Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6


You're already wrong. You just admitted you're ALWAYS WRONG...

Indeependent: You always post the Link when you’re right…

Indeependent: I don’t need Links.
An ad hominem…
You are having a problem with your emotions.
Your MO is to post Links that prove people wrong and you didn’t do so.
It’s OK as we all know you are emotionally frail.
"They also don't know that cops are trained to shoot the moment a suspect's hand disappears from view."
The very "moment" .......and for that the suspect dies?
Ah, I don't think so. But.....admittedly, I ain't an officer.

So, any current or retired or ex-officers on this that how you were trained?
The guy you pull over for speeding......gets killed when he reaches down to grab his ignition key?
To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his you get to shoot him?
And that's the way you were trained?

Poster 'protectionist', I gotta admit that after reading any number of your postings my overworked avatar has come to the conclusion that you are a fabulists and simply do not do sufficient homework to present credible arguments.

But good luck to you. It's not personal, after all you are using a fake name. So am I. It is, as you know, merely the internet. So no real harm no real foul. Despite another poster thinking your avatar-persona is as a "buffoon".
I ain't persuaded of that. Yet.

"I find it fascinating that when your fellow LibTards were laughing about this 3 weeks ago you didn’t protest that they were wrong."

What are you talking about?

That some are laughing over the conspiracy-loonery that hundreds are still in jail...with no court rulings ..... simply due to their participation in the J6 insurrection?

Poster Indeependent, you really need to sit back and re-think some of the thoughts that you want to display to the forum. You ain't making your avatar look like a serious citizen.

Nothing personal.

The very "moment" .......and for that the suspect dies?
Ah, I don't think so. But.....admittedly, I ain't an officer.

So, any current or retired or ex-officers on this that how you were trained?
The guy you pull over for speeding......gets killed when he reaches down to grab his ignition key?
To reach behind to his rear pocket to get his you get to shoot him?
And that's the way you were trained?

Poster 'protectionist', I gotta admit that after reading any number of your postings my overworked avatar has come to the conclusion that you are a fabulists and simply do not do sufficient homework to present credible arguments.

But good luck to you. It's not personal, after all you are using a fake name. So am I. It is, as you know, merely the internet. So no real harm no real foul. Despite another poster thinking your avatar-persona is as a "buffoon".
I ain't persuaded of that. Yet.

What are you talking about?

That some are laughing over the conspiracy-loonery that hundreds are still in jail...with no court rulings ..... simply due to their participation in the J6 insurrection?

Poster Indeependent, you really need to sit back and re-think some of the thoughts that you want to display to the forum. You ain't making your avatar look like a serious citizen.

Nothing personal.

Too bad for you that I actually read everyone’s posts.
An ad hominem…
You are having a problem with your emotions.
Your MO is to post Links that prove people wrong and you didn’t do so.
It’s OK as we all know you are emotionally frail.

The burden to prove one is right is on the person making the claim. I have no need to waste time to prove someone is wrong when they can't prove themselves right. If you can't prove yourself right, then you're wrong. And according to YOU, you're always wrong...

Indeependent: You always post the Link when you’re right…

Indeependent: I don’t need Links.

Like Hillary Cinton said to Dick Morris: "Just tell them it didn't happen. It'll be your word against theirs"

HA HA. oh, I should "look it up" should I ? HA HA. And where do you suggest ? New York Times ? Washington Post ? MSNBC ? :rolleyes:
Hell that comment wasn't even to you , you are a q anon idiot. That was for everyone else who thought there was anything at all of value in that post of yours. Total bullshit lie.
No, the Democrats in election rooms did that. Executive branches in battleground states usurped the constitutionally guaranteed prerogative of state legislatures, to set the election rules when they interfered to allow massive mail-in voting.

I remember being once being at a party and seeing US election ballots, sitting on a table, in Mexico City.
What a hoot. Give you a tip , sue them, the court is over balanced with hate party supporters. You still won't win, you idiot.
If jbander, Faun, candy corn, and other thoroughly confused short-sighters in this thread had things focused, instead of crabbing about relatively harmless Jan protestors, they would be worried about the fascist rule of Joe Biden, Merrirt Garland, and Christpoher Wray.

2 years after the Jan 6, 2021 event, hundreds of prisoners still remain locked up in jail, illegally held without a trial, and denied the 6th Amendment constitutional right to a speedy trial. In addition, many of the arrests are still highly questionable.

One example is that of Joseph Hackett, a member of the Oath Keepers, who pledge to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. FBI doesn't like this group, and has arrested many of its members. Court documents say Hackett entered the capitol and left 9 minutes later.

5 months later, he was arrested by the FBI, and indicted on a long list of charges >>
conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of govt property, and illegally entering a restricted building (but not restricted by cops who stood idle).

No evidence of Hackett destroying property has come to light. It's not even clear that he even entered the capitol. He was outside the building. BUT, uh oh. he was a member of the Oath Keepers. A supporter of Donald Trump. Therefore, he must be neutralized, according to Biden's Nazi boys.

Hackett is just one of many political prisoners, of the Democrat insurrection hoax, which has done quite a job of removing Biden critics off the streets.
America is fast mutating from a republic, with individual liberty paramount, into an oligarchy, in which conformity is increasingly demanded and enforced.
Ignore total nonsense.
Funny. 800 and something arrested and not one Democrat or Capitol Police.

Ya but , it still was totally set up by the democrats and the communist party, and welfare recipients and Mexicans and women and blacks and other evil people.
The burden to prove one is right is on the person making the claim. I have no need to waste time to prove someone is wrong when they can't prove themselves right. If you can't prove yourself right, then you're wrong. And according to YOU, you're always wrong...

Indeependent: You always post the Link when you’re right…

Indeependent: I don’t need Links.

The burden falls on the one who is emotionally driven to do things that make him look stupid<—-the burden is on you.
The burden falls on the one who is emotionally driven to do things that make him look stupid<—-the burden is on you.


Your dementia is noted and laughed at.

The burden to prove you right is yours and yours alone.

Your dementia is noted and laughed at.

The burden to prove you right is yours and yours alone.
An ad hominem…how mature.
It’s obvious you have to change your MO and stop posting Links to prove people wrong.

Your mental illness has already drawn a plethora of notice.
Have Democrats figured out yet how Trump is responsible for someone's 'DEATH BY NATURAL CAUSES'?

An ad hominem…how mature.
It’s obvious you have to change your MO and stop posting Links to prove people wrong.

Your mental illness has already drawn a plethora of notice.


Again, shvantz... YOU posted this...

You always post the Link when you’re right…

But you're not posting any links.


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