......."a ginger mint".
THAT.....made the daughter very sympathetic.
And Rudy G. and the efforts to overturn the election look incredibly stupid. IMHO.

Anyway, back to poster Arresmillao's suggestion: I'm not sure Trump can be held liable about his slander's of the mother/daughter while he was still in office. The POTUS job has an awful lot of immunities attached to it.

However.......the guy just dissed 'em again recently. Last week.
And now he is a private citizen.

The disgraced ex-President on January 3rd, 2023:
"Ruby Freeman, page 2: “BOOM under the table. Cut the zip ties to scan them so the number would go up…so that’s how the number was CREATED, by the ballots going through the scanner…I do want an attorney. IT’S ALL A FRAUD. EVERYTHING THEY ARE SAYING IS FALSE. FROM THE SUITCASES OF THE BALLOT BOXES, TO WHY WE OPENED THEM BACK UP. EVERYTHING THEY SAID WAS FALSE.” They got Ruby 7 top D.C. lawyers and protection from the FBI (Again?). WHY? She then “changed” her statements - LIED? TROUBLE FOR RUBY!!!"

Personally, out of mere curiosity, I kinda hope that some civically responsible financial angel will contact Ruby and say:
"You know Ma'am....let's get this thingy ironed out in a court of law.

You file a slander suit in the appropriate court and I'll pay your legal representation. I will do that as a loyal patriot's civic duty just so we all can understand the issue. We all can get the needed clarification. Let's go, Mrs. Freeman."

That's an interesting speculation.

I haven't followed that incident too closely. Though I will say the testimony the younger one, Ruby Freeman's daughter, gave to the J6 Committee was compelling and had the unmistakable ring of sincerity to it.

One had to smile when she described what was handed to her by her mother that day......the hand-off that Rudy G. said was a hard-drive to be inserted to add thousands (millions?) of Biden voters to the Georgia count.
Rather than a hard-drive it turned out to be......."a ginger mint".
THAT.....made the daughter very sympathetic.
And Rudy G. and the efforts to overturn the election look incredibly stupid. IMHO.

Anyway, back to poster Arresmillao's suggestion: I'm not sure Trump can be held liable about his slander's of the mother/daughter while he was still in office. The POTUS job has an awful lot of immunities attached to it.

However.......the guy just dissed 'em again recently. Last week.
And now he is a private citizen.

The disgraced ex-President on January 3rd, 2023:
"Ruby Freeman, page 2: “BOOM under the table. Cut the zip ties to scan them so the number would go up…so that’s how the number was CREATED, by the ballots going through the scanner…I do want an attorney. IT’S ALL A FRAUD. EVERYTHING THEY ARE SAYING IS FALSE. FROM THE SUITCASES OF THE BALLOT BOXES, TO WHY WE OPENED THEM BACK UP. EVERYTHING THEY SAID WAS FALSE.” They got Ruby 7 top D.C. lawyers and protection from the FBI (Again?). WHY? She then “changed” her statements - LIED? TROUBLE FOR RUBY!!!"

Personally, out of mere curiosity, I kinda hope that some civically responsible financial angel will contact Ruby and say:
"You know Ma'am....let's get this thingy ironed out in a court of law.

You file a slander suit in the appropriate court and I'll pay your legal representation. I will do that as a loyal patriot's civic duty just so we all can understand the issue. We all can get the needed clarification. Let's go, Mrs. Freeman."

You may be right, but trump put a target on the backs of private citizens, I don't think that's legal or ethical...
Gee would think that an actual retired police you pretend to be....would support the widow of slain police officers.
So you have some EVIDENCE that he pretends to be a retired police officer ? OK, let's see it.
Bullshit. The first ones in, broke in...

The proofs of both of those things have been posted numerous times. You've seen them, and you know them.


You mean the fraud you claimed but couldn't prove? You posted this...

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level.

... where's your proof 35,000 votes were actually embedded in advance of the election...?

You mean the fraud you claimed but couldn't prove? You posted this...

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level.

... where's your proof 35,000 votes were actually embedded in advance of the election...?
I posted hundreds of instances of 2020 election fraud, Mr Cherry Picker. You respond to all of it (including th links & sublinks) and when you're finished reading it next week, we'll talk about it ALL.

For now, since you re cool with quoting me, OK, I'll do the same for you.

You posted this >> "So? He still has other "senior" moments. That's not his only one."

And what about YOUR senior moments, with you being over 65, no ? Living in Florida should have cured you of that ageism problem.
I posted hundreds of instances of 2020 election fraud, Mr Cherry Picker. You respond to all of it (including th links & sublinks) and when you're finished reading it next week, we'll talk about it ALL.

For now, since you re cool with quoting me, OK, I'll do the same for you.

You posted this >> "So? He still has other "senior" moments. That's not his only one."

And what about YOUR senior moments, with you being over 65, no ? Living in Florida should have cured you of that ageism problem.


You can't even prove your first claim is real. Why should anyone consider anything which comes after it is real?


You should change your forum name to Projectionist; since, Moron, it was you who dodged.

I looked at your list. I'm ready to go through it with you but you can't answer. Starting with the very first item in your list...

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level.

... where's your proof 35,000 votes were actually embedded in advance of the election...?
You may be right, but trump put a target on the backs of private citizens, I don't think that's legal or ethical...
You mean like Schumer did when he told Kavanaugh and Gorsuch that they will pay the price?
You mean like that?

Trump says peacefully let your voices be heard at the steps of the capitol and that is worse than Schumer telling life long appointees that they will pay the price?

Curious....what price can a lifelong appointee pay besides assassination or harm to his/her family and property?

ANy ideas?

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