Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

"Trump was cheated through fraud. Biden is a Usurper installed illegally."

MMM, why come on to a social media site...anonymously and using a fake name.....when you have such conviction over this alleged "fraud"?

Why not do something productive? Do something that advances your ball down the field?
Have you been to your local FBI office to outline your suspicions? And present your evidence?

If you have done that....well, good for you. That is responsible citizenship.
How did they respond to your 'proofs'?

And if not the FBI, 'bout your local Secretary of State, or whoever in your state is responsible for our elections?
How did they respond?

Or, if not them....well, what did your local sheriff' office say about your argument about 'fraud'?

None of us here want to think of your avatar as just a shrilly cant-get-er-done whiner and complainer.

You likely don't want us to think that either. No?
The cops opened the magnetic doors and let them in.
ya, you bet ace , then spent the next 2 hours fighting for their lives. . There were other doors that were breached before the main door was opened . they were opened from the outside. You are a total idiot. You make no sense , and you really have nothing but a q anon hate Nazi lie from your brothers in hate. You are just scum , nothing describes you low lives better than that. It is a very descriptive term and you people are just that.
ya, you bet ace , then spent the next 2 hours fighting for their lives. . There were other doors that were breached before the main door was opened . they were opened from the outside. You are a total idiot. You make no sense , and you really have nothing but a q anon hate Nazi lie from your brothers in hate. You are just scum , nothing describes you low lives better than that. It is a very descriptive term and you people are just that.
How many Police officers died on 1/6 at the Capital ?
Irrelevant. Medical examiner said Natural Causes killed Sicknick. NO sign of any physical injury. You are weak, a liar, and can’t back up any of your bullshit.
You hate Nazis are so full of shit. This is what the two people charged with attacking Sicknic are charged with. "Khater and Tanios are each charged with one count of conspiracy to injure an officer; three counts of assault on a federal officer with a dangerous weapon; one count of civil disorder; one count of obstructing or impeding an official proceeding; one count of physical violence on restricted grounds, while carrying dangerous weapon and resulting in significant bodily injury; and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct, act of physical violence on Capitol grounds." You pukes are so full of shit, there is little reason to even read anything you haste Nazi's write. 99.9% chance it is a lie or a distortion, You are total pukes all of you.
How many Police officers died on 1/6 at the Capital ? The people wo tried to bring downour country asned demacracy tried to kill as many cops as they could., I say a hundred blows , as did everyone that could have killed a person easily. Every person who attacked the police and put hundreds of them in the hospital should have been shot dead in the traitorous attack on the capital all , foa fucking total complete lie. By your hate Nazi leaders. LIke I said the word for you people is scum.
ya, you bet ace , then spent the next 2 hours fighting for their lives. . There were other doors that were breached before the main door was opened . they were opened from the outside. You are a total idiot. You make no sense , and you really have nothing but a q anon hate Nazi lie from your brothers in hate. You are just scum , nothing describes you low lives better than that. It is a very descriptive term and you people are just that.
Once again I have triggered you.
How many Police officers died on 1/6 at the Capital ?
are you disappointed that your right wing attack on our country and democracy didn't cause enough deaths . One piece of shit was shot, but every person who tried to bring down our democracy should have been shot dead. They should all be tried for treason, and we should have the death penalty for that charge.
You hate Nazis are so full of shit. This is what the two people charged with attacking Sicknic are charged with. "Khater and Tanios are each charged with one count of conspiracy to injure an officer; three counts of assault on a federal officer with a dangerous weapon; one count of civil disorder; one count of obstructing or impeding an official proceeding; one count of physical violence on restricted grounds, while carrying dangerous weapon and resulting in significant bodily injury; and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct, act of physical violence on Capitol grounds." You pukes are so full of shit, there is little reason to even read anything you haste Nazi's write. 99.9% chance it is a lie or a distortion, You are total pukes all of you.
Nazi is the new WAAAAYYYYCCCCCISSSS. Nazi Nazi Naaazzzziii. Why do democrats fall down so often?
They tie their shoelaces together in little nazis.
They should sue Pelosi, McConnell, and Ray Epps. Pelosi turned down the National Guard. This is all about greed and it should be dismissed.

WASHINGTON — The longtime partner of a Capitol Police officer who died after the Jan. 6 attack sued former President Donald J. Trump and two Capitol rioters on Thursday, arguing that his death was a “direct and foreseeable consequence” of their roles in the mob violence that day.

The suit, filed in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia just before the second anniversary of the attack, seeks at least $10 million in damages each from Mr. Trump and two men accused of assaulting the officer, Brian D. Sicknick, with chemical spray on Jan. 6, George Tanios and Julian Elie Khater. Mr. Khater pleaded guilty in the assault, and Mr. Tanios pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges.

“The horrific events of Jan. 6, 2021, including Officer Sicknick’s tragic, wrongful death, were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the defendants’ unlawful actions,” the suit said, adding that “the defendants are responsible for the injury and destruction that followed.”

Officer Sicknick died the day after the attack, but the Washington medical examiner ruled that it was from natural causes — multiple strokes that occurred hours after the mob confrontation — and prosecutors shied away from linking his death to the assault. But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
The one I favor punishing is the Capitol Police Officer that shot and killed the "unarmed" female Air Force veteran.
Hope it goes forward.

I hope the widow of the slain officer wins.

It would be another win for the good guys.
Widow? Article said life partner his dick sucking buddy his fudge packing companion
Hope it goes forward.

I hope the widow of the slain officer wins.

It would be another win for the good guys.

No it would not.
It would be an abuse of the judicial system.
No one can deliberately cause a stroke, and it likely something else triggered it, like sex or drugs.
ya, you bet ace , then spent the next 2 hours fighting for their lives. . There were other doors that were breached before the main door was opened . they were opened from the outside. You are a total idiot. You make no sense , and you really have nothing but a q anon hate Nazi lie from your brothers in hate. You are just scum , nothing describes you low lives better than that. It is a very descriptive term and you people are just that.

We all saw the video of the cops opening the doors to let the protestors in.
The doors can't be opened from the outside.

We also all saw the fully armored and armed police below where Ashlie was shot, who never tried to stop anyone or anything until the shooting started.
are you disappointed that your right wing attack on our country and democracy didn't cause enough deaths . One piece of shit was shot, but every person who tried to bring down our democracy should have been shot dead. They should all be tried for treason, and we should have the death penalty for that charge.

That is foolish.
If their intent was to do more than protest, then they would have brought weapons.
The only weapons were by the police.
So it was all just theater.
The fact the protestors were likely wrong about election fraud, is irrelevant.
They believed it, so then acted appropriately on that mistaken belief.
It is not a crime to be mistaken.
That is foolish.
If their intent was to do more than protest, then they would have brought weapons.
The only weapons were by the police.
So it was all just theater.
The fact the protestors were likely wrong about election fraud, is irrelevant.
They believed it, so then acted appropriately on that mistaken belief.
It is not a crime to be mistaken.

That's the Nazi mentality: If you do something I don't like, shoot them to death. But we should disarm the public so nobody has defense against getting attacked on the street.

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