Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

Are your brains falling out of your head ? I didn't say there was no violence on your favorite day (while you ignore hundreds of riots in 2020). I just said that at one point, cops let protestors into the capitol, and that's what they did.

Now tell us about 2020

A pity you can't find a single video of police letting protesters INTO the Capitol.

"...trump put a target on the backs of private citizens, I don't think that's legal or ethical..."

Quite agree. be sure. Be he POTUS. Or a disgraced former POTUS. It is always unethical.
And now, as a private citizen....karma may come calling.

But.....while being POTUS it often ain't illegal for you to do it....while it would be for anybody else.
On the spectrum though of human-to-human respect......Trump was a bully. Unethical. To the max. It hurt and is hurting these two women who served as election workers.
Be he POTUS or the disgraced ex-POTUS it is always unethical.

All Americans who believe in human respect and valuing the public servants who serve us....we can only hope that karma comes. Comes to Trump in a court notice to appear before the court to answer for his public remarks denigrating Ruby Freeman. Slander? Or it's like.

And may Karma come. Come pissed. Really pissed.
A pity you can't find a single video of police letting protesters INTO the Capitol.

As I told you before, the cops are shown letting protestors walk into the building. 1st door, 2nd door, doesn't matter, They're letting them in, numbskull.
Some people have to be told AND SHOWN Twice.

at 0:23 of this video it shows 5 people exiting the building through the west terrace doors. then someone outside catches the door and holds it open. At 0:50 a guy with a red cap enters, and a cop is at the interior doors. He holds the door open for this protester, and he enters the capitol undeterred, exactly as the narrators tells it.
1:11 - a steady stream of protesters enter these same doors, totally undeterred, no resistance whatsoever.
2:09 - 5 cops enter the hallway from inside, and walk right past protesters entering the building, and they pass by each other, zero resistance.

Yes it's an interior door, you klutz. It is a door between the short hallway from the outside, and the interior of the building. Protestors coming in from outside. You can spin this any way you want. Anybody seeing this video sees cops ALLOWING protesters to enter the building from outside, walk right past them, and enter the interior of the building, and go right up the stairs. Ho hum.
New Videos Underscore The Violence Against Police At The Jan. 6 Capitol Riot You are one lying worthless piece of trash. You hate America asshole.
Look at the leftist fool trying to potray conservatives as being against police, and him and his criminals on their side. After years of demonizing police, calling for their defunding, abolishing. setting police stations on fire, with the cops locked inside, hundreds of riots fighting against cops, throwing rocks & bottle at them, now we're supposed to turn it all upside down.

Please report to the local hospital, moron ward.

As I told you before, the cops are shown letting protestors walk into the building. 1st door, 2nd door, doesn't matter, They're letting them in, numbskull.
Some people have to be told AND SHOWN Twice.

at 0:23 of this video it shows 5 people exiting the building through the west terrace doors. then someone outside catches the door and holds it open. At 0:50 a guy with a red cap enters, and a cop is at the interior doors. He holds the door open for this protester, and he enters the capitol undeterred, exactly as the narrators tells it.
1:11 - a steady stream of protesters enter these same doors, totally undeterred, no resistance whatsoever.
2:09 - 5 cops enter the hallway from inside, and walk right past protesters entering the building, and they pass by each other, zero resistance.

Yes it's an interior door, you klutz. It is a door between the short hallway from the outside, and the interior of the building. Protestors coming in from outside. You can spin this any way you want. Anybody seeing this video sees cops ALLOWING protesters to enter the building from outside, walk right past them, and enter the interior of the building, and go right up the stairs. Ho hum.

Again, imbecile, that's an interior door. By the time they got to that cop, they're already inside the Capitol. So no, the cop didn't let them inside where they already were.

Right, you just decided to twist the narrative. If I am an officer you dumb prick, and 100 people come at me, why hold the fucking door?
Shut up, punk. They held it and let the protesters in. Why ? Because they were in on it. Set-up.
He is a straight fucking idiot.
Still butt hurt after all those times I handed you your ass, faggot.

And if you are a cop, I should report you to you superiors for violating Florida Statute 825.102 (Abuse of elderly), a 3rd degree felony. Maybe you could get a job chasing shopping carts or day labor. (or making license plates in the prison - you and Faun both)
We all saw the video of the cops opening the doors to let the protestors in.
The doors can't be opened from the outside.

We also all saw the fully armored and armed police below where Ashlie was shot, who never tried to stop anyone or anything until the shooting started.
Every traitor that forced their way into the capital putting 140 cops in the hospital should be dead, they should have shot every traitor there. . Try saying just one thing that is the true. Instead of this endless q anon bullshit.
Every traitor that forced their way into the capital should have been shot dead.
So the ones who did the same to the federal building in Portland should have been shot dead too? And the ones who occupied a whole neighborhood in Seattle ? And the ones who burned down police stations in Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle ?

You're completely out of your mind, gramps. Need I remind you again -- you're senile.

Aside from the fact that was about an hour and a half after rioters broke through the outer police barricades...

Aside from the fact that was about half an hour after rioters broke into the Capitol building...

Aside from the fact that was while the rioters were viciously fighting with police at the west side tunnel...

The video you posted wasn't even a cop letting rioters into the Capitol building. You dumbfuck, that's an INTERIOR DOOR. The rioters are already inside the Capitol.


You're completely deranged, gramps.

AGAIN -- that is not an exterior door leading into the Capitol. It's an interior door leading from one hallway into another. You can see both hallways in the video you posted. Well, anyone with a brain can. Unfortunately for you, your brain is spent.
The came in from OUTSIDE dunce boy, walked a few feet in the hall (right past complicit cops), and entered the interior of the building through a 2nd set of doors.

Gee that was hard huh ?

Looney tune Democrats thnk they can double talk their way through this. Just plain stupid.

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