Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

"We are not involved in politics; we are scientists,” said Dr. William O’Neill, a prominent cardiologist at Ford who heads the clincal study. “There are no proven ways to keep people safe from Covid-19.

We owe it to people – particularly front-line workers – to scientifically determine if it works.”

Preliminary results are expected in about four months.

Dr. Rick Bright, recently removed as head of the nation's vaccine program, says he ran afoul of Trump after he refused to promote the drug as a panacea to combat the virus.

So the President is willing to be a test subject. Yet how will we know that it prevented him from getting the disease? Because he says so.

Science needs to determine if it works not Trump.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

That's actually a lie. President Trump's BMI is 30, a BMI of 40 or more is required for "morbidly obese" status.
BMI is overly emphasized by the Left.
Especially since a skinny Obama could not work for any long period of time without taking a nap or a snort of COCAINE to keep him going.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

That's actually a lie. President Trump's BMI is 30, a BMI of 40 or more is required for "morbidly obese" status.
Nonsense, are you blind?

Trump is obese as many Americans are, but to claim he is morbidly obese is profoundly stupid
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
Do you think the same thing about Stacey Abrams? Or is she just "big boned"?

That's not big boned, she's huge boned.
And covers them with layers and layers of fat.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.

Trump is what he is, and he isn't a small guy and he isn't scrawny. But he isn't really overweight and still hold his own in competitive sports. Remember he has played rounds of golf with Tiger Woods and competed in the King of Sports at Wrestlemania. Not one in 1000 men in their 20's could do Trump's schedule. He's in tremendous shape.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

That's actually a lie. President Trump's BMI is 30, a BMI of 40 or more is required for "morbidly obese" status.
Nonsense, are you blind?

Trump is obese as many Americans are, but to claim he is morbidly obese is profoundly stupid

"Morbidly obese" guys weigh at least 400 pounds, Trump is quite svelte compared to the Happy Humphrey's and Haystacks Calhoun's
THIS is morbidly obese...............


Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.

So you admit that Pelosi lied about her President, and she should consider herself fortunate that she wasn't under oath?
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.

So you admit that Pelosi lied about her President, and she should consider herself fortunate that she wasn't under oath?
Okay, sure, she "lied" about the degree to which Trump is an obese man in his 70s who eats nothing but crap.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.

So you admit that Pelosi lied about her President, and she should consider herself fortunate that she wasn't under oath?
If her dentures are a floppin', she's a lyin'.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

That's actually a lie. President Trump's BMI is 30, a BMI of 40 or more is required for "morbidly obese" status.
BMI is overly emphasized by the Left.
Especially since a skinny Obama could not work for any long period of time without taking a nap or a snort of COCAINE to keep him going.

If President Trump were really concerned about his weight, he'd go to a doctor with a European scale.

I hadn't been 125 since I was 13, and then I got weighed on a metric scale
But he has put on quite a few pounds.... I suppose that happens easier when over 70?
I really think you need to show proof he has gained weight.
Waiting on the report.......
Besides....he doesn't snort coke like Obama to keep the weight off.

And BTW....
Every time he goes out and exercises you mofos start screaming bloody-murder.
So personally I think you should all just shove it.

Shoving big Macs down your throat doesn’t count as exercise.

So funny!
It is funny but sad in a sense with FOX. Now he will have to go to bloggers to get his FIX . Still there is also Barr still hanging around who will probably have a career with FIX after his short government career.

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Democrat Political interference....

Doctors can prescribe it as a off label treatment. Still without studies , the effects will be unknown. Someone say they fell better is good news but it really proves nothing. That is why with testing the y use placebos to reduce the likelihood of other factors causing this feel good moment. The funny thing about placebos, is some people can be effected by it either positively or negatively.

I hope Trump doctor gave him a placebo and that would be hilarious. Still the the drug is given to people so there is a safety factor that it will make no difference in this situation. Meaning people survive with no ill effects. Did it stop them from getting the virus. Well they would have to be tested for presence of the virus in them.

So the Win Win scenario for Trump. If nothing goes wrong and no side effects, he will claim that it prevented him from getting COVID-19 and taking credit for finding a cure with this particular drug. Well as long as no one dies from COVID-19 and was taking this drug. Then it is a Win for Trump as he can survive with no ill effects but he is 75 anyway. He will lose if some one dies or becomes seriously ill from taking this drug.
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The Orange Creature was pi$$ed when the media poked fun at him for his advocacy for the drug, once credible studies emerged.

Like most insults aimed at The Critter... he cannot forget nor forgive... and must compulsively prove himself right, facts or no.

This is yet another example of his obsessive-compulsive psychological state and is yet another argument in favor of dusting-off the 25th.

Somebody get Mike Pence warming up in the bullpen. :D
Killing a unborn baby is a decision made solely by a woman and her doctor. Taking hydroxychloroquine is a joint decision between a man, his doctor, every Democrat and all on-air talent at CNN.

What's so disingenuous here is how the Libs could give a shit about Trump's good health. The problem that libs have is that the hydroxychloroquine is actually WORKING. President Trump is well, he's not dying and every day that goes by shows the medicine's efficacy.
I take One-A-Day Men's 50+ balanced out with a daily dose of baby aspirin.
Cool. I take the same, but the cheaper COSTCO version. Used to take the baby aspirin but my doctor said my heart is OK so I stopped. My doctor claims I am in “tremendous shape” despite being bald and weighing only 160 pounds. Here he is telling me I am in much better shape than the President:

View attachment 338171

— giggle, giggle —

Don't you love someone with all those degrees on the wall and a self portrait when he was younger
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.
He didn't lie about his height, you snowflakes lied about his height.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
I have no idea why folks like you refuse to admit Trump is obese and why you think "whataboutism" deflections and excuses are viable.
Obese?......says who?.....are you a doctor now? you know how tall Trump is?....he is a big guy with too many pounds on him but he has been losing weight since the campaign....
He is obese by medical standards, even when he lies about how tall he is. Pelosi was wrong, however. He isn't morbidly obese, just plain old obese.

So you admit that Pelosi lied about her President, and she should consider herself fortunate that she wasn't under oath?
Okay, sure, she "lied" about the degree to which Trump is an obese man in his 70s who eats nothing but crap.
As opposed to Pelosi.....who eats tons of Ice cream and drinks half the day on every flight. Look how obese she is!!!



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But he has put on quite a few pounds.... I suppose that happens easier when over 70?
I really think you need to show proof he has gained weight.
Waiting on the report.......
Besides....he doesn't snort coke like Obama to keep the weight off.

And BTW....
Every time he goes out and exercises you mofos start screaming bloody-murder.
So personally I think you should all just shove it.

Shoving big Macs down your throat doesn’t count as exercise.


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