Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

How Nazi of you. Police don't shoot people because they think they are traitors, they use firearms for self-defense. Like citizens, that's all they can use deadly force for.

I don't call an organization honorable when they march down the street chanting " What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

What were their protests about? Their ignorance of the law and showing their lack of education.
Liberals have no concept of "self-defense". They also don't know that cops are trained to shoot the moment a suspect's hand disappears from view. If they ever get into a confrontation with a cop, they're not likely to survive it.
I was looking for something correct in this mess. Couldn't find anything. BLM is a SCAM operation, with the founders taking donation$$ intended for struggling, poor blacks, and buying mansions for themselves with that money. MSNBC didn't tell you ? What a surprise.

Jan 6 was also a scam. Set-up and conducted like a symphony by Democrats and their Capitol police running dogs. CNN didn't tell you ?

I don't give a damn about BLM if that your words of wisdom , you're a idiot. Who in the hell cares. They didn't try to bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator for life. Big Big difference.
Liberals have no concept of "self-defense". They also don't know that cops are trained to shoot the moment a suspect's hand disappears from view. If they ever get into a confrontation with a cop, they're not likely to survive it.
This hate Nazi want everyone to believe it was the Dems that attacked the capital and put 140 cops in the hospital. and tried to get Trump forced in as a dictator for life. This guy is trolling with stupidity.
Q anon Buffoon, can't back up a word of it with the truth.
Another information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media reveals his/your total IGNORANCE.

Here's your education >>>

The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.
Another information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media reveals his/your total IGNORANCE.

Here's your education >>>

The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.
You're a idiot , I'll give you a hint, I read until I hit the first lie then I quit reading , you wasted a lot of bandwidth . No one will read your nonsense. and if they do, they shouldn't. Waste of bandwidth. Ignore.
This hate Nazi want everyone to believe it was the Dems that attacked the capital and put 140 cops in the hospital. and tried to get Trump forced in as a dictator for life. This guy is trolling with stupidity.
DUPE............Why do you think Pelosi and the mayor rejected the National Guard idea ? They WANTED the riot to happen. :rolleyes:
You're a idiot , I'll give you a hint, I read until I hit the first lie then I quit reading , you wasted a lot of bandwidth . No one will read your nonsense. and if they do, they shouldn't. Waste of bandwidth. Ignore.
Like Hillary Cinton said to Dick Morris: "Just tell them it didn't happen. It'll be your word against theirs"
DUPE............Why do you think Pelosi and the mayor rejected the National Guard idea ? They WANTED the riot to happen. :rolleyes:
100% lie , hell this one's easy , if you think this has any value go ahead look it up. This guy is a baffoon.
How Nazi of you. Police don't shoot people because they think they are traitors, they use firearms for self-defense. Like citizens, that's all they can use deadly force for.

I don't call an organization honorable when they march down the street chanting " What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

What were their protests about? Their ignorance of the law and showing their lack of education.
Democrat, low-life turds.
100% lie , hell this one's easy , if you think this has any value go ahead look it up. This guy is a baffoon.
HA HA. oh, I should "look it up" should I ? HA HA. And where do you suggest ? New York Times ? Washington Post ? MSNBC ? :rolleyes:
I don't give a damn about BLM if that your words of wisdom , you're a idiot. Who in the hell cares. They didn't try to bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator for life. Big Big difference.
No, the Democrats in election rooms did that. Executive branches in battleground states usurped the constitutionally guaranteed prerogative of state legislatures, to set the election rules when they interfered to allow massive mail-in voting.

I remember being once being at a party and seeing US election ballots, sitting on a table, in Mexico City.
Good poster 'protecitonist''s some well-meaning sincere advice with your avatar's best interests in mind: Quit whining about your complaints. Do something about it.

Contact your local FBI office. Contact your local sheriff if you don't trust the FBI. Write or visit your Congressman and make your argument. Roll up your sleeves and start to do something positive about your concerns....rather than ineffectually screeching on an anonymous chatroom using fake name. It makes you look like an ineffective dilettante who seems to think whining is the way to accomplish goals.

That is not the way of a responsible Conservative or a contributing American citizen gets things done.
I know you know that.

You CAN be better. Just lean in to the work a little more competently.

Good luck.
1. FBI deals with federal and interstate issues. Local sheriff's jurisdiction is county level.

2. I am not anonymous. My picture is in my avatar, and I have posted OPs showing my art painting gallery, my youtube music videos, all with my real name. I'm probably the least anonymous person in this forum.

3. I've already written letters to congressmen. Have done that for years.
I don't give a damn about BLM if that your words of wisdom , you're a idiot. Who in the hell cares. They didn't try to bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator for life. Big Big difference.

Right. Creating phony impeachments is not threat to democracy. Weaponizing our federal protection agencies to defeat a political opponent is not a threat to our democracy. Creating a clown show to try and stop a political opponent from running in 2024 against them is not a threat to democracy. The FBI paying social media to remove any content that may harm their party candidate is not a threat to our democracy.

A bunch of yahoos dressed like fake wrestlers sitting at Nancy Pigosi's desk, now that's a threat to our democracy.
Liberals have no concept of "self-defense". They also don't know that cops are trained to shoot the moment a suspect's hand disappears from view. If they ever get into a confrontation with a cop, they're not likely to survive it.

Every police shooting is investigated by not only the department, but several outside law enforcement departments as well. In the Floyd case the officer was arrested within hours before the body got cold and an investigation even started, and they still had nationwide riots. Like what did they want the police to do, execute the police officer in the middle of the street?

Lowlifes looking for an excuse to act like animals and rob stores and gas stations with impunity. In the meantime the now VP was on Facebook encouraging her followers to donate to a fund to bailout the rioters. Gee, I never seen Mike Pence do that with the Capitol riot prisoners.
You are laughing at yourself, and everbody else is laughing at you to too. NO, Concoction Faun, seniors don't need to be anything but over the age of 65, to be a victim of Florida Statute 825.102.

825.102 depends on the perpetrator's criminal intent, not the victim's mental state. Try telling the judge in criminal court what you just said, and see how far you get with it. About 2 dozen inmates in Florida prisons will tell you.


You're such a retard, gramps. Yes, ya senile moron, the victim's mental state is a factor. Why do you think I've been laughing my ass off at you for you calling yourself a mental case?? The police you called were laughing at you too. :badgrin:

(1) “Abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult” means:
(a) Intentional infliction of physical or psychological injury upon an elderly person or disabled adult;
Definitions.—As used in this chapter:
(4) “Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person’s own care or protection is impaired.

Now that you called yourself mentally dysfunctional, me calling you senile is a statement of fact.

If jbander, Faun, candy corn, and other thoroughly confused short-sighters in this thread had things focused, instead of crabbing about relatively harmless Jan protestors, they would be worried about the fascist rule of Joe Biden, Merrirt Garland, and Christpoher Wray.

2 years after the Jan 6, 2021 event, hundreds of prisoners still remain locked up in jail, illegally held without a trial, and denied the 6th Amendment constitutional right to a speedy trial. In addition, many of the arrests are still highly questionable.

One example is that of Joseph Hackett, a member of the Oath Keepers, who pledge to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. FBI doesn't like this group, and has arrested many of its members. Court documents say Hackett entered the capitol and left 9 minutes later.

5 months later, he was arrested by the FBI, and indicted on a long list of charges >>
conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of govt property, and illegally entering a restricted building (but not restricted by cops who stood idle).

No evidence of Hackett destroying property has come to light. It's not even clear that he even entered the capitol. He was outside the building. BUT, uh oh. he was a member of the Oath Keepers. A supporter of Donald Trump. Therefore, he must be neutralized, according to Biden's Nazi boys.

Hackett is just one of many political prisoners, of the Democrat insurrection hoax, which has done quite a job of removing Biden critics off the streets.
America is fast mutating from a republic, with individual liberty paramount, into an oligarchy, in which conformity is increasingly demanded and enforced.

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