Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

These assholes doing the so-called testing have 100 or several hundred "volunteers". Give it to the entire marine corp and see what happens. They aint doing a fucking thing other than shining their shoes for a lifetime of socialist freebies anyhoo
I liked hanging with kiwis on the cooks but thier nation today is run by a dopey twat who has disarmed them
What? Disarmed? Everyone still has the same non semi rifles and shotguns they had before. You're just swallowing the gun nut propaganda you're fed. Eagerly swallowing it, without a thought of checking for bullshit.

Yeah I know ..I'm just some right wing weactionary swallowing propaganda

Stupid hick
I can't wait to piss on your mass graves after your "leaders deem" the useful in useful idiot no longer applies to you

Get in the truck egg , theyre gonna be making Omelettes

Stay home stay safe derp

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
This is what a bleach diet looks like
...Like I said he's taking a drug that has been around for decades...
...and which has been deemed ineffective and dangerous in this context, by multiple independent, credible medical scientific studies.

...under his doctors supervison this seems like much to do about nothing.
The doctor wants to keep his job, no doubt. Doktor Theodore Morell wanted to keep his job, too. Position-and-money-and-prestige winning over science.


This was a bull$hit political/personal-vindication stunt pulled by an obsessive-compulsive, driven to prove himself right, despite overwhelming fact.
There are also credible medical studies that say the opposite. Let’s stop the bullshit this isn’t about medical science or safety it’s about politics if Trump does something the default response for many is to oppose it. For the last time on this topic this not some new untested drug it has been around a very long time if Trump with the approval of his physician want to take this drug that is his choice if someone doesn’t want to take it they don’t have to. Despite what many seem to think individuals and their doctor decide medical treatment the rest of the country doesn’t get a say in that.
I have little interest in the mud slinging down in the District of Criminals , save for the underlying medical philosophy it is silencing

for those w/the HP here>>>>

Cincinati Homeopaths were so successful in treating people during the 1849 cholera epidemic that homeopaths published a daily list of their patients in the newspaper, giving names and addresses of those who were cured and those who died. Only 3% of the 1,116 homeopathic patients died, while between 48-60% of those under orthodox medical treatment died. (52)


It takes an exceptional degree of scientific ignorance to give any credibility to homeopathy. It's based on anti-scientific bullshit that was clearly recognizable as such by the more primitive science, as it existed at the time homeopathy was devised, and even more so now. At that time, we already knew about atoms and molecules, and what that meant as far as how far any substance could be diluted, and still have any of it remain in a solution; and hence, teh ability to understand that at the levels which homos commonly dilute their alleged “active ingredients”, that the likelihood is that not even so much as a single molecule of it is likely to be present in a dose of their fake medicines.

Rather amusing, is an admission made by a spokescrook for Boiron, a company notorious for these fake homo products. When asked if their product Oscillococcinum was safe to take, spokescrook Gina Casey said, “Of course it is safe. There's nothing in it.”
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Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.


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Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
Do you think the same thing about Stacey Abrams? Or is she just "big boned"?
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

Stacey abrams is shamu big. Thats fact, not judgment.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.

Stacey abrams is shamu big. Thats fact, not judgment.
Yet no one says that about her and she is young. How do you explain that?
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Aww somebody is triggered because fat Donny was made fun of
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
Do you think the same thing about Stacey Abrams? Or is she just "big boned"?

That's not big boned, she's huge boned.
The Orange Creature was pi$$ed when the media poked fun at him for his advocacy for the drug, once credible studies emerged.

Like most insults aimed at The Critter... he cannot forget nor forgive... and must compulsively prove himself right, facts or no.

This is yet another example of his obsessive-compulsive psychological state and is yet another argument in favor of dusting-off the 25th.

Somebody get Mike Pence warming up in the bullpen. :D
Killing a unborn baby is a decision made solely by a woman and her doctor. Taking hydroxychloroquine is a joint decision between a man, his doctor, every Democrat and all on-air talent at CNN.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Aww somebody is triggered because fat Donny was made fun of
Welcome to the girther movement.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Aww somebody is triggered because fat Donny was made fun of
Hypocrisy from Lefstists is astounding.

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