Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

I was looking for something correct in this mess. Couldn't find anything. BLM is a SCAM operation, with the founders taking donation$$ intended for struggling, poor blacks, and buying mansions for themselves with that money. MSNBC didn't tell you ? What a surprise.

Jan 6 was also a scam. Set-up and conducted like a symphony by Democrats and their Capitol police running dogs. CNN didn't tell you ?

Funny. 800 and something arrested and not one Democrat or Capitol Police.

If jbander, Faun, candy corn, and other thoroughly confused short-sighters in this thread had things focused, instead of crabbing about relatively harmless Jan protestors, they would be worried about the fascist rule of Joe Biden, Merrirt Garland, and Christpoher Wray.

2 years after the Jan 6, 2021 event, hundreds of prisoners still remain locked up in jail, illegally held without a trial, and denied the 6th Amendment constitutional right to a speedy trial. In addition, many of the arrests are still highly questionable.

One example is that of Joseph Hackett, a member of the Oath Keepers, who pledge to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. FBI doesn't like this group, and has arrested many of its members. Court documents say Hackett entered the capitol and left 9 minutes later.

5 months later, he was arrested by the FBI, and indicted on a long list of charges >>
conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of govt property, and illegally entering a restricted building (but not restricted by cops who stood idle).

No evidence of Hackett destroying property has come to light. It's not even clear that he even entered the capitol. He was outside the building. BUT, uh oh. he was a member of the Oath Keepers. A supporter of Donald Trump. Therefore, he must be neutralized, according to Biden's Nazi boys.

Hackett is just one of many political prisoners, of the Democrat insurrection hoax, which has done quite a job of removing Biden critics off the streets.
America is fast mutating from a republic, with individual liberty paramount, into an oligarchy, in which conformity is increasingly demanded and enforced.

Way to stick up for traitors, gramps.


You're such a retard, gramps. Yes, ya senile moron, the victim's mental state is a factor. Why do you think I've been laughing my ass off at you for you calling yourself a mental case?? The police you called were laughing at you too. :badgrin:

(1) “Abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult” means:
(a) Intentional infliction of physical or psychological injury upon an elderly person or disabled adult;
Definitions.—As used in this chapter:
(4) “Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person’s own care or protection is impaired.

Now that you called yourself mentally dysfunctional, me calling you senile is a statement of fact.

(4) "“Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age" - OK, well I DO have infirmities of aging - some arthritis in my back and left hand. Some eyesight loss, requiring reading glasses. Ho hum.

You DO know what the word "OR" means right Faun ? HA HA HA.


n. pl. in·fir·mi·ties

The condition of being infirm, often as associated with old age; weakness or frailty: the infirmity brought on by the disease.
b. A bodily ailment or weakness: complained about his infirmities.

So NO, Faun. I did NOT call myself "mental case" or "mentally dysfunctional". Your words and your erroneous idea. You need to READ more carefully, boy.

(4) "“Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age" - OK, well I DO have infirmities of aging - some arthritis in my back and left hand. Some eyesight loss, requiring reading glasses. Ho hum.

You DO know what the word "OR" means right Faun ? HA HA HA.


n. pl. in·fir·mi·ties

The condition of being infirm, often as associated with old age; weakness or frailty: the infirmity brought on by the disease.
b. A bodily ailment or weakness: complained about his infirmities.

So NO, Faun. I did NOT call myself "mental case" or "mentally dysfunctional". Your words and your erroneous idea. You need to READ more carefully, boy.

Younger people get arthritis too, gramps.

There's your self-described senility, biting you in the ass again.

Funny. 800 and something arrested and not one Democrat or Capitol Police.
Clearly understandable when you aren't DUPED by leftist OMISSION/DISTORTION media. All the Democrats were let go, because the whole thing was orchestrated by the Demodirts. Capitol police totally in on it. 100% complicit.

So of course, they let all the Democrats go free. It's only the Trump supporters they were interested in locking up.
Clearly understandable when you aren't DUPED by leftist OMISSION/DISTORTION media. All the Democrats were let go, because the whole thing was orchestrated by the Demodirts. Capitol police totally in on it. 100% complicit.

So of course, they let all the Democrats go free. It's only the Trump supporters they were interested in locking up.

Younger people get arthritis too, gramps.

There's your self-described senility, biting you in the ass again.
HA HA. Stupid putz. Arthritis is the most well known infirmity of aging. Everybody knows that. Liberals say the darndest things. :rolleyes:

And BTW, IF I was "senile", as you have called me 1000 times, than that would put me in your definition of the category of a victim of FL Statute 825.102, right Faun ? Right ? Right ? Right ?
Which would make you guilty of committing that felony. Right ? Right ? Right ? :muahaha:
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Way to stick up for traitors, gramps.
That's what YOU're doing. Traitors and fascists.

Hey, I know of a good place where you can go and learn to read (including the word "or") > Your local public school - first grade. :biggrin: Nitey night. :bigbed:
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HA HA. Stupid putz. Arthritis is the most well known infirmity of aging. Everybody knows that. Liberals say the darndest things. :rolleyes:

And BTW, IF I was "senile", as you have called me 1000 times, than that would put me in your definition of the category of a victim of FL Statute 825.102, right Faun ? Right ? Right ? Right ?
Which would make you guilty of committing that felony. Right ? Right ? Right ? :muahaha:

Poor, senile, gramps. Arthritis can even inflict kids. Nope, it's senility, as you've identified yourself; and as demonstrated by your insane claim that Democrats attacked the Capitol and were let go because they're Democrats. That too is evidence of senility, not arthritis.

That's what YOU're doing. Traitors and fascists.

Hey, I know of a good place where you can go and learn to read (including the word "or") > Your local public school - first grade. :biggrin: Nitey night. :bigbed:

Nope, I never defended any of the traitors who attacked Congress to get Trump to stay in the White House even though he lost the election.

It’s called an opinion.
If you think MDs are 100% correct, you need a psychiatrist.

Well he's a professional doctor and you're a professional idiot, so there's that. And he examined Sicknick while you didn't.

But again, it was also his opinion Sicknick died from a stroke. You want to cherry pick his opinions that are politically expedient towards your agenda. No one is obligated to be as dishonest as you.
Well he's a professional doctor and you're a professional idiot, so there's that. And he examined Sicknick while you didn't.

But again, it was also his opinion Sicknick died from a stroke. You want to cherry pick his opinions that are politically expedient towards your agenda. No one is obligated to be as dishonest as you.
An ad hominem…how expected.
Well he's a professional doctor and you're a professional idiot, so there's that. And he examined Sicknick while you didn't.

But again, it was also his opinion Sicknick died from a stroke. You want to cherry pick his opinions that are politically expedient towards your agenda. No one is obligated to be as dishonest as you.
The irony of you stating someone is dishonest!

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