Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

And they did march peacefully TO the Capitol. It was once they got there that all hell broke loose.
And that's not what Trump told them. he said to "peacefully & patriotically, make your voices heard.." when there at the capitol.
Nothing in my post is untrue. That's the real reason you won't touch it.

Run Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:
OK. I will respond.

Obama was well aware of a potential attack and he chose not to antagonize them so he stood down.

Bush was aware al-queda wanted to attack our homeland, but he was not aware how they would do it. But seeing as it would require an inside job, he could have put more people on the concern.

Trump did not invite those thugs to storm the Capitol...although thats the way you see it....something about "code words" and an inside conspiracy.
Nothing in my post is untrue. That's the real reason you won't touch it.

Run Forrest! Run!!!
YOU are who is running.
Yeah, by telling his supporters >> "I know everyone here will soon be marching over to the capital building, to peacefully & patriotically, make your voices heard.."
Oh wait a minute, that's EXACTLY what he DID say >>>

At a rally preceding the Capitol riot, Trump said to the crowd: “Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country.”

After Pence said that he did not believe he had the authority to reject Electoral College votes, Trump tweeted that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Videos from the Capitol during the riot show a man with a bullhorn, reading the tweet aloud to others in the mob. Inside, rioters swarmed the hallways and chanted, “Hang Mike Pence.”
So you have no idea how a presidents SS detail works.

The minute things erupted he was brought to an undisclosed bunker. All devices are turned off so cell towers will not disclose that location.

You are totally clueless and engaging in a debate that makes it so clear you are clueless.

By "undisclosed bunker," you mean the West Wing dining room. :lmao:

Seriously, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

There was nothing to prevent Trump from tweeting. In fact, he sent several tweets during those hours. He could have stopped it the moment it first began.

What's your next lie...?
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YOU are who is running.


I'm going through YOUR list with YOU. You can't answer.

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level.

... where's your proof 35,000 votes were actually embedded in advance of the election...?
You are so full of horse manure. Everyone in the capitol knows Trump incited the attack on the capitol. Trump's cabinet resigned in large numbers and stated his incitement of what happened on 1/6 was the reason. During Trump's impeachment, Republicans voted against impeachment not because he didn't do it but because he was out of office.
The collective fear is growing.
At a rally preceding the Capitol riot, Trump said to the crowd: “Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country.”

After Pence said that he did not believe he had the authority to reject Electoral College votes, Trump tweeted that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Videos from the Capitol during the riot show a man with a bullhorn, reading the tweet aloud to others in the mob. Inside, rioters swarmed the hallways and chanted, “Hang Mike Pence.”
Democrat Agent provacateurs were in the crowd. I posted many times on that with lists of links. How come agent provacateur Ray Epps was let go, and not arrested ? Because he was part of the set-up

And lest we allow Democrats to pretend that their Jan 6 political theater was a big deal relatively, we have this >>

And that's not what Trump told them. he said to "peacefully & patriotically, make your voices heard.." when there at the capitol.

That's exactly what he told them, gramps. Didn't you watch the video YOU posted??

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over TO the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

emphasis mine to showcase your ignorance.
Has nothing to do with Trump telling that mob to get out of the Capitol.
Has everything to do with it. He told them to never go in there. But then again, the cops happily invited them in, didn't they - I already posted the videos.
I'm beginning to see that no matter what trump does, his troops will defend him. He could rape a 12 year old on a street corner in broad day light, and his defender would end up blaming the child. It would be something like 'she he came on to him first, and what about Hunter Biden, huh hu, hu?'.
The above mindset is driven by the ever increasing fear overtaking the howler monkey collective. This poster simply cannot stop bringing up trump. This fear is growing daily and if not stopped I fear they will start killing people.

Also, the pedo remarks are disgusting but typical of howlers
That's exactly what he told them, gramps. Didn't you watch the video YOU posted??

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over TO the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

emphasis mine to showcase your ignorance.
Looks like you don't understand English - when you go somewhere to do something, that means you're going to do it when you get THERE, not along the way.

If I go to a bandmember's house to play my guitar, that means I'm going to play that guitar THERE, when I get there, not while I'm driving over there. Klutz.

Your emphasis showed your stupidity.
So you have no idea how a presidents SS detail works.

The minute things erupted he was brought to an undisclosed bunker. All devices are turned off so cell towers will not disclose that location.

That undisclosed bunker(s) have the most sophisticated communication network in the world attached to it. It allows the president to securely transmit to anyone, over voice, video etc. anywhere around the world

The Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC, PEE-ock) is a bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House. It serves as a secure shelter and communications center for the president of the United States and others in case of an emergency.

The current “Sit Room” is a 5,000-square-foot complex of rooms that is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week to monitor national and world intelligence information. Televisions for secure video conferences and technology can link the President to generals and world leaders around the globe.
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OK. I will respond.

Obama was well aware of a potential attack and he chose not to antagonize them so he stood down.

Bush was aware al-queda wanted to attack our homeland, but he was not aware how they would do it. But seeing as it would require an inside job, he could have put more people on the concern.

Trump did not invite those thugs to storm the Capitol...although thats the way you see it....something about "code words" and an inside conspiracy.

You're literally agreeing with what I said. Except the last part, in which you're just lying again....

Faun: Obama neither invited terrorists to Benghazi nor inspired them to attack by filling their heads with lies.

SC Patriot: Obama was well aware of a potential attack and he chose not to antagonize them so he stood down.

Faun: Bush neither invited terrorists to the northeast U.S. nor inspired them to attack by filling their heads with lies.

SC Patriot: Bush was aware al-queda wanted to attack our homeland, but he was not aware how they would do it. But seeing as it would require an inside job, he could have put more people on the concern.

In both of those cases, I point out those presidents did not invite the terrorists to the targets of their terrorism. You agree by replying Obama chose to not antagonize them and Bush did not even know where the attack would happen.

Your last line was an outright lie as I didn't say he invited them to storm the Capitol. I said he invited them TO the Capitol and filled their heads with lies. It was those lies which inspired them to storm the Capitol.

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