Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

...Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine...
COVID-19 has not been around for 50 years.

Therefore... the historical life-span of the drug is completely irrelevant to its use in this context.

Multiple and credible medical studies have concluded that the drug - when used to treat COVID-19 - poses different (and far greater) risks than when used for other purposes.

Wanna prevent malaria? Take it. Knock yourself out.

Wanna treat COVID-19? Don't take it. It demonstrably increases your chances of a cardiac incident.

Wanna prevent COVID-19? There is no substantive credible evidence that the drug does any good whatsoever for that purpose.

And, given how easily the less intelligent elements of the population can conflate Remediation vs. Prevention, the best Example is not to take it at all.

...Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.
The 'fuss' is about the Terrible Example that your Orange Baboon-God is setting for those stupid enough to mimic his drug usage once they've contracted COVID-19.

Nothing 'Leftist' about it, Baboon-Cult Follower.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to set a Good Example for the American People - both the savvy and simple-minded.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to promote confidence and trust in the Administration's own Medical and Disease-Control agencies.

Your boy fails on both counts.

As always... this isn't about the well-being of the American People that he pretends to lead... it's all about him.

Bottom line...

Your boy went way-out-on-a-limb, weeks ago, pushing this drug, and his Galactic Ego simply will not tolerate being shown to be wrong in front of his audience.

This was obsessive-compulsive behavior and indicative of a very real and very dangerous and very alarming imbalance played-out for the entire country to see and judge.

And judge they will, on November 3rd.
You're an idiot. You act as if Trump is the first person to take hydroxychloroquine to prevent
covid-19. The fact of the matter is that thousands of doctors and nurses are taking it for the same reason, you TDS afflicted moron.

They are taking it because they know more about it than you are capable of ever learning.
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...Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine...
COVID-19 has not been around for 50 years.

Therefore... the historical life-span of the drug is completely irrelevant to its use in this context.

Multiple and credible medical studies have concluded that the drug - when used to treat COVID-19 - poses different (and far greater) risks than when used for other purposes.

Wanna prevent malaria? Take it. Knock yourself out.

Wanna treat COVID-19? Don't take it. It demonstrably increases your chances of a cardiac incident.

Wanna prevent COVID-19? There is no substantive credible evidence that the drug does any good whatsoever for that purpose.

And, given how easily the less intelligent elements of the population can conflate Remediation vs. Prevention, the best Example is not to take it at all.

...Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.
The 'fuss' is about the Terrible Example that your Orange Baboon-God is setting for those stupid enough to mimic his drug usage once they've contracted COVID-19.

Nothing 'Leftist' about it, Baboon-Cult Follower.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to set a Good Example for the American People - both the savvy and simple-minded.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to promote confidence and trust in the Administration's own Medical and Disease-Control agencies.

Your boy fails on both counts.

As always... this isn't about the well-being of the American People that he pretends to lead... it's all about him.

Bottom line...

Your boy went way-out-on-a-limb, weeks ago, pushing this drug, and his Galactic Ego simply will not tolerate being shown to be wrong in front of his audience.

This was obsessive-compulsive behavior and indicative of a very real and very dangerous and very alarming imbalance played-out for the entire country to see and judge.

And judge they will, on November 3rd.

Who the hell are you?
What are your credentials?
You make all these bombastic statements like:

"taking hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 increases your chances of a cardiac incident".and there are NO RESULTS after a Google search I did to verify your totally subjective and biased statement. NONE! Where is your PROOF?
Get me proof of the following statement:
taking hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 increases your chances of a cardiac incident... IF YOU DON"T have cardiac issues"!!!
Because see this is how dumb people like you are!

Taking hydroxychloroquine requires your physician to write a prescription DUMMY!
But idiots like you think if someone who is smart enough to go around the requirements for physician prescription BUT DUMB enough if they have cardiac issues to get hydroxychloroquine! You people are the dummies!

You also said ..."There is no substantive credible evidence that the drug does any good whatsoever for that purpose."
Well if you don't look of course you won't find THIS!!!

But what you will find is this regarding hydroxychloroquine:
This new survey completed by Sermo on March 27, 2020, reported 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37 percent of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
Also, the survey of 6,227 doctors found that the most commonly prescribed treatments are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine.

Previously, a survey distributed on March 30, 2020, about 83 percent of independent pharmacists in the USA said ‘they should be able to dispense a limited supply of malaria drugs, as long the patient has tested positive ..... and is under a doctor's care.’
Below is a summary of the findings from the Sermo survey:
  • Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the US, 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan.
  • Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters).
  • 75% in Spain, 53% in Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the US and 13% in the UK.
  • The two most common treatment regimens for Hydroxychloroquine were: (38%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 400 mg daily for 5 days. (26%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 200mg twice daily for 4 days.
  • Outside the US, Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients.
  • Globally, 19% of physicians prescribed or have seen Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically used for high-risk patients, and 8% for low-risk patients.

So you uneducated dummy! Where are your links to substantiate your personal, subjective statements. I WANT the proof as I've done.
Take some time and validate your contentions.
...Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine...
COVID-19 has not been around for 50 years.

Therefore... the historical life-span of the drug is completely irrelevant to its use in this context.

Multiple and credible medical studies have concluded that the drug - when used to treat COVID-19 - poses different (and far greater) risks than when used for other purposes.

Wanna prevent malaria? Take it. Knock yourself out.

Wanna treat COVID-19? Don't take it. It demonstrably increases your chances of a cardiac incident.

Wanna prevent COVID-19? There is no substantive credible evidence that the drug does any good whatsoever for that purpose.

And, given how easily the less intelligent elements of the population can conflate Remediation vs. Prevention, the best Example is not to take it at all.

...Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.
The 'fuss' is about the Terrible Example that your Orange Baboon-God is setting for those stupid enough to mimic his drug usage once they've contracted COVID-19.

Nothing 'Leftist' about it, Baboon-Cult Follower.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to set a Good Example for the American People - both the savvy and simple-minded.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to promote confidence and trust in the Administration's own Medical and Disease-Control agencies.

Your boy fails on both counts.

As always... this isn't about the well-being of the American People that he pretends to lead... it's all about him.

Bottom line...

Your boy went way-out-on-a-limb, weeks ago, pushing this drug, and his Galactic Ego simply will not tolerate being shown to be wrong in front of his audience.

This was obsessive-compulsive behavior and indicative of a very real and very dangerous and very alarming imbalance played-out for the entire country to see and judge.

And judge they will, on November 3rd.
You're an idiot. You act as if Trump is the first person to take hydroxychloroquine to prevent
covid-19. The fact of the matter is that thousands of doctors and nurses are taking it for the same reason, you TDS afflicted moron.

They are taking it because they know more about it that you are capable of ever learning.
And to back up your statement:

But what you will find is this regarding hydroxychloroquine:

This new survey completed by Sermo on March 27, 2020, reported 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37 percent of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
Also, the survey of 6,227 doctors found that the most commonly prescribed treatments are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine.
Previously, a survey distributed on March 30, 2020, about 83 percent of independent pharmacists in the USA said ‘they should be able to dispense a limited supply of malaria drugs, as long the patient has tested positive ..... and is under a doctor's care.’
Below is a summary of the findings from the Sermo survey:
  • Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the US, 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan.
  • Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters).
  • 75% in Spain, 53% in Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the US and 13% in the UK.
  • The two most common treatment regimens for Hydroxychloroquine were: (38%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 400 mg daily for 5 days. (26%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 200mg twice daily for 4 days.
  • Outside the US, Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients.
  • Globally, 19% of physicians prescribed or have seen Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically used for high-risk patients, and 8% for low-risk patients.
You're an idiot...
Quite possibly. But at least I'm far out in front of you on that scale.

...You act as if Trump is the first person to take hydroxychloroquine to prevent covid-19...

I act as if Trump is the first President of the United States to set a bad and dangerous drug-consumption example by ignoring science and medical study findings.

...The fact of the matter is that thousands of doctors and nurses are taking it for the same reason...
Really? Link, please. And make it a good and credible one, with respect to a substantial drug-consuming audience of medical professionals. TDS afflicted moron...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

...They are taking it because they know more about it than you are capable of ever learning.
1. They are NOT taking it.

2. You have drunk far too deeply of the Kool-Aid served-up by your Orange Baboon-God and his High Priests.
...I WANT the proof as I've done. Take some time and validate your contentions...
"Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine linked to increased risk of death in hospitalized coronavirus patients, study finds"

Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine linked to increased risk of death in hospitalized coronavirus patients, study finds

Hell, son, not even Faux News can put enough lipstick on that pig (the refutation of the President's assertions)... :auiqs.jpg:

Highlighting an increased chance of a cardiac incident after taking the drug, once infected.

And that's just the Credible Study du Jour.

There are others.

But this is close enough for our purposes here.


"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."

You're an idiot...
Quite possibly. But at least I'm far out in front of you on that scale.

...You act as if Trump is the first person to take hydroxychloroquine to prevent covid-19...

I act as if Trump is the first President of the United States to set a bad and dangerous drug-consumption example by ignoring science and medical study findings.

...The fact of the matter is that thousands of doctors and nurses are taking it for the same reason...
Really? Link, please. And make it a good and credible one, with respect to a substantial drug-consuming audience of medical professionals. TDS afflicted moron...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

...They are taking it because they know more about it than you are capable of ever learning.
1. They are NOT taking it.

2. You have drunk far too deeply of the Kool-Aid served-up by your Orange Baboon-God and his High Priests.
Wow! You are one dumb motherfucker. It is common knowledge that thousands and thousands of medical professionals are taking hydroxychloroquine as a covid-19 prophylactic.

This is because they know more about it than you are ever capable of learning because of your low IQ and lack of critical thinking skills, you fake news served kool-aid drinking TDS afflicted moron.
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Now we’re finding out that the Trump administration has been experimenting on veterans at the VA. Giving them this drug while it’s increasing their mortality.

they found out that if you take this drug while you’re sick with coronavirus, you are three times more likely to die.

and they’ve been giving it to veterans in the VA hospitals. over a 1000.
As Hydroxychloroquine has been successfully prescribed by physicians for decades, with minimal side-effects, being given the drug by an actual physician isn't going to magically make it more dangerous, just because the patient isn't being given it for malaria. It remains a quite safe drug and over the counter aspirin and acetaminophen have just as many side-effects, if not more and some of their side-effects are serious.
Trump’s going to get tagged by the fake news as being irresponsible and not listening to doctors. we have to gird his loins with a lot of other people.
...Wow! You are one dumb motherfucker..
Oh, I can be dumb alright; just not about this; and, of course, I do not share your perspective on familial interactions.

...It is common knowledge that thousands and thousands of medical professionals are taking hydroxychloroquine as a covid-19 prophylactic...
Then it should be no problem for your fellow Cultist - or you - to serve-up a link from a credible source to affirm this "common knowledge", eh?

...This is because they know more about it than you are ever capable of learning because of your low IQ and lack of critical thinking skills...
Oh, I do, indeed, concede superior intellect to high-end clinicians, although I do not share your opinion of my own intellect, which, while paltry, seems superior to your own. fake news served kool-aid drinking TDS afflicted moron.
You tell 'em, my little internet Princess. :auiqs.jpg:
...Wow! You are one dumb motherfucker..
Oh, I can be dumb alright; just not about this; and, of course, I do not share your perspective on familial interactions.

...It is common knowledge that thousands and thousands of medical professionals are taking hydroxychloroquine as a covid-19 prophylactic...
Then it should be no problem for your fellow Cultist - or you - to serve-up a link from a credible source to affirm this "common knowledge", eh?

...This is because they know more about it than you are ever capable of learning because of your low IQ and lack of critical thinking skills...
Oh, I do, indeed, concede superior intellect to high-end clinicians, although I do not share your opinion of my own intellect, which, while paltry, seems superior to your own. fake news served kool-aid drinking TDS afflicted moron.
You tell 'em, my little internet Princess. :auiqs.jpg:
I see, you are completely ignorant to what is common knowledge to most people. That's not uncommon at all for low IQ folks such as yourself.

Brief Summary:
Healthcare professionals mainly doctors, nurses and their first degree relatives (spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, child) who have been started hydroxychloroquine(plaquenil) 200mg single dose repeated every three weeks plus vitaminC including zinc once a day were included in the study. Study has conducted on 20th of march. Main purpose of the study was to cover participants those who are facing or treating COVID19 infected patients in Ankara.

A nationwide shortage of two drugs touted as possible treatments for the coronavirus is being driven in part by doctors inappropriately prescribing the medicines for family, friends and themselves,

If you were not such a brainwashed fake news grape kool-aid junkie TDS addled moron, you would have already known this.

If it is soooooo fucking dangerous, why is it being taken by myself and thousands of doctors and nurses, all of whom are much smarter than you and infinitely better educated than you regarding organic chemistry, pharmacology, human biology and microbiology ?
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...Wow! You are one dumb motherfucker..
Oh, I can be dumb alright; just not about this; and, of course, I do not share your perspective on familial interactions.

...It is common knowledge that thousands and thousands of medical professionals are taking hydroxychloroquine as a covid-19 prophylactic...
Then it should be no problem for your fellow Cultist - or you - to serve-up a link from a credible source to affirm this "common knowledge", eh?

...This is because they know more about it than you are ever capable of learning because of your low IQ and lack of critical thinking skills...
Oh, I do, indeed, concede superior intellect to high-end clinicians, although I do not share your opinion of my own intellect, which, while paltry, seems superior to your own. fake news served kool-aid drinking TDS afflicted moron.
You tell 'em, my little internet Princess. :auiqs.jpg:
I see, you are completely ignorant to what is common knowledge to most people. That's not uncommon at all for low IQ folks such as yourself. ...
Define "most people", Orange Baboon-God worshiper.

...Brief Summary: Healthcare professionals mainly doctors, nurses and their first degree relatives (spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, child) who have been started hydroxychloroquine(plaquenil) 200mg single dose repeated every three weeks plus vitaminC including zinc once a day were included in the study. Study has conducted on 20th of march. Main purpose of the study was to cover participants those who are facing or treating COVID19 infected patients in Ankara.

In Turkey? 80 participants? A handful of clinicians AND their families? Two months ago? :auiqs.jpg:

... ...
In India? 1332 participants? 214 (16%) adverse reactions? Based largely on old SARS data? Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... ;)

A nearly two-month-old announcement of an upcoming study of 3,000 clinicians, EMTs, police, firemen, bus drivers, etc., with no published results visible on the website? :D

A nationwide shortage of two drugs touted as possible treatments for the coronavirus is being driven in part by doctors inappropriately prescribing the medicines for family, friends and themselves,
A two-month-old article, describing a temporary shortage, shortly after your Orange Baboon-God publicized it?

Rumpian Cult True Believers, badgering their caregivers, and with some caregivers trying to build-up their own inventories, much like we saw with TP and hand-sanitizer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Scrips written by providers who had not yet seen any of the science and medical-study data released in recent weeks? We're supposed to rely on that as an indicator? :auiqs.jpg:

...If you were not such a brainwashed fake news grape kool-aid junkie TDS addled moron, you would have already known this...
You tell 'em, lightweight.

...If it is soooooo fucking dangerous, why is it being taken by myself and thousands of doctors and nurses, all of whom are much smarter than you and infinitely better educated than you regarding organic chemistry, pharmacology, human biology and microbiology ?
Ahhhhhh... you have a personal vested interest in defending Rump's pointless drug-consumption? That's the funniest 'marker' of all in this silly little exchange of ours. :D

You've done a marvelous job of making my points for me, and weakening your own... didn't realize you had a Self-Destruct Button on such a hair-trigger. My condolences.

Of the relative handful of US clinicians who might have been taking the drug as a Preventive Measure months ago...

How many tossed the drug once credible studies emerged?

Rather like how many doctors used to smoke UNTIL the 1964 Surgeon General's report came out...

Most clinicians have enough brain cells to know not to take something that is (a) useless for prevention and (b) dangerous for remediation.

No... your Boy keeps pushing this $hit as a manifestation of Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior... driven to prove himself right, in the face of multiple, credible scientific studies.

And... his Minions and Mini-Me's keep defending him in this matter because they have drunk deeply of the Robber-Baron's own special brand of Kool-Aid.

I'll give you credit for trying, anyway...
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...Wow! You are one dumb motherfucker..
Oh, I can be dumb alright; just not about this; and, of course, I do not share your perspective on familial interactions.

...It is common knowledge that thousands and thousands of medical professionals are taking hydroxychloroquine as a covid-19 prophylactic...
Then it should be no problem for your fellow Cultist - or you - to serve-up a link from a credible source to affirm this "common knowledge", eh?

...This is because they know more about it than you are ever capable of learning because of your low IQ and lack of critical thinking skills...
Oh, I do, indeed, concede superior intellect to high-end clinicians, although I do not share your opinion of my own intellect, which, while paltry, seems superior to your own. fake news served kool-aid drinking TDS afflicted moron.
You tell 'em, my little internet Princess. :auiqs.jpg:
I see, you are completely ignorant to what is common knowledge to most people. That's not uncommon at all for low IQ folks such as yourself. ...
Define "most people", Orange Baboon-God worshiper.

...Brief Summary: Healthcare professionals mainly doctors, nurses and their first degree relatives (spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, child) who have been started hydroxychloroquine(plaquenil) 200mg single dose repeated every three weeks plus vitaminC including zinc once a day were included in the study. Study has conducted on 20th of march. Main purpose of the study was to cover participants those who are facing or treating COVID19 infected patients in Ankara.

In Turkey? 80 participants? A handful of clinicians AND their families? Two months ago? :auiqs.jpg:

... ...
In India? 1332 participants? 214 (16%) adverse reactions? Based largely on old SARS data? Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... ;)

A nearly two-month-old announcement of an upcoming study of 3,000 clinicians, EMTs, police, firemen, bus drivers, etc., with no published results visible on the website? :D

A nationwide shortage of two drugs touted as possible treatments for the coronavirus is being driven in part by doctors inappropriately prescribing the medicines for family, friends and themselves,
A two-month-old article, describing a temporary shortage, shortly after your Orange Baboon-God publicized it?

Rumpian Cult True Believers, badgering their caregivers, and with some caregivers trying to build-up their own inventories, much like we saw with TP and hand-sanitizer? :abgg2q.jpg:

Scrips written by providers who had not yet seen any of the science and medical-study data released in recent weeks? We're supposed to rely on that as an indicator? :auiqs.jpg:

...If you were not such a brainwashed fake news grape kool-aid junkie TDS addled moron, you would have already known this...
You tell 'em, lightweight.

...If it is soooooo fucking dangerous, why is it being taken by myself and thousands of doctors and nurses, all of whom are much smarter than you and infinitely better educated than you regarding organic chemistry, pharmacology, human biology and microbiology ?
Ahhhhhh... you have a personal vested interest in defending Rump's pointless drug-consumption? That's the funniest 'marker' of all in this silly little exchange of ours. :D

You've done a marvelous job of making my points for me, and weakening your own... didn't realize you had a Self-Destruct Button on such a hair-trigger. My condolences.

Of the relative handful of US clinicians who might have been taking the drug as a Preventive Measure months ago...

How many tossed the drug once credible studies emerged?

Rather like how many doctors used to smoke UNTIL the 1964 Surgeon General's report came out...

Most clinicians have enough brain cells to know not to take something that is (a) useless for prevention and (b) dangerous for remediation.

No... your Boy keeps pushing this $hit as a manifestation of Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior... driven to prove himself right, in the face of multiple, credible scientific studies.

And... his Minions and Mini-Me's keep defending him in this matter because they have drunk deeply of the Robber-Baron's own special brand of Kool-Aid.

I'll give you credit for trying, anyway...
Look who's taking it. Doctors, nurses. The people on the front lines.

The people who know the most about it.

If you had an IQ over 85, you would ask yourself what they know that you don't.
...Look who's taking it. Doctors, nurses. The people on the front lines. The people who know the most about it. If you had an IQ over 85, you would ask yourself what they know that you don't.
You're in this over your head, Mo... let it go.

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