Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

I'd appreciate it if you'd troll for dates on a website meant for looking for gay hookups. Especially since I'm straight and married.
Did you yell at one of your junior software “engineers” yet?
Poor, senile, gramps. Arthritis can even inflict kids. Nope, it's senility, as you've identified yourself; and as demonstrated by your insane claim that Democrats attacked the Capitol and were let go because they're Democrats. That too is evidence of senility, not arthritis.
The fact that you can't accept that Democrats controlled the whole Jan 6 political theater, with cops allowing protesters to trespass in the capitol, so as to arrest them afterwards, just shows what a sucker you are.
Nope, I never defended any of the traitors who attacked Congress to get Trump to stay in the White House even though he lost the election.

You defended the traitors and con artists who stole the election.
"Democrats controlled the whole Jan 6 political theater, with cops allowing protesters to trespass in the capitol, so as to arrest them afterwards,"

Good poster Protectionist..... please don't voluntarily quit this board, don't do anything really dumber than usual to be banned. You are too much fun to have around. The proverbial good example of a bad example.

So, riddle me this: Some cops 'allowed' protesters to trespass.......while other cops 'allowed' themselves to be savagely beaten?
Is that how that worked on J6?

Which, kinda sorta blows up that Blue Brotherhood vibe. If one clique of police allows perps into the Capitol after the perps had clubbed down another set of police on their way in.....well, wouldn't that set up some interesting dynamism between Brothers of the Badge?

Boy!.....I'll bet the next union membership meeting would be lively. No?

Wonder what would happen if the first set of Blue coincidently ran into some of the other set at the Donut Shop on the Friday after. Would it be cordial?
Or would it be, ummm....kinetic?

Seriously, poster Protectionist, stick around. Don't leave. Don't get kicked out.

I love this bar.
They should sue Pelosi, McConnell, and Ray Epps. Pelosi turned down the National Guard. This is all about greed and it should be dismissed.

WASHINGTON — The longtime partner of a Capitol Police officer who died after the Jan. 6 attack sued former President Donald J. Trump and two Capitol rioters on Thursday, arguing that his death was a “direct and foreseeable consequence” of their roles in the mob violence that day.

The suit, filed in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia just before the second anniversary of the attack, seeks at least $10 million in damages each from Mr. Trump and two men accused of assaulting the officer, Brian D. Sicknick, with chemical spray on Jan. 6, George Tanios and Julian Elie Khater. Mr. Khater pleaded guilty in the assault, and Mr. Tanios pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges.

“The horrific events of Jan. 6, 2021, including Officer Sicknick’s tragic, wrongful death, were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the defendants’ unlawful actions,” the suit said, adding that “the defendants are responsible for the injury and destruction that followed.”

Officer Sicknick died the day after the attack, but the Washington medical examiner ruled that it was from natural causes — multiple strokes that occurred hours after the mob confrontation — and prosecutors shied away from linking his death to the assault. But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
The fact that Pelosi is not on the suit proves it's a political harassment and maybe intimidation tactic which if tied to certain people could make it an obstruction by intimidation and harrassment. in the least sense if it's just about $ then it's considered racketeering, intimidation for a settlement payout.
The fact that you can't accept that Democrats controlled the whole Jan 6 political theater, with cops allowing protesters to trespass in the capitol, so as to arrest them afterwards, just shows what a sucker you are.

Poor, senile gramps. Still professing Democrats were behind Sedition Day while still lacking any proof to support his hallucinations.

Have you taken your very serious concerns to your local FBI office and laid out your evidence?
If not, why not?
Do you not have confidence in your evidence?
Do you not have evidence?
You just proved my point, if he was responsible the kangaroo court would have been real, the FBI admits Trump was not responsible, plus the corroner said the officer did not die by a protester & event in question.
The very "moment" .......and for that the suspect dies?
Ah, I don't think so. But.....admittedly, I ain't an officer.

So, any current or retired or ex-officers on this that how you were trained?
The guy you pull over for speeding......gets killed when he reaches down to grab his ignition key?
To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his you get to shoot him?
And that's the way you were trained?
It doesn't matter what you ignorantly "think", you're not entitled to your own facts. Shooting when suspects' hands disappear, is standard Police Academy training all across America, and standard police procedure. And yes, this is also exactly how I was trained, in the National Guard.

To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his wallet exactly how Daniel Shaver was shot dead by Officer Philip Brailsford, how Philando Castille was shot dead by Officer Jeronimo Yanez (reaching into a car console), and how Terrence Crutcher was shot dead by Officer Betty Shelby (reaching into the window of an SUV). All shot the moment the suspects' hand disappeared from view, and I have posted the videos of these here in USMB. All 3 officers were aquitted of all charges based on self-defense.

The fact that you don't know this, is common among liberals, and is one of the reasons why riots occur over police shootings of what turn out to be unarmed suspects (but the police had no way of knowing that when they shot them) Generally, unless politics interferes (which occasionally happens), these cops (ex. Betty Shelby, Philip Brailsford, Jeronimo Yanez) all are and were acquitted from charges based on self-defense.

Liberals are notoriously clueless about all this, because their "education" is performed in typically public schools, run by liberal administrators and teachers who are equally clueless about guns and law enforcement, and don't have one sentence about it in their school curricula.
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Hell that comment wasn't even to you , you are a q anon idiot. That was for everyone else who thought there was anything at all of value in that post of yours. Total bullshit lie.
Yeah ? And you still think it should be "looked up" in the laughingstock leftist rags I mentioned, right ? :rolleyes:
What a hoot. Give you a tip , sue them, the court is over balanced with hate party supporters. You still won't win, you idiot.
"hate party" ? - you must be referring to the Democrats, who still support CRT, anti-white, hateful Affirmative Action discrimination, as well as the racist discrimination in Biden's hateful "American Rescue Plan", thankfully being shredded in the courts every time it shows up there.

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"To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his wallet...."

Ah, I dunno there, poster Protectionist. Seems a tad trigger-happy to my poor avatar.

So, in this plausible hypothetical ---Officer Protectionist orders the 17yr old honor student (the apple of her grandmom's eye) to produce her she reaches deep into her big purse. And Officer P gets to kill her for that?
Mmm, I dunno.
Protectionist seem to be a tad 'out there' in an eagerness to shoot people. To harsh that sweet teenager's morning mellow. No?

In the end though, I don't believe poster Protectionist knows what he is talking about. No disrespect offered.
Unfortunately, so far, no current officer, ex-officer, has come to this venue and confirmed Protectionist's assertion.....nor to confirm mine.

So we can leave it, I suppose, as Officer Protectionist is trigger-happy.
While on the other hand, I think that Protectionist's shoot-em-up vibe is not good policing.

Or something like that.
Ya but , it still was totally set up by the democrats and the communist party, and welfare recipients and Mexicans and women and blacks and other evil people.
I'm part "Mexican", and I resent your referrring to us as "evil people"
"To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his wallet...."

Ah, I dunno there, poster Protectionist. Seems a tad trigger-happy to my poor avatar.

So, in this plausible hypothetical ---Officer Protectionist orders the 17yr old honor student (the apple of her grandmom's eye) to produce her she reaches deep into her big purse. And Officer P gets to kill her for that?
Mmm, I dunno.
Protectionist seem to be a tad 'out there' in an eagerness to shoot people. To harsh that sweet teenager's morning mellow. No?

In the end though, I don't believe poster Protectionist knows what he is talking about. No disrespect offered.
Unfortunately, so far, no current officer, ex-officer, has come to this venue and confirmed Protectionist's assertion.....nor to confirm mine.

So we can leave it, I suppose, as Officer Protectionist is trigger-happy.
While on the other hand, I think that Protectionist's shoot-em-up vibe is not good policing.

Or something like that.
These responses are exactly the typical type from a liberal ignorant of police procedure. As I said, you never were taught how to behave in a police confrontation, you know absolutely nothing about it, and here you are acting like you're knowledgable.

Here's another hypothetical situation > -Officer Protectionist orders the 17yr old honor student (the apple of her grandmom's eye) to produce her she reaches deep into her big purse. And Officer P shoots her dead. Then it is discovred that she was reaching for a gun. Even if there was no gun, Officer P has no way of ascertaining that, thus, not shooting her has officer P GAMBLING with his LIFE, just for the convenuenc of the suspect.

Here' another > Officer Protectionist orders the 17yr old honor student (the apple of her grandmom's eye) to produce her she reaches deep into her big purse. And Officer P stand by idle. She pulls out a gun and the 1/4 of second that it takes to do that, she points and fires, killing Officer P.

This is why the SOP is to shoot when hands disappear - because the officer has NO TIME to defend himself in the event that the suspect were to suddenky point a gun and fire. His/her only defense is in prevention. This standard police academy training has been in existence since the 1960s, and is based on prior episodes of cops being killed, before the policy became universal.

Good poster Protectionist..... please don't voluntarily quit this board, don't do anything really dumber than usual to be banned. You are too much fun to have around. The proverbial good example of a bad example.

So, riddle me this: Some cops 'allowed' protesters to trespass.......while other cops 'allowed' themselves to be savagely beaten?
Is that how that worked on J6?

Which, kinda sorta blows up that Blue Brotherhood vibe. If one clique of police allows perps into the Capitol after the perps had clubbed down another set of police on their way in.....well, wouldn't that set up some interesting dynamism between Brothers of the Badge?

Boy!.....I'll bet the next union membership meeting would be lively. No?

Wonder what would happen if the first set of Blue coincidently ran into some of the other set at the Donut Shop on the Friday after. Would it be cordial?
Or would it be, ummm....kinetic?

Seriously, poster Protectionist, stick around. Don't leave. Don't get kicked out.

I love this bar.
The actions on Jan 6 (a relatively meaningless event) did vary. In some circumstances, some (not many) preotestors fought with cops. FAR MORE protestors were peaceful with cops cooperting with them, allowing them to enter and walk around insid ethe capitol. Some engaged in conversations with the protestors (I've already posted videos of that), and even took selfies with them. Ho hum.

Nice try at cutely concocting this, but the protesters who fought with cops were arrested, and could not have been the same ones peacefully entering the capitol afterwards.
Interesting how nobody is talking about the huge majority (ten of thousands) of protesters who remainied outside the captol building, the whole time, never went inside, and just protested PEACEFULLY, as directed by President Trump.
Poor, senile gramps. Still professing Democrats were behind Sedition Day while still lacking any proof to support his hallucinations.
Poor denialist Faun. Still professing Democrats were not behind the relatively meaningless Jan 6 events, that Democrats tried, and still try to portray as an issue, while still lacking any resonse to the proofs already posted. :rolleyes: Ho hum. yawn*****
"To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his wallet...."

Ah, I dunno there, poster Protectionist. Seems a tad trigger-happy to my poor avatar.

So, in this plausible hypothetical ---Officer Protectionist orders the 17yr old honor student (the apple of her grandmom's eye) to produce her she reaches deep into her big purse. And Officer P gets to kill her for that?
Mmm, I dunno.
Protectionist seem to be a tad 'out there' in an eagerness to shoot people. To harsh that sweet teenager's morning mellow. No?

In the end though, I don't believe poster Protectionist knows what he is talking about. No disrespect offered.
Unfortunately, so far, no current officer, ex-officer, has come to this venue and confirmed Protectionist's assertion.....nor to confirm mine.

So we can leave it, I suppose, as Officer Protectionist is trigger-happy.
While on the other hand, I think that Protectionist's shoot-em-up vibe is not good policing.

Or something like that.

The bottom line is if you just listen to the orders of the police officer, nobody gets hurt or killed. If you start digging around for your license, and the officer orders you to freeze, it does not mean ignore his commands. It means don't move an inch until otherwise instructed. In most every police shooting or death, the genesis of the death was caused by not obeying orders.
The bottom line is if you just listen to the orders of the police officer, nobody gets hurt or killed. If you start digging around for your license, and the officer orders you to freeze, it does not mean ignore his commands. It means don't move an inch until otherwise instructed. In most every police shooting or death, the genesis of the death was caused by not obeying orders.
And the first order is almost always >> "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS"

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