Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

No, I didn't say it's alright. It's not. I said it's not an attack against the government.
Of course it's an attack against the government. The arsons were against a federal building, and police stations. ALL government buildings. Pheeew!

G'head gramps, call the cops. :lmao:

Be sure to tell them you call old Floridians names on this forum too.
I don't know of any old Floridian or any old person residing anywhere, who I've called names. If I called an old person a name, it was not criminal intent, because I have no way of knowing how old they are. But against me, YOU do know Faun.
The "veteran" is threatening to sue you too?
What do you mean "too"? I didn't threaten to sue anybody. Florida Statute 825.102 is a CRIMINAL (Felony) offense, not a tort. And come to think of it, you have violated it too.
Bullshits anything that was swung at the police was a weapon . They were traitors nor protesters. If they just wanted to protest, they could have stayed with Trump at his protest. When the lie that made them go to the capital is that stupid as it was , that is no excuse. IF it was, there would be an excuse for every crime. The court won't except stupidity as an excuse for a crime. 140 police assaulted at the capital.many hospitalized .

  • Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as rioters tried to breach the House chamber.
  • Kevin D. Greeson died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
  • Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.
  • Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.
Mr. Greeson and Mr. Philips died of natural causes, the Washington medical examiner said in April. He added that Ms. Boyland’s death was caused by an accidental overdose.

In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died.

This is a drop in the bucket compared to the leftist 2020 riots.

Good, let a jury do what they want. Trump has the resources to fight this until this money whore drops dead herself, and drops dead poor from all the legal bills.
Wow, your commitment to the rule of law, the American legal system and the American judicial process is an inspiration to us all.

I think you people are suspending all of that because you think you're saving American from Satan and they are impediments to your war.

I'm not asking for your confirmation on that. I'm paying attention to what you people say.
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Still butt hurt after all those times I handed you your ass, faggot.

And if you are a cop, I should report you to you superiors for violating Florida Statute 825.102 (Abuse of elderly), a 3rd degree felony. Maybe you could get a job chasing shopping carts or day labor. (or making license plates in the prison - you and Faun both)

You're still bragging about being senile, gramps??
The came in from OUTSIDE dunce boy, walked a few feet in the hall (right past complicit cops), and entered the interior of the building through a 2nd set of doors.

Gee that was hard huh ?

Looney tune Democrats thnk they can double talk their way through this. Just plain stupid.

Poor, senile, gramps. They were inside the Capitol when they approached that cop. Why do hate reality so?
Of course it's an attack against the government. The arsons were against a federal building, and police stations. ALL government buildings. Pheeew!

Poor, senile, gramps. Buildings are not the government; people are. The Constitution doesn't read, we the buildings; it's, we the people.

I don't know of any old Floridian or any old person residing anywhere, who I've called names. If I called an old person a name, it was not criminal intent, because I have no way of knowing how old they are. But against me, YOU do know Faun.


Gramps, you need to turn yourself into the police for violating that very law... YOU called yourself, mentally impaired.

"Jan 6th was a set-up by Democrats, with FBI and Capitol police complicit".

Good poster 'protecitonist''s some well-meaning sincere advice with your avatar's best interests in mind: Quit whining about your complaints. Do something about it.

Contact your local FBI office. Contact your local sheriff if you don't trust the FBI. Write or visit your Congressman and make your argument. Roll up your sleeves and start to do something positive about your concerns....rather than ineffectually screeching on an anonymous chatroom using fake name. It makes you look like an ineffective dilettante who seems to think whining is the way to accomplish goals.

That is not the way of a responsible Conservative or a contributing American citizen gets things done.
I know you know that.

You CAN be better. Just lean in to the work a little more competently.

Good luck.
So the ones who did the same to the federal building in Portland should have been shot dead too? And the ones who occupied a whole neighborhood in Seattle ? And the ones who burned down police stations in Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle ?

And the ones who occupied a whole neighborhood in Seattle nope, the rest yes
The BLM protest is totally legal, totally honorable, dealing with the truth, protesting against evil by the police forces across this country are heroes and should be treated with respect, the people who started the fires and destruction ,during those protests which were totally illegal should have been shot.
Jan 6th Their protest being totally legal was totally dishonorable, dealing with a complete lie, protesting against something that didn't even exist, was done by brain-dead stupid people, that should be shown no respect, stupid yes but still legal. The people who forced their way into the capital, which was totally illegal should to the man all been shot, for being traitors trying to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.
And the ones who occupied a whole neighborhood in Seattle nope, the rest yes
The BLM protest is totally legal, totally honorable, dealing with the truth, protesting against evil by the police forces across this country are heroes and should be treated with respect, the people who started the fires and destruction ,during those protests which were totally illegal should have been shot.
Jan 6th Their protest being totally legal was totally dishonorable, dealing with a complete lie, protesting against something that didn't even exist, was done by brain-dead stupid people, that should be shown no respect, stupid yes but still legal. The people who forced their way into the capital, which was totally illegal should to the man all been shot, for being traitors trying to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.

How Nazi of you. Police don't shoot people because they think they are traitors, they use firearms for self-defense. Like citizens, that's all they can use deadly force for.

I don't call an organization honorable when they march down the street chanting " What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

What were their protests about? Their ignorance of the law and showing their lack of education.
People died of heart attacks, strokes, and suicides, but that had nothing to do with Jan. 6th. Wow, what a fucking dick.
It has nothing to do with Trump or Jan. 6 you fucking illiterate piece of shit. You and proven idiot Faun can cry all you want. Natural Causes for Sicknick. Suicide? They obviously had other issues. Yet you want to blame Trump. Seems YOU are the fucking dick you cowardly loser.
It has nothing to do with Trump or Jan. 6 you fucking illiterate piece of shit. You and proven idiot Faun can cry all you want. Natural Causes for Sicknick. Suicide? They obviously had other issues. Yet you want to blame Trump. Seems YOU are the fucking dick you cowardly loser.

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